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corsair — Lucifers Gorge 
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Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho
RE: Spieden, your nose feels frozen.

While sun and warmth reigned in the lowlands, it was not quite the case up in the mountains. Spieden had figured spring would be as decent as any a time to try scaling the range, as it was free of whiteout conditions and sky high drifts of snow. But it was still damn cold and her nose subsequently felt like an ice cube. Her scraggly coat had already blown off its downy puffs of winter fur, leaving Spieden with less insulation than was practical for mountain sojourns. She tried to keep to the lower crags, as it was evident by the white pinnacle visible through the trees that snow still held on at the loftier altitudes. Even then, around every turn Spieden would find a blanket of white tucked away in a divot in the rocks or hiding behind shadow.

Spieden's route took her curling around the mountain, eventually finding high rock walls reaching up at either shoulder. Roaring water called in the distance and grew louder with each step, reminding Spieden just how thirsty the hike was making her. Following the sound, the narrow ravine she traversed fed into a wider gorge primarily taken up by a river tearing through it. The sound was almost deafening.

Spieden examined the rapids with concern furrowed across her brow. Spray drifted off of the raging water, pelting her face with ice-cold snow melt. Carefully she took a step down, testing a paw on a damp rock before she settled her full weight on to what could very well be a very slick surface. She had never seen rapids like these before, but knew how easily she could be swept out and broken to bits on the rocks before being thrown right off the mountain. She groaned apprehensively as she lowered the rest of her paws onto the narrow, damp rocky bank.

Under the flawless sky, feeling alright
Spieden Coho
Careless, not hopeless, you can't bring me down
Played by Zyn who has 101 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
K'arnae Desrix


The odd expedition now and again had become commonplace for the female, more so in her attempts to learn more of the Vale than in an attempt to wander from the territory for a time. As any delivered from the brink of death, she was grateful to the wolves of the Glen for their shelter, and sought to offer each day what she could in return for their patience. She was intelligent in her own way, perhaps not in the manner of eloquence or possessed tactical expertise, but in the manner of survival and knowing the ways of the land; which paths would lead to either starvation or prosperity. It was in this regard that she believed she could assist the wolves of the Glen, but in order to do so, she needed to first brush up on what she did and did not know of the area.

Again she had ventured out without a word, walking days at a time at her leisure til she came upon the mountain slopes again. Still she looked upon them as one would a dreaded adversary, but in her bi-colored eyes too was respect as she kept herself humble before the structure that had bested her by a month and more before. The next time she walked across its face, she would promise in silence, it would be as its master and not a victim to its treacherous steppes. She would stand atop it and overlook the lands of both the Vale and the vast lands yonder. And perhaps in time, she would teach her charges to look upon it in the same manner as well. For now, however, she turned her back to it and continued on to following the jagged path of the lands toward the dull roar of the rapids in the distance.

Her ears on swivel, she took note of the change in sound as she progressed. Everything cataloged and thoroughly thought on as she pondered how best to explain these inputs to the senses of the young. When they followed her steps, perhaps she could have a better time in doing so then. However that did not discourage her from trying none the less. She had to have some information to take back with her. Perhaps a plant not found in the Glen. A notable resource should any wolf find their steps veering from their intended path.

(This post was last modified: Jun 09, 2014, 04:28 PM by K'arnae.)
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho

Spieden's bulky form just wasn't cut out for dancing along edges of raging rapids. She sought for any small holds along the narrow rocky bank she walked along, her large paws barely able to wedge into the cracks to hold her steady. Her flank brushed against the steep cliff to her left, radiating cold through her fur and into her skin. The loud crash of the water deafened her ears and hummed through her body like an earthquake. It was both frightening and exhilarating at the same time, though Spieden had no dreams of being a daredevil. She hoped to make it to the mountain's other side via this gorge. Just as she was beginning to doubt the safety of this route and whether or not it lead to the other side at all, she noticed a flash of creamy fur ahead.

Spieden grit her teeth as she paused, considering whether or not it would be beneficial to approach this stranger or whether it could turn out badly. A fight here, with little room to maneuver between two sizable Mackenzie wolves could quickly turn deadly. The other wolf had not yet made any agressive move towards her, but Spieden's mind couldn't help but spiral towards worst case scenarios of violence and injury. Asymmetrical ears flatted against the back of her skull, Spieden pulled her head back in a nervous hunch as she eyed the pale female. Spieden had begun to pace backwards, she didn't want to take her eye off of the other wolf, but there was little room to maneuver a turn even if she wanted to.

Under the flawless sky, feeling alright
Spieden Coho
Careless, not hopeless, you can't bring me down
(This post was last modified: Jun 22, 2014, 02:27 AM by Spieden.)