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Screaming Names in the Night — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Images of a life she use to know ran through her mind. Two happy young Slayers playing. Someone she could call a mate by her side. Friends who's company she cherished. Soon it all turned dark. Rain clouds rolled in and washed away everything she loved. Quickly it seemed all the wolves surrounding her turned to evil demons. Red eyes and ivory white, sharp teeth. Before she knew it she was cornered, caged like some type of prisoner.

Within seconds all of that went away. Golden eyes snapped open. Her breathing heavy. As the darkness of the night covered over the land and let silence fall it was obvious she was alone. All her thoughts of joy turning into destruction had been a dream. Though even after all this time there was still one name lingering in her head. Someone she couldn't, wouldn't, forget.


The name was the only thing to be heard in the night. The name sent chills down her spine. That name was the boy she made promises too. Always promised to be there and not leave like the rest. Yet here she was, sleeping in a strange meadow with no idea as to where the boy was. Maybe it was an evil thought but for all she knew the boy Karpos was dead. While she prayed he wasn't she had no actual control over it. It was in the hands of mother nature to decided who died and who lived. Although the dark she-wolf laid alive in the meadow half awake, she couldn't tell if Karpos was lucky enough to still be alive.
(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2014, 05:18 AM by Silver.)
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Sorry this took FOREVER

The boy turned teen was wandering the marsh with nothing better on his mind. He had just needed time away from the Keep to clear his head, as every wolf needed once in a while. He heard his name softly on the wind and his ears perked up with interest. He recognized that voice, but it couldn't be..... could it? Could it be his aunt who the Secret Woodlands wolf had said was no longer part of a pack. He rushed towards the source with a happy light holding softly in his eyes. "Silver? SILLLLLVVVVEEEERRR?" He called out as he saw the shadow black form in the distance. He rushed forward, attempting to tackle his aunt in hugs and kisses for he missed her so much.

He had a large grin on his face as he halted to a stop. He would not hurt her, but his tail wagged fiercely. "Auntie Silver! I haven't seen you in forever. Where have you been? I went to Secret Woodlands to talk to you but the lady there said that you were no longer there. Do you need a pack? I could take you to join my pack! Well, I think I can... I don't know if they would let me but..." The words blurred together as he talked as fast as he could manage. His chocolate brown eyes that resemble that of his father's held the curiosity and intrigue that came with the last name Slayer. Yes, he had gotten the trait from his father.