At last the healer arrived and settled herself in time to here Tokino suggesting that Minka challenge Narime for leadership when she returned. While Simaea didn't agree with the notion, she had to admit, Inali's words were true. "Minka!" Simaea called out from where she sat, calling complete attention to herself which caused a squeak and shrinking of her body, only to straighten her shoulders and speak. "From the standpoint of a leader I have to say that I'd rather there be no fighting or challenging this winter as I have a very limited supply of herbs. However I must admit that what Inali says is true. I do not feel she needs to be taught a lesson, but If you feel like she cannot lead her pack then by all means, assume control. I will follow."
A pointed look was sent in Kino's direction. Simaea was emphasizing in her own way that he needn't make Nari look like a child, even if he was her family. They always seemed to but heads when they were around one another, it was quite remarkable, for Simaea found she didn't hate him, but respected him, even if they almost NEVER agreed. The Caverns Healer turned back to Minka and awaited further conversing among the pack.