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Winter winds — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko blinked at Indru’s statement, attempting to decipher where the logic could possibly be. When had he challenged Indru’s rank? He had challenged a decision once or twice, but in the end, he had submitted to his brother’s will because he had respected his decision. Indru was far past ever being able to submit; this he proved when he commented that his brother must be a lowly, modest wolf to do so. Ruiko regarded his brother then, his lips curling in distaste to the comment that was not aimed purely at Ruiko, but spoke volumes to how arrogant Indru could be if he could never do such a thing himself. “I did it for months so the family could gain some normalcy back,” he ground out through his teeth, uncertain if he would have challenged Indru again or not. He very much doubted he would have, just as it annoyed him that Indru wanted to usurp the pack he had made in his absence.

There was a flick of his tail then as Ruiko released a soft sigh. “But since you truly believe that, then you do realize we were never meant to be in the same pack.” There was a pause, and his shoulders lifted to a shrug. This was far beyond a temper tantrum; Ruiko truly believed it to be the best for the pack. “You won’t live under my reign, and I no longer will live under yours. Does it not make more sense then if I leave? Borlla and Triell need you.” The others.. they were adults, and they could follow him or stay.. but the pups needed Indru. He had that role, and Ruiko would never be able to take that from him.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

They would disagree then, as Indru made no further comment on what Ruiko said, knowing that he could not persuade his brother nor his brother persuade him. At least he seemed to have calmed down further but the tension was still in the air, so ready to snizzle and snap at the smallest thing and pull them further apart, and this time there would be no Rihael or Lani to guide them to make amends. Ruiko's words rung true about them not destined to be the same pack, it was something Indru had known for a long time and that he now realised their parents had known also. It had always seemed strange as they explained the trials of forming your own pack as at the time Indru had only seen he and his brother's keeping Hidden Tree and continuing the family name. It made sense now; they had been preparing the one who went the other way for life as a lone wolf and then life as a new leader.

I know that, he replied, agreeing with Ruiko over their inability to be in the same pack. There can never be room for two male leaders, and both he and Ruiko were just that. We've been taught to lead and it's in our nature. Though Ruiko had lived under his rule for months for the family Indru didn't think it would have lasted when they had settled and breeding season had struck as, if that was the case, why was he so quick to leave now and try to start on his own. You must see now though, you cannot be under my rule now that you have tasted leadership, could it not be the same for me? As though Indru had taken the family from Relic Lore, he had still led them there, still been a leader and for him to come back and then be expected to slip under Ruiko's reign was not something he could do, perhaps if he had not been a leader in the first place like Ruiko had the first time it would of been different. I did not stop being a leader when we went elsewhere. He reminded his brother who seemed to think it was a free-for-all when they left, the family still needed direction, and they had still been a pack who had needed a leader.

At the mention of the pups Indru nodded, as he still felt that though Ruiko had led the pack it was he who led the rest of the family. When their biggest crisis had hit he had taken the job of leading them through it and now the younger Tainn's tended to look to him. Indru did not think he could leave the pups and the throb in his chest at the thought made it clear to him, they were more than just younger siblings now. Where will you go? He did not imagine that Ruiko would leave Relic Lore, it was large enough for the both of them after all, but until he got the confirmation he felt nervous. For as much as they fought and argued Indru loved his brotherly dearly.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
As words became calmer, Ruiko felt his figure shift in position, his tail lowering to neutrality. As of this moment, the days of submitting to his brother were finally over, just as the days of showing dominance over him were done as well. Indru’s words of falling under leadership annoyed him; had Indru returned with the same pack that he had taken with him, than Ruiko likely could have learned to be under his lead once more. But it was far from that; though he did not speak this. It would only further aggravate them both. Instead, he nodded, at least showing Indru that his opinion had been heard, and Ruiko did not fully go against it.

Indru’s final question lifted a shrug from the male, his eyes darting from his brother to survey the borders of Swift River. A few months ago it would have seemed very alien to him to be away from his family.. but much had changed since then. “I don’t know. Not far.”
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The shrug from his brother's shoulders at his inquiry gave Indru the impression that he did not care whether he was near the family or not and it hurt more than he would ever let him know. Indru knew that whether he had lost or not he would still want to be close to them and was not even entirely sure he would have left the pack either. He wasn't selfish enough to take the pups from the security of a pack and he knew he would not be able to leave them behind. Okay. The Tainn replied, eyes not meeting Ruiko's though his posture showed that it was not a submissive gesture, he did not want to look at his brother's face and get angry enough again to say something he would regret.

Unsure on what else to say — and eager to leave before something else started between them — Indru shrugged himself, still looking elsewhere over Ruiko's shoulder, fur bristling just slightly at the tension and his tail curled over his back. You know you always have a home here, and his tone was earnest, his fiery eyes meeting his brother's briefly but not in challenge this time. They were his family whether or not Ruiko wished to see him he wouldn't make his brother unwelcome, and even if they were on the outs Indru wanted it clear that he would be there for him. See you, then. Indru's tone was unsure, he almost wanted a response but knowing Ruiko he wasn't sure he would get one. It was difficult to hide the acid feeling in his stomach at being on bad terms with his brother, his closest friend, and though Ruiko was a master at hiding his emotions Indru had not perfected the skill yet. It would be very strange to return home and not know when their paths would cross again.

(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2011, 01:48 AM by Indru.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Indru wouldn’t look his way, which was just as well for Ruiko’s resolve might have flickered in hesitance. He knew his brother was upset with his decision – hell, he was upset with his decision, but it seemed for the better. Indru would lead the family here, and Ruiko would find his own way in the world. It was inevitable, and the day had simply come sooner than they both had expected.

He kept quiet for the moment, his eyes studying his brother shortly. At Indru’s words, Ruiko gave a nod, though he knew he couldn’t just return home and believe everything was the same. It hadn’t been the same since Indru had left before with the family. Instead, the tawny regal closed the distance between them, giving a small nudge to his brother’s cheek in reassurance. “I’ll check in soon.” He would need to make sure Borlla and Triell were fine without him – though they always had been, so it wasn’t about to change so simply. With that, the male turned, his figure stalking over the borders from the land he could no longer call his home.