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Played by Outcast who has 14 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maverick Noah Ryder

As the vibrant sun rose over lands rough horizon and basked on the great territories below it, the husky built male settled into a steady yet light trot into the forest once more. The lupus was deep within his own thoughts, not really paying much attention to where he was heading in this unfamiliar place. Movements were graceful, strides smooth, toned muscle flexed with ease as the large creature almost appeared to be floating with the foggy floor. Maverick’s bi colored nostrils flared intensely as the mixture of the wildness and thick eerie fog mingled in his nose, warm digits flickered over the space before him as curiosity made him venture further and further into the woods.

Although it seemed like it was only yesterday when the male found this new world to explore, a few mornings had come and gone with a new sense of interest under each paw print. The scarred canine held his head high in the sight of a new day, his tail high slightly curled at the tip in towards his back, and ears shifted back and forth with every new sound he heard. Being a loner had its benefits, being able to be free from someone controlling you or tell you what to do. You were a free wolf to do what you please when you please. Yet… being a social creature he was, it made loneliness ever so present and ever so hard to deal with.

Maverick’s muzzle open wide in a large yawn, his blacken lips pealed back by force of this yawn as his pearl white canines were revealed and his darker colored tongue recoiled back as well. After a restless night in a make shift den that was far from comfortable, the beast kept on the move while he searched for a morning snack. Once again, shadows played with him in the dense forest as he tried to find even a rat to quite his rumbling stomach. A low grumble rumbled in the males athlete body as he hoped to find something soon, or at least get out of his forest before nightfall.

SETTING ♔ september - early autumn - early morning - overcast - current temperature: 61° F/16° C
OOC ♔ i fail at life. xD Maverick is just passing though.
TAGS ♔ this is for @silver but all are still welcome to join after

(This post was last modified: Sep 11, 2013, 12:16 AM by Maverick.)

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver went out on a little trip to scout the area. Leaving the home she knew so well she begin to plunge into a deep and dark forest. Running around and dodging trees her paws moved swiftly. Coming across the scent of another she followed it. Leading her into the middle of the wonderland of woods she finally saw what she wanted. What seemed to be some big double colored wolf. Holding her tail high she walked up behind him "Are you lost?" her voice said she was kind but her Tail said she was a dominate wolf.

Her eyes searched over the male, something said he was a familiar one but Silver was sure she would have remembered meeting him. He certainly held beauty just like her mate @Ace. The mixes of the large males colors was unusual of yellow and black. It made a small smile tug at her lips "My name is Silver." she stated in a strong and bold voice. She could easily tell they both carried dominance genes. Surly both wanted to be treated like Alphas but neither were Alphas, at least Silver wasn't yet. She wanted to be but that was a far cry from reality. Just like everything was with her. Nothing was reality. Everything was a fantasy.

Waiting for a reply from the wolf she lowered her tail a bit. Not to much to show she was harmless but just to enough to show she wasn't going to maul his face off, if she even had the strength to.
Played by Outcast who has 14 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maverick Noah Ryder

The athletic toned male felt his stiff muscles loosen with each gentle stride he took, paws grazed the forest floor as he dark citrine irises flickered over the wood land around. He blinked as the thick eerie fog seemed to linger on the forest floor here as well, the sounds of rustling creature and unearthly sounds was all round him as it haunted him. A low uneasy growl rumbled in his cheats as the scarred beast slowed his pace, a sense of him being follower overwhelmed him as his black ears fell back slightly and his stance took on a more dominate intimidating posture. A huff came from the canine as his steps slowed into a stop and his ears flickered to each sound he could here.

It was when he heard a soft voice from behind him that made the canine’s heart race, pound against his cheats as he swiftly turned to face the one who has been following him. His blacken lips started to peel back and his ears fell back as he ready an unwelcome attack by his follower, probably one of the males from the previous pack he came across getting revenge for mingling with their females. But when his warm eyes fell on ebony beauty that stood behind him, his expression quickly shifted into a small smile and his stance to on a more relax demeanor. The male gazed upon liquid golden eyes as she spoke.

“You gave me quite a start my dear,” Maverick chuckled lightly as the black headed lupus greeted the she wolf with a playful smirk, “I thought you were someone else coming to rip my head off.” The canine let the thought of some male wolf attempting to rip his head off, but it only made the lupus laugh to himself that another wolf could even get close to being so without feeling Maverick tare them apart. But the though quickly vanished as he learned of the she wolfs name. “Hello Silver,” the battle wore male greeted with a friendly tone, “I am Maverick.” The canine let himself fall into a small bow to the lovely female, his head ducked down only for a moment before his gazed held hers once more. “And yes,” the canine grinned with soft nod, “I am a little lost. Being new to the arena, it seems as if I am heading in circles. Well… if feels that way anyway. Would you mind helping little old me?” The large creature fell silent as he waited to see if the female was nice enough to help the poor lonely lost loner.

SETTING ♔ september - early autumn - early morning - overcast - current temperature: 61° F/16° C
OOC ♔ sorry for the wait hun :/
TAGS ♔ this is for @silver but all are still welcome to join after

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Maverick don't worry about it :)
Death does not scare me,
Silver Shadow
A life without them scares me...

"Well hello Maverick. I would be more then willing to lead you out." Silver easily led him through the thick fog and trees. This had been nothing, she was use to running over fallen logs and jumping the brook back at her home. So this was a simple walk. For some reason though she felt as if she knew this wolf. Like he was a ghost from her past. Yet it was also impossible, she had never seen Maverick in her life. If she had then it must have been when she was far to young to remember.

Stopping she turned to face the large male again. Taking a deep breath in she looked at him with soft golden eyes "You wouldn't happen to know someone who carries the last name Shadow? Perhaps another name before that but it was changed to Shadow?" Silver paused in between to give him some time to think about what she had just asked. "It's just you seem so familiar yet we have never met before." her voice trailed off softly after those last words. He probably thought she was crazy though. How could they possibly be related and or distant family members. Though if they were that meant she wasn't alone! It meant there was more family. Her heart was now racing but she had to calm herself down. It was never good to get your hopes up to early.

261 Words