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Heart Broken, Spirit Gone, Will It Ever End?
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Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
Sorry about the wait Becca! ^^

RE Event: Adsila caught sight of a strange wolf who seemingly does not want to be seen.

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

She had kept away from everyone. It seemed when she was by herself the aching in her heart subsided slightly, and she could think that it had been her imagination; a scary dream. But everytime her mind wandered to think about him, she burst into tears and fell into a heap of blubbering emotions; sadness, anger, confusion. All the wolves that she had know left without a word, no "goodbye" or "I'll be back soon". They just left her for no apparant reason.

First it had been her mother, Rosealia. She had left before they were even a month old, and the young princess couldn't remember anything about her. No sound of her voice, the smell of her scent, or the feel of her touch. It was all lost to her, but she didn't care. Just as her mother didn't care about her or Karpos. Otherwise she wouldn't have left them for dead. Then it had been Capella, she had been her first friend -apart from Karpos- and then one day, she had just disappeared into the night. After that, it had been her father. Just knowing that he would never be there to comfort her again made everything worse. But the last straw was when Anastasia, Lachesis and Spectre had all left. Her adoptive mother -whom she had started to like- and Spectre -her new best friend- was the hardest apart from her father to let go, as she hadn't really spent time with Lachesis.

After everyone that she cared about left, it had created a huge hole in her heart, one that couldn't be filled. She wouldn't open her heart to anyone, lest it just be cracked into even more pieces and shredded to bits. The pain was just unbarable, and she didn't want to make it worse. No one could drag her out of the hole she had fallen into, not even Karpos. And if they tried, she would fight back as hard as she could.

A sudden sound caused the Young Princess to gasp and lift up her head, fur raising and silvery green eyes flitting around nervously. The darkness and eerie silence gave no sign of showing what had made the noise, but there was a slight scent above the smell of the rotting stumps of wood and whatever else. She was old enough to know how to defend herself, but whatever it was could easily cause much damage to her. "H-hello?" Her stuttering and fearful tone made the Young Princess growl softly to herself. She wouldn't let anyone see her in this state of fear and depression. Pulling herself together with a deep breath, she stared defiantly into the darkness and spoke in a rough tone. "Show youself!"

454 Words

(This post was last modified: Oct 13, 2013, 12:45 PM by Adsila.)