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Played by Vami who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The darkness was thick and impenetrable, the fog rising to his chest as it stirred around his limbs, giving truth to the name of the Umbra Corpse. Who knew how long the pair had been traveling in this forest, lost amongst the darkness and mists. Though it was mid-day, it was as dark as if it were night and the winds were bitter, the snows yet still thick even in the cramped forestry. Perhaps they would never find them here. Perhaps @Hypatia, even if she did escape his clutches, would never find her way out.

The man did much to coax the child, whispering sweet nothings that everything would be alright and that for certain they would find themselves back home soon. He had no intention of leading her the right direction, not until he was certain he would gain his pound of flesh - or more. As much as he could carry and run away with, leaving the Magnolia Glen wolves with far less food supply then they had originally. Though it was but a few days, much ground had been covered and as they grew more tired of travel, they once more needed to find shelter in order to ward off the cold of winter. "Hypatia...!" He calls for her, certain she was not far behind. His ears were focused into her direction, listening to her footfalls, which was really the only sounds other then himself in the still of winter. "I think I've found something..." The silver and black patched male spoke, quickening his pace as he caught sight of a small hallow rested against a fallen log. It was perfect. His stubby tail waved, feigning a happiness he did not feel for anything or anyone savor his Master's word. The plan was figured, set and now he had been to execute.
Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
@Beelzebub >.< i suck.

Hypatia hated this place. The only thing keeping her an anchored in shadow and mist was the black and silver male. Even then, orange eyes often wondered if she was looking at hist tail or it was something that looked to be. It was with her still untrained nose she tried to let it guide her, pushing hard through the snow. She had a feeling this was not the way to the glen, once the snow had started she didn't know where anything was. This man had told her he was part of the pack, and would soon make their way home. That it would be fine. The weather seemed to be against that idea, and she hated to think how long until they would reach it. The walk here had been long enough.

Ears pressed to her crown, tail tucked, shoulders hunched, it took a lot for her not to cry out in howls, or small whines. This point she felt certain the wind would tug it away, just as it was trying to steal her warmth.

His voice calls out, and she quickly shoots forward in a sudden burst of speed. It is the only comfort in this unknown. With a bark she assures him she's coming, and quickly perks up. Where they almost to the creek? Hope lights her eyes as she makes her way closer, finding she is following his trail. It is not the familiar creek, it is shelter. Wanting to be out of the elements, it is not the worse thing. Small tail beats in turn, while she shuffles to the entrance, letting her nose pick its scents apart. It doesn't smell like anything she remembers, but she forces herself not to frown, only to stare at it blankly. It was sorta a den like home, with ab attempted smile to him, she makes her way inside. She has plenty of questions weighing on her mind, almost bending her tongue she looks to him for instruction. What could they even do now?
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2014, 02:42 PM by Hypatia.)
Played by Vami who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Going to try to move this along very quickly so that I can start up the other with @Phineas and Beelzebub's bargaining. Let me know if you want me to change something @Hypatia. :3

His smile deepens with her reply of a bark, skipping quickly along to his side so that she too may investigate the scene. Ether he had proven a good liar after all or the child was quite gullible. Ether way, the plan he had made was working out perfectly and if only she obeyed him, soon enough she would be in the comforting embrace of her pack territory even if it did mean he was taking what little food supplies they had left with him in order to insure his own survival.

Awaiting her to enter, he then follows the youth inside. It was a snug fit yet enough room for the both of them to curl around one another and fit. "It will do until the storm passes. Then ill look for something to eat before we head back." He spoke, trying not to cringe as he situated himself around her. Within a few hours he would wake, batting his eyes and shifting himself in order to stretch at the opening of the little hollow for which they had come to rest. "I wont be long." It was all he said, really and hopefully she would get the hint that he was going to go out and find some food and that she should stay put. Though he had no intention of just leaving her here with free range to run off where she pleased. After all, his trek back to her pack lands would take some time despite his last statement. "I'm going to cover the opening, okay? I wouldn't want some predator trying to eat you while I'm gone. Winter brings out the worst in animals." He is left to await any objections before moving a large portion of wood and rock over the den's opening. He could only hope with her being much smaller, she would not have the strength get out and go anywhere without him knowing about it.
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2014, 10:21 PM by Beelzebub.)
Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
Inside, forming herself into a small ball, she bobs her head in understandment. This was better than freezing outside, and that made the little hole ten times better. With his warmth about her, she began to breathe a little easier, and eventually rest her tired eyes. She almost believed she was back home in the den with her mother.

It was the sound of his voice that later woke her, and orange eyes, worriedly looked up to her safe keeper. There was no assurance, no answer to where he was going. With a look outisde, back to the silver whiskered wolf she decided he must want to figure out where they were. Maybe, food if it were at all possible. She was fine staying here, not to slow the process. "Okay," she managed to answer, curling her limbs more tightly beneath her creamy coat. Before he left he made certain she was fine with sealing the way. It did not take a lot to convince her it was a good idea. The thought of something coming to get her while he was gone was all it took for her to bob her head again. She had no intention of going any where. Where would she go? If she tried to go her own she knew she would get lost. This wolf was the hope she clung to, believing he would take her back to their pack. She could explain what had happened, and how she really watched the hunt the whole time. Ask her mother if they had gotten the caribou.

Holding on to these things she again drifted off, feeling she would see them soon.
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2014, 02:56 PM by Hypatia.)
Played by Vami who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Short exit is short.

He was her keeper, her savior and the wolf that would lead them back to safety - back to home. Perhaps this could have been true had he not been objected, had her very farther not spat on his abilities and rejected him from joining the pack. They could have been friends. Now, Beelzebub was simply set on doing his best to make that wolf pay for what he had done and regret the decision for which he had made. Getting only silent agreement from the youth, he turned and make his swift way back to Magnolia Glen.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Water is beginning to freeze and some fish are trapped. Hunt Opportunity