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I go wherever these paws take me — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by WildOne who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Jaden Reem/Dusk
Date: 12/15/2013
The run through the long Winter night had been relentless and hadn't ended in till the next evening. The tedious trek had taken the wolf into Relic Lore, right past Secret Falls, and into Red Fern Forest. Exhausted couldn't even describe the hungry girl. Jade laid panting against a tree regaining any strength she could to her body. It wasn't long till she fell into a deep, peaceful, and well needed sleep for a few hours.

When drowsy Ice Blue eyes peaked open the day was long gone and midnight had taken over. She smiled groggily while raising her head off the cold forest floor. Her moist black nose twitched as she attempted to catch a whiff of any near by prey. When nothing came to her she got up swiftly while eyeing her surroundings wearily. Night may have been her favorite in 24 hours but she understood it was also dangerous.

Slowly, in cautious movements she began to search the territory for a belly filling meal.
(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2014, 01:45 AM by Jaden.)