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Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Semananti never stops and gives up
Semananti vs. Muerda for V. Scout or V. Subordinate [take 2]

Semananti had spared little time to recover from her first attempt to take the spot that Muerda held. She actually listened to the advice that her opponent gave, about letting each of them talk before she actually went and attacked. Muerda had been luck that Sema had missed or surely Sema wouldn't be asking for her yet again. She raised her muzzle to the sky and sent the message to @Muerda and she even asked for @Elettra if possible. She had made it evident that she wanted to challenge Muerda. Her words echoed through the sky. I am back to try again, same place. It was the same place that the last challenge she had done had taken place. Sema had been harboring over her defeat and the miss so much that it was affecting her mind.

She hoped with a win that she might soothe the crazy and out of control thoughts. The time of day was easily noon, enough time for Muerda to have gotten up and gone for at least a stretch of the legs. Her Lady Elettra was sure to be up, helping Tempest or watching the pups {which is why she simply asked if she had time to come and be an 'overseer' of the challenge}. If she had better and more productive things to do then that was fine with Sema. The fact was she wanted to have a witness when she won. She was over confident and she was cocky. Both of these things could be her downfall or her triumph.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: ALP-stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

(This post was last modified: Oct 25, 2013, 02:45 AM by Semananti.)
[Image: WR3.png]
Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire

Muerda had been doing what she always did, walking borders and keeping the caches stocked up the best she could. Though just as expected the woman who challenged her once more called for her. Not keeping her waiting anymore the rusty woman set off in the direction of the call. Smiling she nodded her head when in the sight of the younger woman. "Would you care to talk this over? Oh and the last time we met I don't believe I got your name." Standing at a respectful distance Muerda awaited the others words. Should they be harsh, she would not be offended. If they are easy-going, she would be pleased.

Running over their last meeting Muerda knew that if the woman didn't wish to talk things out then it might get nasty. She could tell they were both natural fighters and naturally competitive. Which meant more of a mess to deal with if they did come to terms of fighting again. Though she assumed that the amber eyed woman probably took her advice, other wise Muerda might have been tracked down to fight out the role because she herself knew what anger and frustration could do. It drove you to do stupid things, like revenge and turning cold. But it seemed as if this woman knew how to handle her anger streak. Which was rather good in a crowded pack. Muerda already knew that everyone would be after everyones' spot. So she had to be healthy and well aware, always.

Table by PuppyThief

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Semananti stood as proud as she almost always was when Muerda arrived. <b style="color:#2897ed;">"We will talk, as equals, until we decide who it is that should have your rank. Semananti Whurshire, long standing and loyal member of Willow Ridge." She had to make the note that she was an older member, she also had to remind this wolf that she was loyal. She had sworn on Artemis that she would remain forever loyal, such a promise is unbreakable. To break the vow warranted death. Of course, this wolf knew nothing of her religion of that of her goddess. The only reason she had to call on Muerda again was because she had missed her final attack and this gave Muerda the upper edge. She was ready this time and she refused to miss another blow.

<b style="color:#2897ed;">"You see, I was ranked back in the spring, early summer, but when I headed out on a venture with Lady Elettra's blessing, others joined and I no longer hold a higher spot. I use to hold a spot that was well above yours and I intend to get it back one way or another. I ask you to step aside so I may complete my task. If not, I will fight you for it, and you won't be so lucky to have me miss my mark again." She challenged her with words. That was the truth and she hoped that Muerda saw sense in what Semananti was talking about, after all, she had not spoken one ill word. <b style="color:#2897ed;">"I have the rest of my life to get to the rank of second, and I will get there, sooner rather than later." Sema had almost made it sound as if she was second when she left, but Skana had always held that and Sema would not challenge her for it out of respect she held for the woman. No, she wasn't second, but that was her goal. Skana was old and would soon kick the bucket it seemed so Sema could take her spot without guilt of dethroning and elder.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: ALP-stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

[Image: WR3.png]