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Played by Rebel who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
It seemed as if things had happened a little quick for his liking, but there was no turning back now. He was now a part of something he had spent years avoiding, and for what? He wasn't sure. It would most certainly be an adjustment, but one that could be made less painful. Ever since he had felt Naira run along his side, accept him as one of their own, he felt a faint ebbing of anxiety deep within his being. Like all things only time could tell what life for him would hold, but he prayed to Lady Fate that she would not lead him down the wrong path. He couldn't yet tell if he had done that to himself.

He couldn't complain about the location. He had been residing here before he even had knowledge of Sage and her "family". It was quiet and the landscape lay before him like a painting. Months he had spent sitting outside his makeshift den staring at the horizon, her colors calling him like a siren, never once could he ignore her request for him. Years he had spent chasing her, trying to reach the yellow ball of fire before it touched the Earth, but only here did his feet feel solid. He might be old. He might be crazy. He might just be damned tired. All he knew is that his life had always felt like winter - and someone had become his summer.

A huff escaped his chest as he stretched forward to alleviate the stiffness from his joints. Surely another would cross his path soon and he would have to introduce himself as the newest (for as much as he knew) member to Nomad's Pass. Oh, how ironic life can be.
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Since coming back home from his impulsive trip with the yearling Taima, the grizzled male who reigned over the Pass had spent the hours after his arrival scouring the scent-marked borders of Naira's territory. While he had initially traveled in her footsteps to re-establish his own contribution to the invisible fence, he actually was sniffing about for any sign of anything peculiar that had happened in his brief absence. It was clear after a mile or so that the whole of Nomads Pass remained well-protected, except... What was this?

Mapplethorpe's brow furrowed and the withers along his back rose defensively upon picking up @Naira's scent with a whiff of cologne. New recruit. His tail, which had been idly swaying to and fro in a gentle arch just behind his hind limbs, instinctively rose, and he immediately went out of his way to seek out this certain individual. By scent alone, he had been given all the necessary details he had needed. Gender, male. Age, mature... Mood and health... Well, when it came to those particular things, the Advisor was certain of two things: first, this male did not smell of disease or blood and, second, whatever mood he was currently in, Mapplethorpe was certain that upon his arrival any feelings of indifference or casualness would surely change.

Taking his time in tracking the new recruit's path through the Pass served him well and, somewhere alongside the stony creek beds and the narrow strip of scrub pine forest, he found him. He straightened his posture, standing a good distance away as he stared at the relaxed form of the sable stranger. If he hadn't been relying on his nose to divulge certain information beforehand, he might have sworn that Rhysis had returned. His eyes narrowed but after much speculation, he strode forward and stopped just close enough to be within comfortable distance to make acquaintances.

His head rose up as he shifted his weight from one side to the other, his stern gaze boring into the foreign male as his gray-and-tan tail came up like banner that announced the arrival of a monarch. He could have said a lot of things, jestful words that hinted at being mistaken for someone else or a friendly greeting that had to be accompanied by a smile, but what left his mouth instead was a serious and heavy-toned "Salutations."

Played by Rebel who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Faol had taken the liberty to clear his mind and lallygag about Nomad's Pass since his recruitment. However, his solitude was not long lived. In the midst of relieving his joints another's voice resonated in his ears and he turned slowly to see his greeter. It was another male, mixed in color, that stood a respectable distance away. His stature demanded respect in a less than subtle manner, his tail raised high and mighty as a general in command. Then it donned on Faol that he must be in the presence of Nomad's Pass's male alpha. Although Faol knew the appropriate way to greet a monarch he felt a sudden anger begin to burn in his chest. However, he didn't let any of his feelings form on his face and regrettably he lowered his head just enough to prove passable.

"Greetings, Sir," he said slowly, his tail still hanging motionless beside his ankles. He didn't take this Alpha to be kind by studying his demeanor, but he also was the newest member; accepted solely by Naira. He didn't know Faol from Adam, and greeted him as such. "I am Faol," he added, with a nod of his black peppered head. He stood there, unsure of what to say to the man, having never been in this situation before. Of course there were things that he wished he could say. Even though he was smart enough to understand the concept it was hard for Faol to accept that not all alphas were biggots, masters that commanded their pack to do as they wished.

His tongue flicked on the back of his teeth like a snake on the hunt - burning to say the things to crossed his mind. However, his face was set solid like stone, and he fought the internal instinct with logic. He had met Naira before he knew she was alpha of The Pass and they had gotten along just fine. He hoped for this to turn out just the same.
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
With Rais out on a mission to search for Chulyin and Crowe still needing to prove his worth, this gentleman, here, could only be the very man who held a position below him. Mapplethorpe had been rather smart to choose the gentler and milder greeting. Not only had it coaxed a "Greetings, Sir," from the peppered man, but it had also reaped a simple and pleasant introduction.

His name was Faol. It seemed familiar, but the Advisor could not recall anyone by such a name in all the seven years of his life. Perhaps he was just reminded of someone. Hmm. "Mapplethorpe," he introduced himself in turn, taking a few steps forward before stopping once more. At the very least the man seemed both respectful and respectable. "I trust you've settled in all right?" he asked, his tone edging on the brink of amiableness in hopes of finding a trace of compatibility between them. The last thing Mapplethorpe wanted to do was to send the man, who was apparently a bit younger and physically much larger than he was, into the beginnings of a rebellion against him. The tawny man had come this far and he had grown so selfish and vain to a point where even thinking of putting his position at risk was something to be avoided at all costs.

"Have you taken your vows?" he then queried, wondering now just what his dearest Naira had seen in this brute. "I'm sure you've met the Queen, herself, but has she assigned you a role to fulfill as well?"

Played by Rebel who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Keeping his head lowered, Faol watched as the man stepped forward, obviously pleased by the return greeting he had mustered. It eased him a bit, and thus he doused the stinging fire with a puddle of hope. His name was different and not familiar in the least bit, and Faol assumed this would play a part in his fiber; his character as a man and a leader. His stoic façade seemed to turn more gentle as he eased them into conversation and for that the black male was appreciative - for he didn't have a paw full of words to say."I've been taking to The Pass well enough, yes," he said. His words were not to be sugar coated. Even as out of place as he felt he didn't mind the aloofness of his pack mates.

Instinct gradually kicked in and he began to scent the male to learn his statistics. He was older than Faol, but not by too much. Although he smelled of Nomad's Pass he didn't smell particularly of Naira. This must not have been the devil she was searching for the first time he met her in the wild. Perhaps he was of kin to her? Or simply the most qualified male to reign. His next question brought up a curiosity in Faol. His vows. What exactly could that mean? He would rather be seen as one to learn than one to stay ignorant, so he spoke."I don't quite understand what you mean by vows," he stated, but spoke once more when another question was administered.

"I have had the pleasure to meet Naira. However, she has not given me a duty to fulfill," he continued. Slightly feeling the fire return with the announcement of a "duty". Was he to be a chess piece in their game? Using him only for the benefits he might reap for them? He was unsure as of what was to come next, but he assumed he must take responsibly for something if he were to stay a welcome member.
(This post was last modified: Sep 24, 2013, 08:01 PM by Faol.)
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Open ears were eager to drink up the words that told him of Faol's ease into the pack and its stony, mountainous lands. To this, he nodded once, appreciating the curtness in his tone and the words he had chosen. "I see," he mused, a small smile playing long his lips. The brute then mentioned that he didn't quite understand what Mapplethorpe meant by vows. It made sense, really, the Queen's Consort was usually the one who made it his sole duty to bestow upon the newly recruited and the familiar the words that bound Naira's subordinates to the Pass. Faol also mentioned Naira's name - something that assured him that the gent hadn't wound Mapplethorpe up in his own web of words - but had not had the chance to be assigned a specific duty.

"The vows are simple," he heartened his companion with a small wag of his tail. "I normally have new recruits undergo initiation by taking an oath, otherwise, I have them make their declarations upon requesting or receiving proper employment within the pack if they haven't already." His amber eyes narrowed as he looked over Faol again, sensing the flame that smoldered at the heart of him. This one was determined... Naira did well to snatch him up. Even upon first impression Faol seemed to be the type who could easily take up the spot beside a bluestocking, in turn rendering him into someone Mapplethorpe would readily keep an eye on. The smirk that had graced Mapplethorpe's lips from before evened out into a more genuine grin, expectation heavily laced along each syllable, "Would you like to be given a role to fulfill?"

Played by Rebel who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The tawny male before him seemed kind enough. His demeanor had quickly changed from one of authority to one of welcome. He seemed to be pleased with his words even though he lacked what seemed to be common knowledge of the pack. His tail wavered with a swift wag, and the fire inside Faol's chest subsided evermore. Silently, he listened as Mapplethorpe explained the meaning behind them - and he had two choices. It didn't take Faol long to weigh his options. He didn't plan to stay within their borders and mosey about the place with nothing to do. He would go stir crazy faster than he already imagined he would. Plus, he needed something to keep him from constantly wondering about Sagacity.

"I suppose I shall take a role to fufill," he said, with a curt not. What he would be good at Faol wasn't sure. He thought that this consort would size him up and give him a specific task guided by the assumptions he could make. From what he collected he felt as if the male approved of him, so he wouldn't be assigned to a tedious or daunting task. He was well rounded in life experience, but he didn't know of one thing he was specifically exceptional at.

Yellow eyes watched him carefully, hoping that none of this was just a phantasmagoric front. However, he felt a slight kinship with the male between the two of them. It was nice to meet someone of equal stability and intelligence that didn't want to tear out his throat. Quietly, he awaited his judgement.
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Blegh, Naira beat 'im to awarding him a role. Cue the improvising and possible foreshadowing, but also, old thread is old. :x I enjoyed it nevertheless though. <3 Shall we wrap this up?

"I suppose I shall take a role to fufill," came the brute's eager response. Mapplethorpe had expected it. Determined indeed... "Then I will have you prove you are worthy of one," he muttered. "To Naira... To me..." A dirt-dusted paw lifted as he angled his body in such a way to suggest he would be leaving soon, that their curt encounter had been a means for Mapplethorpe to test Faol's personality.

"Everything here," he eyed Faol now with daggers in his eyes, "is earned."

His tail lifted now, still and bristled in an intimidating fashion, but his ears remained lax and the expression on his masked face as judgmental as ever. He gave a brief nod to the coal-pelted male as if that alone would instill in him mutual understanding. A second sweep of his eyes over the man suggested that perhaps the pack could use another Guardian, someone Chulyin could "buddy-up" with; and, Faol seemed amiable enough to balance the dark knight personality-wise. "The role is not mine to give," he admitted grimly, wanting @Naira to have the upper-hand in dealing with her recruit. "If you are seeking some sort of occupation, I suggest you trail along Chulyin's paths about the territory. Familiarize yourself with the borders. The pack needs an extra set of eyes towards the western woodlands."

Mapplethorpe made to make his leave but an idea struck him and he jolted as though Faol had said something insulting or intriguing. His eyes immediately went back to the brute's face and his eyes narrowed once more, "If you've had the chance to acquaint yourself with the cubs, might I also advise that you keep an eye on them? @Aponi has a penchant for running off without my or Naira's permission. If found out-of-bounds, will you please bring her to me?"