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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Sorry this took so long, in a attempt to put my son to sleep I went to sleep beside him lol. This is not the best but its been some months since I played a new character so please bear with me!

For Jericho!

The soft "wooshing" sound of running water met her ears as she walked through the immensely bright hue of Red Fern Forest. A half day of walking had brought her closer to the main source of water in the Vale of Secrets, and she felt herself deserving of a cold drink after a eventful run in with a male magpie who's bravery resulted in occasional dives at her debris littered coat. The desperate nature of the scavenger bird assured her that the packs in the area had grown smarter in guarding their caches or with winter so far in the future their were none yet dug up. Either way, Bastet found herself snapping feverishly at the fiendish bird only to end up empty handed as it avoided her jaws with swiftness, landed on a nearby branch and waited for her attention to move to the scenery around her before attempting to snatch at the loose debris once more. Finding the Cold Water Creek not only would be a welcoming spot to drink, but perhaps soak her dirt laced coat in an effort to avoid the pestering of this male magpie on her return to Red Fern Forest. Within 20 minutes time the relief she had been craving revealed itself before her; a water source rich with flora surrounding its edges. She approached it with caution, set slowing at one side and placed a single forepaw inside, to check the temperature, before bringing this forepaw up toward her face in a slow motion the washed away the dirt from her cheek. Her movements were feline like, as she repeated this process twice more before moving to another body part all of which focused on her beautiful face. She was careful to nip at the temptation of the magpie along her hips, and whip like tail before plucking the last of a vibrant leaf from her lower back and settling onto her stomach to cast her long legs over the edge o the rushing creek. She would rest beneath the welcoming rays of the sun and regenerate her energy before moving forward. She needed a den, a place where she could seek shelter from the wrath of mother nature, but for now she enjoyed the silence that seemed to swallow her whole at the heart of Cold Water Creek.
(This post was last modified: Aug 08, 2013, 11:28 PM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
The leader of the Glen had been careful not to stray too far from home lately. It had started with her meeting with Corinna, making her realize that she needed to spend more time with her children than she had been. And then Phineas had gone off on his trip, keeping Borlla homebound as a couple of the pack went with him. And then the thorn and the badger...They were growing children, but they needed a little more growing before she would truly feel comfortable leaving them be. However, being homebound for so long, not to mention the passing hunt, had left the Glen leader dirty. Her white pelt was stained and tainted with dirt and dried spots of blood. The lacerations along her muzzle did not look so terrible as they had a week ago, but they were in need of some gentle washing as well to avoid infection now that Eponine had disappeared from the Glen.

She was disappointed to find that the woman had disappeared. It would likely be another hit on Ataneq, as he and the girl had been friends, if not more. Borlla should have made more of an effort a while ago, but she feared it might've been too late now. As she left her children in the care of her packmates, her mind wandered through the Glen's current..."problems", mostly of the social kind. It had been her intention to only go to the section of the creek that passed through their lands, but instead, she gave herself leave to go a bit further, heading towards the Red Fern Forest. It gave her a little more time to think.

When she reached the creek's edge, another was already bathing there. A raucous magpie had alerted her of that before she'd caught the faint scent of the stranger. She claimed her own space a few yards down, giving the water a few gentle laps before she let her forepaws sink into the calm, cool water. Her head turned then, orange eyes appraising the female, who looked far worse for wear then Borlla did. <b style="color:#32527a">"Hey," She greeted the stranger, ears pressed forward. She wondered if her company would be appreciated or if she'd be ignored. But the woman definitely looked like she needed a place to stay, and the Glen was always in need of eager new faces. <b style="color:#32527a"> <b style="color:#32527a">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Britannia who has 34 posts.
Jericho Saturnin

Though he almost resented it now with Hush's disappearance he found himself back in the too-big den in the red forest that he had been calling home for months now. Deep down he wished to depart from this place – to flee, move on without a backward glance and perhaps simply continue on out into the world where he wouldn't know a single face, where no one would have the likelihood of recognizing him as anything more than a dark faced stranger just passing through. Then, though, he couldn't help but acknowledge that was mostly true for this place as well – he had no one here he might call a friend or an ally, only vague acquaintances and very few of those at that. It also galled him to be pushed away from a place where he could have a happy future simply because he had been abandoned here. It almost felt like giving in, though it was a foolish notion to believe that Hush had intentionally harmed him he still felt a strange sort of defiance at the idea of moving on because of his hurts.

So, stubbornly (and perhaps stupidly) he stayed on in the wood – brooding more each day, seeing fewer of his kind and finding many a reason to be silent and alone. It wasn't a good path, but he walked it with the stubborn willfulness of a thwarted child. For now he would be immature, he'd live alone and see where it got him. Truth was that he didn't have much thought for tomorrow or the day after. His next meal was the furthest along he projected his thoughts into the future and this was more instinctual than intelligent. He gave no thought at all to the way his separation from society might change him.

Today he left the wood without intending to go far – as said his next meal hung in the back of his mind, nagging him almost incessantly. Searching along the edges of the smooth running creek that cut it's way across the land was as good a place to start as any when searching for game. It was a watering spot for a great many creatures and several of them were ones he was capable of hunting down alone if he was lucky enough to find a good and fresh trail. He got more than he bargained for, however, when he found himself coming up on a pair of wolves conversing on the other side of the creek. The space between them was narrow but the water provided a strange barrier, somehow excluding them from his conversation despite the fact that they were mere paces away.

He was forced to pause by an instinct he didn't understand, part of him urged that he should simply move on and not spare either stranger so much as a glance. What greeting did he owe them? But upbringing dictated it would be rude for him to simply walk on by and he forced himself to admit he couldn't afford to be making enemies considering the fact that he was alone here. He did not call out to them but he did stop, lingering on the far bank still and quiet.

Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
Sorry guys, that last post was horrible! Hopefully this one is better, and welcome Borilla! A new wolf is always welcome ^^

Within moments she was asleep, the cool breeze from the west lulled her further into a dream that felt almost like reality--until a smell reached her nose. Her head jerked up quickly, and almost as soon as she spotted Borilla sitting a few feet from her did she rise to her haunches, forcing the hairs along her spine to rise into spikes in attempt to appear bigger than the equally sized white female. She was cautious, with every right since becoming a loner, and her hairs didn't lower until she sniffed the air, and sensing no danger, settled them neatly into place to receive the universal greeting. She was silent a few seconds, her left ear twitched backward making sure no one else was approaching to surprise her, before she emitted an accented "ello" in response. She wondered to herself where the woman had come from, and why she was here and assumed the woman lived relatively close by considering her strange scent. She decided against speaking more than she needed, and glanced back over toward the lake, its crystalline waters bright with the afternoon rays bouncing against its surface, absentmindedly she found herself wondering how long she'd been asleep near the lake, "do ju know what dis lake es cawed?" she asked, her accent thick against her tongue. Her english wasn't perfect but she had learned a lot in the past year and was sure she could perfect it further as time went by.

No sooner did the words leave her mouth did she catch Jericho's dark figure in her peripheral vision, she turned to take the male's physique in fully, by nature he was bulkier and taller than the medium females despite their common terminology, and his eyes were a bright contrast against his black fur. He did not speak to them, instead he lingered near the edge of the lake a few meters from where they sat in silence, strange of any male that she had ever encountered in the past but she had already accepted that the culture here was different than back home. Given Bastet's upbringing she did not approach him, nor did she acknowledge him, in fact one would assume she hadn't noticed the male at all, but she waited patiently for him to introduce himself and allowed her full attention back to the white pelted woman.
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Omg I'm so sorry! I didn't even see that you'd marked the thread for someone else. I'll shoo Borlla away, cause I'd just hold the thread up anyway.

As the first word came forth, it was hard for Borlla not to be a tiny bit surprised. She'd met wolves that had spoken in different tongues and tones, but it always caught her off guard. But she focused her attention temporarily back upon the water, appreciating that she'd at least gotten a greeting in return. She let her legs fall out beneath her, pale body submerging for a few seconds before she came back up, looking a bit brighter than before. Pale fur in the forest never fared well, and so she needed to find a source of water every few days to ensure that she didn't turn a musty brown. Thankfully, the creek wasn't too far from the Glen. An accented question rose from a few feet away, and Borlla turned her attentions back to her aquatic companion. <b style="color:#32527a">"I don't know of any lake, but this is Cold Water Creek." and aptly named. Despite her thick fur, she could always feel a chill down to her skin.

For a moment, she waited expectantly for a response, but noticed the other woman's faint change in focus, spotting too the dark man on the far side of the water. She watched him for a moment, and though did not judge him a threat, felt as though home was a desperately smart place to return to. More wolves were coming to the east, and she needed to weed out the good ones, those looking for a home, but perhaps she shouldn't have strayed so far. With her fur mostly clean, she turned her golden eyes to the wading woman, and gave her a faint nod. <b style="color:#32527a">"Follow the creek south. Maybe we'll run into each other again." With a final golden look towards the blue-eyed man, she gave him a nod as well before paddling her way to shore and up the bank, taking no time to shake before she let the trees consume her again. <b style="color:#32527a">

/Borlla exits
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention