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Quiet Crowd — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Jess who has 161 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Mercy knew next to nothing about raising pups. He knew nothing about their rate of development, how long it would be before they could hear or see, that they were born with fur, and that their fur and eye colour changed. This would be the first Spring he'd see where he was able to watch pups grow and change, and he was somewhat aware that pups had been born- the details were vague, and he'd done his part as a new wolf of the pack by giving the birthing den- and he knew where it was- a wide berth. He knew he was a stranger to the alpha female who had been very close to her birthing time when he and Aponi had been accepted into the pack- if she hadn't given birth already, he couldn't remember- so he'd done his best to give her all the space she needed. He'd been told by his mother to give Naira space as she neared her birthing date, and so he intended to do the same for the alpha female here.

Still, time had passed since then and he was curious. He wanted to know how they grew, how they changed, how they learned. He was young yet, and liked the idea of being able to watch the younger generation grow up. He knew that he couldn't simply go straight up to the alpha female's chambers and ask to see the babies, and he certainly couldn't do it empty handed, so he went fishing. The techniques K'arnae had taught him had paid off, once he'd finally practiced enough to catch something. A shiny trout was his spoil for the day and rather than eating it himself, he decided, on that partly cloudy morning, that he would take it as a gift for the alpha female. He wondered what she was like, and what her young ones were like. He was curious.

He brought the gift to the entrance of the den, but did not go close enough to even peer in. He set the fish down tentatively before he scooted back several lengths so he wasn't within throwing distance should someone within the den take offense to his presence and launch something at him. He settled down onto the grassy ground, and from there he called out with a meek "Roo," To alert anyone within the den that he'd brought something to eat. If they weren't in the mood, they could have it later- but Mercy decided to wait a bit anyway, in his spot in the sunshine about twenty metres from the den, in case he got the opportunity to finally introduce himself...And see what pups looked like, if he was very lucky. "Speech"

Played by Namara who has 22 posts.
Inactive Pup
Evy Argyris
@Mercy Hmm, this looked lonely...Can be bring up to present times? Slight pp!
Evy was developing into quite the young lady. Her coat, dark and dense, had begun to lighten with time and resembled an aging wolf in color as sparse amounts of silver hairs dotted her body along her face and the area surrounding her chin. Her eyes too had changed some since birth, they were no longer their dominant milky blue, instead they shone with the beginning promise of the brightness of her father's intensely orange hue eyes, giving her the confidence she had yearned for since birth. It would be a few weeks left before they were their true color and she could not wait, having checked them everyday in the nearest puddle since Summers arrival. Despite being the darkest siblings, she had qualities and features that made her a true Argyris, which would include her size and the fierce protectiveness that she placed claim over for her siblings; there would be no nonsense around her den.

When a unfamiliar scent filtered into her den she stirred and lifted her head off the den floor with a start, her siblings were probably off resting near the back of the den or off with their parents learning what techniques they would offer them before they grew too old. Evy had remained behind, and was much more interested in practicing on her own, away from the judgmental eyes of her younger sister and adventurous brother, she would be better then them on her own time. As the scent grew stronger, peaking her interest, the stench of prey wafted in shortly after and she found her curiosity too strong to ignore any further; what did this fish smelling wolf want?

She was timid, much too afraid to leave the mouth of the den without permission but this wolf smelled like her parents and he came bearing a gift, it was probably the first of many since their birth and Evy couldn't remember the last time she had eaten. Though she would not advance further, she allowed her body language to speak for her and wagged her tail slowly behind her with excitement over food and more company. "Who you?" she asked, having perfected her speech from the common babble of baby talk, "whats dat?" and her head pointed toward the fish, half expecting him to pass it to her.
(This post was last modified: Jun 29, 2014, 10:23 PM by Evy.)