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Took a tumble — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

Rayne chuckled, smiling gently at his friend. “I’m fine Aideen. Just thought of a few sad memories is all.” Glancing up at the sky when she suggested they should go back to the den, Rayne had to agree. It would be a lot easier to rest there, along with being a lot more protected then being out in the open like he was right now. “That sounds like a good idea.” Lifting his body up, the russet wolf tucked his injured paw closer to his body and eyed the herbs that Aideen had placed out of the way. “Don’t forget them now, you worked hard to find them.” His voice had a tilt of friendly teasing to it, his eyes shining happily.

Waiting for her to get them patiently, Rayne swung his head around; only then realising there would be a slight problem with him moving through the Thicket. He wasn’t’ exactly a small wolf and to wind his way through the rough thorns would require putting more weight on his ankle then he thought would be good for it. A thoughtful look crossed his face as he thought about this.

Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Aideen Smoke

She nodded slowly at his explanation about memories, mild concern still lining her features; That's the hard thing about leaving home, no matter the terms, the memories always makes you sad... She shook her head and pushed up to a stand, eager to get going before her own memories overwhelmed her. Rayne's words made the orange lass narrow her eyes in confusion. She turned her head to follow his gaze, and a blush rushed onto her cheeks; she had forgotten about the herbs, in her enthusiasm. Quickly scurrying over to pick up the plants, trying to hide her mistake, she almost tripped over the underbrush; Great! VERY professional! She bowed down and snatched up her bundle, then turned around to look at her friend, a fierce look in her eyes; You better not say anything!

It looked like Rayne's attention was elsewhere though, as his eyes were turned on the thicket, brows furrowed in thought. Aideen looked over the dense greenery, then turned her eyes back to the large wolf, smiling lightly. She padded over to him, acutely aware of her own ease in getting through the thicket, apart from just before... Stopping by his side. Searching to catch his gaze, she looked him over pointedly, then glanced at the forest before them. "It must dakes a 'ittle bractice." She mumbled through her mouth-full of herbs, looking back to the bulky man beside her. With her petite frame, she had never had much trouble with the branches, but she knew Coal had had his work cut out for him in the first few weeks; now though, he moved around The Woodlands with almost the same ease as Miccah. It's doable. She tried an encouraging smile, though it was hard without dropping the herbs, then her eyes fell on his raised paw. After a short moment of thought, she extended her shoulder; " 'ere mean on me." It was gonna be tricky, but she would get him to the den; It'll just take a little team work.

Word Count: 336

Dawnthieves.de, Kiwiaa-Stock @ DA & ShawnaMac @ DA