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For just one yesterday — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Chelsie who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Mace Attaya
OOC: Would love someone from HK to find him!

IC: Though he considered himself a noble enough sort, nobility hadn't stopped Mace Attaya from becoming hopelessly lost and finding himself alone in his thirteenth month. Nobility had earned him his keep in one nomad pack or another, but ultimately, his allegiance had never been to them. He had set off as nobly as he could, with fair warnings and well wishes to the wolves he put behind him that he was searching for his family again, but in the end, his attempt to be noble and honourable with all he crossed had got him nowhere fast. He was still as helpless as any lowly thief or vagabond. All he had was his morality.

He was stuck, now, in a forest the likes of which storybook villains would have coveted. The trees were twisted and alien, reaching out with tangled limbs to stroke his dark hide as he passed by. The gloom of this forest was more oppressive than others he had been in, and more than once the Attaya yearling felt like he was drowning in the foliage. But still, never allowing himself to be daunted for he was a knight, Mace pressed on, hoping to find an eventual end to the dark wood. There was no light in sight, nothing to guide him out of it, and if someone had come along and claimed he had returned to the glorious Relic Lore, he might have laughed.

His memories of that place were sweet, fresh creek water, the drowned legacy of the Attaya family in the ruins of Darkwater Rapids, and beautiful forest. Nowhere in these memories did a gnarled, evil woodland take root or even belong. But he was lost in one, and he was most certainly in Relic Lore, and fast approaching claimed territory, although he was none the wiser yet.
(This post was last modified: Jun 24, 2014, 05:01 PM by Mace.)
gorgeous set by kydnt
Played by Riley who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Quick took the whole "border patrol" thing with a grain of salt, often extending her duty into leisure and trailing among the gnarled roots and branches of the Ghastly Woods far beyond their scent markers. It wasn't totally a waste of time for she kept herself alert during these excursions, as the Arctic wolf felt any wolf with even a toe into the Woods' territory was too close to home for her taste. Thankfully visitors to their part of town were far and few between and she often had nothing to worry about.

Today proved to be different. She hadn't been out long when the sound of another came to her attention. Being that there were so few others around, the noise of any type of life in the worst carried quickly to her experienced ears. Her pale ears swiveled toward the source and her head followed after. In almost an instant she picked out the shadow moving through the trees, and for a moment she thought it might have been Chulyin. Once her eyes focused it was clear that wasn't the case. Large and swarthy as the stranger was, he did not quite carry the look of an adult wolf. An examination of his scent proved he was a yearling, and a rogue yearling at that. He was pretty much the last thing Quick expected to find out here.

The boy was lucky his dark coat protected him in their Woods. It was her intimate knowledge of her surroundings that allowed her to pick him out so quickly. She, on the other hand, was a bright light shining in this dark with her snowy coat and her silvery gaze. It would not take him long to notice her, if he was paying attention. Quick continued to stand motionless so not to help him find her, but refused to hide either. She wondered what he was here for, and if he would acknowledge her at all.