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Let the Best Man Win — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn

A continuation of "Take the Fall" thread.

Hotei Tainn

At his brother's words, Hotei nodded his affirmative and breathed a mental sigh of relief. It was good to know that his brother seemed to not carry that anger that he had when Hotei had joined. But, maybe he was wrong. After all, what the hell did he know? He had barely gotten himself acquainted with the pack lands, let alone his fellow pack mates. His ears perked in attention as Triell continued to speak, pairing him with a man 'Destrig'. The burnt man's yellow orbs casually moved to where Triell's had briefly fallen. They met the sight of a large, solid black wolf. Flickering his attention back to Triell and Jessie, he watched as his brother informally dismissed them as he turned to his mate. Sending her a slight nod, his warm orbs that had turned that way at her presence, effortlessly turned calculating as they landed on Destrig.

Really, the match could go in either of their favor. Though, this wasn't a match that would end up drawing blood. Or at least, he hoped. Padding slowly towards the male, his tail flicked neutrally in the breeze. He knew this man was of higher rank, so Hotei nodded in submission as he drew close. Rolling his shoulders in a smooth manner, a mischievous smirk played upon his muzzle. His eyes lost some of there calculating coldness, for this was not a fight to the death. "Drestig, correct?" Hotei rumbled in his deep baritone. "Hotei," he continued as he introduced himself. His eyes quickly left his spar partner and roved across the terrain. Satisfied that they would have enough space, the man once again turned his attention to the black wolf in front of him. Eyeing the male again, the burnt man rose to his full height and his muscles clenched and unclenched as he thought of what was to come. Already feeling the blood pumping strongly through his veins, Hotei waited for Drestig's words.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Ooc: I figure we will use the fighting system, since that's kinda the point of these spars :P - But I'll let you set up the thread when you get to the reply ^^

Triell soon ended the meeting, attaching a few comments to those who had spoken up, before assigning sparring partners. Drestig met his leaders gaze shortly, face for once serious as he nodded, then rose to his feet and turned to look at the wolf called Hotei. The man was one he had noticed when he first entered the scene, his dark fur maimed by bald spots and scars; I've never seen wounds like that before... It could be the remnants of a disease of sorts, many sicknesses caused hair loss, but if so it was not one the black lad had seen before. He shrugged of the thoughts, he was no healer, knowing what had scared the man wouldn't be of any use; whatever it was, he clearly didn't suffer under it any longer, his steps strong as he walked towards Drestig, bright yellow eyes inscrutable.

Their gazes met for a second before the other bowed his head submissively, the superior male kept his own eyes similarly blank, giving a stiff nod in recognition, then he dropped the official air and cracked a smile; happy to see the older male act similarly. He never had been much for ceremony. When Hotei spoke, his voice matched his appearance, its low rumble ringing in the crisp air. Drestig replied quickly, his own tenor sounding high in comparison; "Indeed, nice to finally be introduced." He spoke in his signature, gracious manner; he hadn't actually noticed much of the man around the territory - though he believed he'd caught glimpses - regardless, he was glad to get to know another pack mate better.

"This will be interesting," He grinned, eyeing the larger wolf pointedly and copying his motions of looking around to assure there was enough room for them, and then stretching his muscles. Then he looked up at the other once more, still smiling, but with concentration in his eyes and wrinkling his brow; "Whenever you're ready." He said, signaling that he was all set for their spar to begin, and offering the older male the first attack; audacious perhaps, but then again, That's my name!

Word count: 353

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”

(This post was last modified: May 07, 2014, 10:59 PM by Drestig.)
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Um, hopefully I'm doing this right xD

Hotei Tainn

Hotei smirked slightly as Drestig mimicked his actions. The younger man was right, this would be fun. His blood pumped through his veins, adrenaline starting to course through his large frame. He had never realized he had missed this, the ultimate rush that any spar or fight provided you with. It had been a long time for the man since he had been in a fight, for nowadays he kept to himself and didn't really engage in conversation let alone a fight. The burnt man narrowed his eyes, and his ears flattened against his skull in a defensive maneuver. Wasting no more time, Hotei charged for the man a few feet in front of him. His plan was to grab him by the tender flesh between the shoulder and neck and try to wrestle Drestig to the ground. Hotei would make sure not to draw blood, but his aim was to prove that he meant buisness. After all, his enemies would deserve no mercy.

This was just a play fight, but Hotei was a competitive creature, pride one of his many sins. He would end up as the victor. There was no if's and's or but's. Hotei knew what he was capable of, but he so knew his various strengths and weaknesses. The burnt man aknowledged his limits, for he was no longer the youth he had been three years ago. But, even with all this knowledge, Hotei vowed to rise as the victor. For when he did, it would mean to him that he was here to stay. He would protect this pack, and possibly even die for them.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
It looks good to me :D

The opposing male wasted little time, lunging at him with his teeth bared, ears pressed backwards. Drestig responded swiftly, ducking his head and moving sideways in an attempt to dodge the attack. But he wasn't fast enough, as Hotei's jaws clasped around his shoulder. The smaller wolf snarled, continuing to pull to the side, tugging at his leg to free it. While this fight was only for training and would have no serious results, Drestig still wanted to win; he always wanted to win. Today though, more than his usual thirst for victory was driving him, he wanted to show his strength, to his opponent, to Triell, to the entire pack; he wanted to prove his might.

Realizing his tugging was getting him nowhere, the dark lad snaked his head around, parting his own jowls to strike out. He aimed for the same spot Hotei had attempted to grab, the base of the neck, where it attached to the shoulder. His opponent would have to release his hold to avoid Drestigs teeth, and even then, he would have to be incredibly fast to avoid the attack all together. Blood rushed in the ebony lads ears as he lashed out, flaming eyes wide as he watched the other wolf. The adrenalin pumped through his veins, fighting was exhilarating, even when it was just a spar, and while the thirst for blood associated with hunting was absent, a strong wish to come out of the fight victorious burned in its place.

Word Count: 249

Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei Tainn

The man's jaws parted and successfully reached the target. With satisfaction, Hotei realized that Drestig was now in his hold. The man tried to keep his advantage, by bearing down his weight on the male. If he could bring him down, then Hotei would come out as the victor. He could almost taste his victory over the younger man. But that's where he grew wrong. Because of his inner prideful thoughts, he hadn't noticed Drestig's aim until when it was almost too late. Drestig had kept on tugging, but once he realized it was getting him nowhere, he came up with another idea. An idea that Hotei knew nothing of - until he saw that Drestig was trying to mirror Hotei's move. In haste the burnt man let go of Drestig and tried to maneuver his bulk to somehow escape Drestig's jaws. But it was too late. With a snarl, Hotei tried to tug his way free. But it was no use. Instead of admitting defeat, Hotei moved his head: it was time to improvise.

His jaws parted once again, but this time they didn't aim for the dark pelted man's neck. Since Drestig was smaller than he, Hotei planned to use that to his advantage. He was trying to aim for Drestig's ear. His plan, if he succeeded in his attack, was to give the male's ear a sharp tug. Not hard enough to cause any permanent damage, but just enough so that the man could let go of his grip and Hotei could move away to have enough time to find another of Drestig's weakness. It was not an option to lose this fight, his only option was to win it. At least I'm having fun, he thought wryly in his head. He couldn't deny the excitement the adrenaline made him feel as it pumped through his whole body.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Success! His attempt at the dark opponents neck made Hotei react exactly as he'd wanted; releasing his grip and attempting to escape, and too late too, allowing Drestig to get a firm grip on the bigger wolf. He would have grinned in his triumph, had his mouth not been full of thick, black fur. Instead he snarled lowly to express his excitement, the adrenaline continuing to flow, filling him with thrill.

It was a short-lived pleasure though, as Hotei was not late to strike back, spinning his head around. Thinking that the aim was simply to escape his jaws, Drestig simply clamped down harder, lowering himself down on bended front legs to try and us his weight to pull the bigger wolf to the ground. The sudden squeeze on his ear was completely unexpected. Yelping, more in surprise than pain, the younger man jumped back, out of range of the older warrior, shaking his head violently. He allowed a moment to send his opponent and impressed look, one brow slightly raised in a 'nice move' expression.

Then he turned back to the fight, he had a few tricks to play himself! Setting off in a sudden start, Drestig jumped forwards, aiming to ram his shoulder into Hotei's ribs. With enough speed, and the right aim, he should be able to knock over the bigger wolf, or at least beat the air out of his lunges. It was a risky move, getting in so close with a bigger opponent, but it would pay off if he succeeded .

Word Count: 257