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The city that nurtured my greed and my pride
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Post Prompt - Feel it in your bones.

@Rhysis <3

Like the city that nurtured my greed and my pride
I stretched my arms into the sky

A gentle breeze teased the golden fur about her neck. The soft grass folding forgivingly underneath her body as her eyes fluttered open to the sound of distant giggles and growls. The warm sun caressed her back as she breathed a sigh of relief. What a terrible nightmare...

Lifting herself up she shook the sleep from her bones, golden eyes taking in the lush terrain that surrounded the mountain lake before her with a smile. With a quick glance over her shoulder, she spied the four pups romping happily under the watchful gazes of both @Ava and @Athena. She couldn’t have hoped to find better friends when she had fled Swift River under the cover of night. A short chuff was offered to the lady gang before she set out in search of her mate. He worked so hard to keep them safe, she just wished sometimes that he wouldn’t get so upset with her for trying to help out a little. If she didn’t start patrolling the borders again soon she was bound to get fat.

But this time of day when the sun was high in the sky she would hope her busy love would be taking a break. On a whim, she headed towards the water, eyes scanning the flat tops of scattered boulders until a familiar dark smear came into view. Maintaining her casual pace she approached, her tail waving happily behind her as she drew close. Bracing her front paws against the rough rock she stretched her muzzle forward and ran it down the side of Rhysis’s dark cheek, his familiar scent filling her lungs and setting her blood on fire. With a sly grin she dropped back to the spongy earth, turning her back on the dark male with a chuckle. “The children are so well looked after I’m not sure what I should do with myself...” She looked back, a wild light in her eyes. So what are you going to do about it, hmm? she silently challenged.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
The sun beamed down upon his belly. In a childish manner he had rolled onto his back, legs sticking into the air and his eyes were closed as he rested in the warmth. The sun reflected off the calm lake warming the top of his head which hung off the boulder he dozed upon. Life was good. Calm and easy and he was enjoying every moment of being the King. He'd never had such a prestigious role to play, but it came easily to him, as if he were born to lead, despite what his father might say. Slipping in and out of slumber, he did not scent his golden lady approach. That was until she reached up and teased his muzzle with her own. A rare smile crossed his lips as he opened his icy eyes and met her own, warm brown gaze.

He rolled onto his belly, his paws now hanging casually off the edge of the rock where he had slept as he listened to her warm tone. She was in a playful mood, he could see it in the way she moved and the lilt of her voice. With a quirk of his brow, he smirked and flashed his pearly white teeth. She wanted to play and he would amuse her today. "Well now, I can't have my Love having nothing to do." he announced before he stood up, lowered his chest to the hard surface and planted his legs backwards, allowing himself to stretch his spine with a yawn. Satisfied his muscles were back in place, he slipped down from the rock and allowed his shoulder to nudge her own playfully. "I suggest a race to the falls." he said and without waiting another moment, he charged off, following the path of the lake where the water met the sand and stones. He wasn't going to make it easy for her to win; he might love her, but he still had an ego to satisfy.