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Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
Territory creation: Scarecrow Butte
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Lingering on the very outskirts of the foothills is a lone hill- with asteep incline made mostly of loose scree, it is a tiring scramble to the top, though reaching this will afford the determined climber a panoramic view, composed of Serpent's Pass, Mount Dire and even a glint of Lost Lake through the woodlands. Only a few trees grow up the sides of the butte, but the ground is too unstable for the roots; avalanches are extremely common in the winter- though only in small amounts, given the fact that the butte is quite far from being a mountain- and landslides in the summer months.

RE: Sagacity- a spider tried to crawl up your nose!

She'd never seen that formation before. Though she was familiar with most of Riddle Heights, she'd never set eye on the lone, small peak which reached up, as though to prove its worth against the backdrop of Mount Dire. There in the foothills, had it been among the other hills, it might have appeared small and not very noteworthy- but as it had planted itself a small distance from the other hills, it stuck out, like a duckling left behind. She decided, then, to investigate it, to see what she could see from its bald top.

As soon as she reached the incline she noticed that going straight up would be quite a task. It was very steep and the footing was small shards of rock- scree. It would not be a walk to the top but a scramble, with each step giving away a small amount. She decided, then, to use a different method and create her own, switchback trail, zig-zagging her way up the hill's side so as to avoid falling completely backwards and sliding down the slope. The footing wasn't easy, even for a wolf who lived on a mountain. All of the rocks were loose and slid with little prompt beneath her paws. An eagle circled above, and she found herself wondering if it lived on the top...But, of course, there were no trees. Perhaps it lived in one of the trees near the butte's base.

Things only got worse when she felt something tickling the side of her nose. She twitched her muzzle to try and rid herself of that feeling, but there was definitely something on or near her nose. It wasn't just a twinge. She crossed her eyes to see what it was, and sure enough, she saw a blurry little shape- too close to focus on- just moments before she felt some of its tiny legs tickling the inside of one of her nostrils. She sneezed violently and shook her head, but the sudden movement caused the rocks beneath all four feet to slide. She fell over onto her side, but the smoothe rocks beneath her began to move as well, and before she knew it, she became part of a small scree slide, as that patch of rocks and shale began to slide down the hillside. She struggled to gain her feet but the rocks kept moving and gave her no hold. It was only when she slid past a small, deformed tree that she found some hope- by reaching out and grabbing the branch with her teeth. The rocks continued to move, trying to pull her with them- but she held fast. Finally, the rocks beneath her stopped moving, though the rest continued to slide down the slope. Panting, she regained her feet, finally, and took a break, pressing her body close to the scraggly tree lest the ground try to move her again.

(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2013, 07:12 PM by Sagacity.)
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