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Sail away with me honey
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<3333 i'm glad you like them! i posted the fixed table in the gift thread since the new board makes my html all wonky. oopsssy

He offered her a soft, lop-sided smile as she brushed off his choking incident although his eyes remained focused on the meal between his paws. The alabaster yearling was envious of the relationship the dark female had with her family – XIX had only ever been close with his sister and mother during his life on the reserve. His brothers had constantly bullied him and his father had been infatuated with the comfortable life they lived behind the fence, which had caused him to be distracted. It didn’t matter to the pale ghost – he no longer lived there and didn’t intend to return. He was happy here, which was a strange concept for the spider-legged youth. He had grown so accustom to making others happy that he had nearly gotten how to take care of himself properly.

As he shoved his mouth full of still-warm meat the emerald-eyed female spoke once more, breaking the silence with a welcomed compliment. Swallowing hard the boy prodded the rabbit thoughtfully before allowing his pale orbs to meet the female’s gaze. Her unexpected words and light tone had successfully pulled Nineteen away from his thoughts. “You’re not so normal yourself, Pen,” he retorted awkwardly with a quick wag of his tail. “In a good way, of course…” A quick pause followed, allowing Lachesis to shove another bite of rabbit into his mouth as he mulled chewed over his thoughts. “Why did you leave?” He asked suddenly once he swallowed his mouthful, head cocked slightly as curiosity bubbled within his chest. Blinking rapidly he quickly shook his head in an attempt to dismiss what had just fallen off his tongue. “S-Sorry Pen, you d-don’t have to answer that.”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
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