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firework — Swift River 
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Played by Ashley who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sojourn Ranger Aquila
<i> For Borlla! :) </i>

Her run-in with Quest had gotten her to thinking about her relationship with Ruiko, and that in turn had gotten her thinking about her relationship with Ruiko's siblings and friends. From what she gathered, Ruiko had two siblings here now, a boy named Kinis and a girl named Borlla. She had never met any of them, but she needed to. The only other wolf she knew for sure that lived here was Avalloc, Ruiko's second in command. There was another wolf there, but Ranger had yet to make out his scent or learn his name, and so he was of little significance to her right now. Perhaps later she'd take the time to learn the other wolf's name.

Ranger was officially part of the Swift River pack now and with her title of Subordinate (something she wasn't pleased about, but would deal with later), she needed to get to know those whom Ruiko trusted. If he trusted and loved them, then she would gladly do the same. He was the alpha after all and no matter how she might feel personally about him, she had to respect his rank and his judgement without question. Today Ranger was exploring. With the water beginning to return to their home, she was keeping close to the river for now. She stopped occasionally to look into the water, steadily trickling in now, but would eventually return to her leisurely stroll. She was just getting used to pack life again and knew that getting to know the handful of packmates already there would help her acclimate to her new home.
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
sorry if it's a bit jumbled sounding. :C i'm still not entirely sure how her return thread is going to turn out.
It still felt funny being here. She wasn't sure if she quite liked it or not. The young female still wanted to run as far as her paws could take her. But she remained, knowing that she'd hate it if she ran away. And coming back would only serve her more punishment and embarrassment. Maybe, one day she'd estivate, find somewhere warm to live. Since returning she'd been purposely avoiding Kinis and Ruiko.

This would be her chance to meet the other wolves. New creatures that she hadn't met that could distract her. She clearly had a habit of taking things to heart and keeping them there. Her shame would not wear away overnight. Her orange eyes watched the newly flowing water with curiousity and hope, wondering if the rest of her family would return soon. Something inside of her doubted that, and another bit of her wanted it to be false. She didn't want them back to hover over her. Kinis and Ruiko were enough.

A dark shape wandered a few meters ahead of her as she merged her way close to the water's side. Her ears perked up, and she pressed forward a few steps, oddly weary for meeting a wolf that actually wasn't a stranger to Swift River. Borlla could tell that by her scent. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ashley who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sojourn Ranger Aquila
<i> Sorry for the extreme wait! <3 </i>

Ranger was staring into the water when she heard soft footsteps behind her. Her ears flicked backward to catch the sounds but her eyes remained locked in place on her reflection. The stream trickled smoothly through its bed. The gentle flow was the sure sign of the returning water and Ranger was glad to see it running once again. After a moment, Ranger lifted her head and turned to look over her shoulder. The small girl that stood there must surely be Ruiko's sibling, but she wasn't sure which one. Borlla, maybe? She knew Kinis was a boy, so this must be Borlla.

<b>"Hey there,"</b> she said softly. While Ranger wasn't feeling particularly motherly just at that moment, she liked children well enough and could easily talk to them and tutor them. She wanted children at some point, but she was still debating that decision. <b>"I'm Ranger,"</b> she said, introducing herself. She turned around slowly to face the girl and let her softest smile show. <b>"You must be Borlla, Ruiko's sister."</b> she took care not to call her Ruiko's <i>little</i> sister; she remembered how much that peeved her when she was younger.
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla froze where she stood, eying the darker wolf with caution, with a hint of anger in her eyes. There was no particular reason for it to be there, but it just was. Something in the way the dark wolf just stood there and looked at her. And, oh! the way she spoke. It made Borlla's blood curdle. She wasn't a child. There was no need for soft tones and kiddie words. The young girl's ears flipped back, and the irritation in her gaze intensified.

The stranger, Ranger, knew Ruiko. Well, duh. How else would she have gotten into Swift River? Her tail tip twitched, and she lowered her hindquarters to the damp earth. Letting out a small breath of air, Borlla nodded, steadily wondering if it would just be better to be nice to this wolf. She didn't know Borlla, so...Maybe she didn't deserve her random acts of violence either. She tried to clear her features, tried to make herself neutral. <b style="color:#32527a">"I'm Borlla, yeah..." She half-grumbled, looking down at her paws for a moment. Slowly, she looked up, curiosity in her eyes, <b style="color:#32527a">"When did you get here?"

<b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention