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just a phase — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn
      It had been much longer than one week since Indru had left. Torla couldn't wait any longer. She was absolutely certain that the water had come back to Relic Lore, or Indru would have returned to warn them against leaving their safe haven. Gradually her siblings trickled out of their asylum to follow Indru — it was her turn now.
      Her short journey was pleasant, the winter sun warming her back and alighting the snow a brilliant sparkling gold. But she was hungrier than she ever remembered, and before long her breathing came in shallow gasps as exhaustion nearly overpowered her. She was used to pack life, which almost always promised food, and lack of such reliability had pulled her skin taught against her bones and drained her energy quicker than she ever really expected. By the time the shadows of Sacred Grove had turned the golden snow gray, the pale woman wanted nothing more than sleep.
      Her heartbeat quickened as the scents of her siblings grew stronger, and she slowed her pace to a stop as she reached the borders of Swift River. She had been worried sick about the ones who had arrived already, and she couldn't wait to see them all safe and sound. With her tail tip flicking back and forth with expectancy, Torla slanted her muzzle toward the sky and beckoned to her brothers and sisters.
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2011, 03:05 AM by Torla.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko had been settled at the base of the family den, his large figure stretched out across the snow in a sphinx-like position as his stained ivories began to work away at a small rabbit he had taken from one of the pack’s caches. No sooner did the skin of his meal break and the welcome taste of the meat seep in to his jaws did a beckon cry cause his ministrations to pause. He recognized that howl, and a lazy smile smoothed across his tainted lips before he pushed himself up. Dinner would have to wait. Scooping up the prize in his jaws, the leader’s paws moved swiftly as he went to welcome his sister home.

It took the wolf a few moments to finally reach Torla. His gaze fell upon her expectantly, though blinked as he realized she was alone and Junai and Kenai were not with her. His stoical features melted away to a warm welcome, and as the tawny male prowled closer to his beautiful sister, Ruiko dropped the rabbit to her paws; a welcome home gift. “Torla,” he greeted, his muzzle bending down to graze against her cheek, though his figure lifted higher in dominance. “I’m glad you’ve finally come home.”
Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn
      Torla reclined on her bony haunches to wait, her nose eagerly searching. She wasn't waiting long. In minutes, his scent strengthened, and then the large, tawny shape of her brother appeared amid the dark trees. Her tail rose and began to wag as her amber eyes brightened with happiness. The bloody rabbit he had brought with him landed between her paws, and she cocked her head in surprise. Though she didn't want to accept the gift — she had always been sensitive to her siblings' hunger — she knew Ruiko wouldn't have let her have the meal if he was hungry. It was difficult to shed the responsibility she felt for her brothers and sisters, even though she was famished.

      Torla lowered her stance in subtle submission, a grin forming across her lips at her brother's touch. She had missed him so much. It's been too long, she spoke. She and her siblings had never been separated for so long, and it hadn't felt right at all. Torla pulled back from him slightly, her mothering eyes sweeping up and down his figure for signs of ailment. Have you been well? And the others? the woman asked softly. She had so many questions for him, it was hard to know where to start.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Torla, much like their mother, glowed when she smiled, and even though his cheek was pressed against hers for the moment, he could feel that smile smooth upon her lips and it warmed him. His own lips twitched in a smirk before he lifted his head, smoothing a kiss upon her brow. Each time another one of their siblings came back over the borders he felt more and more relieved that they had made it home safely.

“Well enough,” he returned, his broad shoulders lifting in a shrug as he took a pace back from her. His golden eyes scanned over her worriedly, making sure she was free from any cuts or bruises. “Kinis is gone. I trailed his scent until it left Relic Lore.” His black tipped muzzle gave a gentle shake then, his eyes resting upon his sister. “But don’t worry too much, Torla. He’s capable to take care of himself now, and I think he just wanted some space to find himself.” Or, that was what Ruiko told himself. What about you? You didn't run in to trouble coming home, did you?"
Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn
      Ruiko carried himself with the poise of a leader, and she had no doubt that he had taken his place in the high ranks of Swift River, along with Indru. Indru and Ruiko had always seemed to Torla the most likely of the siblings to become leaders. Warmth flooded her chest as she looked into his strong eyes, proud that he had taken his place.

      Torla breathed relief, not prepared for the worst and glad that she didn't have to hear it. However, when he spoke of their brother's disappearance, her smile unraveled a little. Worry seeped back into her heart, despite Ruiko's reassurance. He was right: Kinis was an adult and therefore responsible for himself. I hope, she spoke in a tone that feigned resign. Kinis would, at some level, haunt her until she knew he was safe, but she couldn't dwell on him. Torla forced her smile to return, shaking her head in response to Ruiko's question. My journey was safe, but I'm tired.
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2011, 01:04 AM by Torla.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
He could see the worry flicker over his sister’s features; he and his littermates had helped raise the girl before him as at the time they had been the pack yearlings. Unable to help himself, the tawny male took a step forward, his muzzle bumping gingerly to her cheek in quiet reassurance. Her voice did not settle well with the male’s conscious, his own uneasiness to how the young boy was fairing flaring up once more, though he did not mention it again. Kinis had changed quite a bit in the absence of his littermates, and Ruiko believed the youth would be fine no matter where he traveled, but it did not stop the ache of missing him. Kinis had been the one to stay by his side, after all.

“Come,” he murmured quietly, once more nudging the rabbit in the direction of the pale she-wolf to reiterate it was now hers. “Let’s get you to the den so you may rest.” With that, the large regal turned, his figure leading them to the heart of the pack lands.. relieved that at least one familiar face had come back to them.