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Like a broken arrow — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
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Weldering Darksidy
It was only now as he limped along that he realised what a fool he had been. Taking on Swift River, physically? This was not the first time either so he could hardly say that the lesson had sunk in before so why should it now? It only made his anger for Indru grow. While his younger brother Triell had charged forward enraged and helped the timber brute against him - well Weldering just felt sorry for the kid. There was no hard feelings despite the stinging sensation the eight month year old had left in his shoulder. The pain was ominous but with each step it was becoming more unbearable. Gasping for a breath of air and a break the ebony masked brute finally came to a halt somewhere within the Thicket of Secret.

It was the opposite direction to Midnight Plateau, he knew that. But the last thing he wanted to do was lead Indru back to his home and make him aware of where he was living or what he was doing. Also part of him felt ashamed, not for what he had done but rather for carrying injuries. They might be disappointed if a wolf that was meant to be one of them could not partake in his duties for a few days to recover. Sighing idly he allowed himself to flop down onto the ground.
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Chi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Junai Tainn
i missed this. did you miss this? cause i'm thinkin' you did. |D

everybody's singin' <b style="color:#7B9B89;">la, la la la, la la la
It had been far too long since she had traversed these lands, had bothered to keenly observe her surroundings instead of race ever forward with the promise of something greater. She had failed in her search: Junai Tainn was exactly as she had been when she left Relic Lore, without even a single fantastic story to tell her family. She had hoped to go out on some life-changing journey and return and laugh in their faces as they gawked at how ridiculously cool she was... Now she was coming back with her head hung and her tail tucked between her legs. Pathetic—she would surely never live this down!

She almost wondered if she should even bother returning to Swift River, because it was sure to be thoroughly humiliating for her... But home provided safety and security, familial warmth and love. Who was she kidding? Junai Tainn had missed her family, as idiotic and pathetic and utterly annoying as they could be. Indru was nosy and Torla was a show-off and Borla cheated in games and Ruiko could be bossy... But she loved them all dearly and, winding her way through the thicket, moving eastward towards Swift River, the scent of blood hit her. It made her tense, pale eyes darting around with sudden alertness. Familiar... Her pace quickened suddenly, her face shifting between confusion and anxiety.

Ducking under a low-hanging branch and pushing through some bushes, she came upon the male (so oddly colored, with eyes like the summer sky!), his fur matted with wet liquid in a number of places. She stopped, uncertain as to what to say, what to do, before finally managing, <b style="color:#7B9B89; font-family:georgia;">“Weldering? You're hurt... What the hell happened?” She stepped nearer to him, gaze darting from the wound to his face, unaware that this was perhaps the first time she had called him Weldering, just simply Weldering—perhaps, if she were thinking about such trifles, she may have realized that this made them acquaintances, if not friends. Funny.

Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
As he lay there slumped against the damp ground of the Thicket he was really beginning to wonder what the point was, was he losing the plot entirely? The sound of paw steps coming his way could be heard quite easily and distinctively but instead of being even remotely cautious and taking up a defensive stance he simply remained on the ground where he was with his chin pressed up against the dirt. Though as the familiar scent came to him he dismissed it with a flick of his ear, scoffing back a displeased grunt. That was until that familiar scent was also reeked with Swift River, with Tainn. Had Indru followed him, tracked him down to try to finish him off? It that was the case then Indru or even his brother Ruiko was not going to have the pleasure.

The hackles rose up on end down the ruff of his back and spine as he hesitantly raised himself up now turning with his ebony lips pulled back in a sneer as the wolf emerged from the foliage. To see that it was not Indru or Ruiko but in fact Junai his posture quickly changed. A light gasp echoing from his breath as his fur flattened out in a spectacular quick record time. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"J-J-.. Junai!" He stammered in surprise, his voice not much louder then a mutter but certainly audible for her to hear. The black masked male was still stood up but on his injured side his paw was curled up trying to take the weight off of it. Sure he was injured but at least now he had some kind of result. he had found out something he went to Sacred Grove to find out.

Junai was quick to question his injury and Weldering was hesitant to tell his story. Frowning as he shuffled closer a few steps. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Indru attacked me, I wasn't even on Swift River territory." He once again muttered. It seemed as though indru really was going to hold this grudge for what happened at the Swift River pack meeting. What he wanted to know was what Junai thought about what happened back in the Autumn? Did she hate him for getting into a fight with her older brothers?
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Chi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Junai Tainn
i missed this. did you miss this? cause i'm thinkin' you did. |D

everybody's singin' <b style="color:#7B9B89;">la, la la la, la la la
His face had been angry, that of a threatening beast for a second... At her presence, it had changed, turning into a dumb face of surprise. Junai might have smiled at this (she loved the reactions she got from others, good or bad, as childish as it was)... As it was, she found herself actually considered for his safety, which was a rare occurrence indeed. When they met again (for they always seemed to encounter each other, whether by chance or by fate), he would hardly be so fortuitous as to be on the receiving end of Junai Tainn's sympathy.

She noticed the limp in his step and her lips pulled back in a growl. Honestly, she disliked seeing him hurt—'if anyone should beat this moron up, it should be me!' Brows furrowed, scanning him over thoroughly, her observations interrupted when he next spoke. <b style="color:#7B9B89; font-family:georgia;">“Indru...?” She looked up, appearing annoyed now, glowering at him most childishly. Admittedly, it was easy to get Junai angry and, whether you were the cause of this anger or not, her tirades were all-inclusive: everyone and anyone got the benefit of hearing her complaints. <b style="color:#7B9B89; font-family:georgia;">“But... You didn't do anything. That idiot, he thinks you're some pervert or something... And now...” She hesitated, deliberated. Hm. <b style="color:#7B9B89; font-family:georgia;">“Well. Whatever. Don't try and get revenge or anything stupid like that. Got it?” Because that would lead to more problems and more conflict—for her. As it was, she was torn between being annoyed at Indru for attacking Weldering and being annoyed at Weldering for (probably) instigating it. (Weldering had a knack for pissing her off, why couldn't he be just as skilled at annoying her elder brother?)

No matter, his injuries seemed more pressing than what had happened and so she nudged him forcefully in the side, careful to avoid any wounds. <b style="color:#7B9B89; font-family:georgia;">“You should be conserving your energy. Lay down.” She glared pointedly to back up her words, letting him know that she meant business, before amending, <b style="color:#7B9B89; font-family:georgia;">“Do you have anywhere you can go? You should find somewhere nice 'n' cozy or... somethin'. Like Junai Caves.” And, in spite of herself, she managed to grin devilishly, unable to help herself—being serious for extended periods of time, after all, was not in her nature.

Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
Odd reactions was something that Weldering was never short of. Just like Junai he was rather immature and childish on most occasions, though it had toned down a lot over the past year. Frankly he was not a yearling anymore he was nearly three and he needed to start acting his age. It was a welcoming sight to have Junai not mad at him for getting into a scrap with Indru, the second now. Weldering assumed already that Junai had been told about the meeting when in fact poor Junai had no idea about the large rift. If Ruiko and Indru knew that Weldering was in fact part of Midnight Plateau there was bound to be some friction between the two packs. Junai may have missed the pack meeting and for that Weldering was actually glad. He did not want her to see the moment where his pride had taken a large kick - not to mention several real kicks.

Junai, whether she liked it or not, was slap bang in the middle of two sides that fiercely opposed one another. Would she ever pick a side? Weldering never even posed any questions like that and had no intention too. He knew that she would always choose her family over her friend, it was always the way it worked. 'That idiot, he thinks you're some pervert or something... And now...' <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Well I think it's more then just that..." His voice trailing off as he re called the challenge at the meeting. What had he been thinking of. He wanted nothing to do with Swift River even back then.

As for the topic of revenge it instantly made the black masked brute glare and frown at her. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"You think I'd go back there, outnumbered?" Rolling his icy blue eyes at her with a sigh and a click of his tongue against his teeth in a soft tut. Obediently however he did lay down. he was fed up of being stubborn and knew that she had his best intentions in mind. Weldering did not want to take out his frustrations on one of the few wolves that cared about him in Relic Lore. Yet at the mention of Junai caves he scowled for a second time as he lay in front of her. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Junai caves?!" He scoffed, clearly not impressed. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Tainnsidy." He quickly corrected her before looking off into the distance where the mountain rose over the treetops. Weldering saw no harm in telling her the truth about his allegiances. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"I'm a member of the Midnight Plateau Pack. I can rest up there in my den later. I just did not want to make the walk up the mountain side so soon..." The truth was really deeper then that but it was enough of an excuse for now.
(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2011, 09:39 AM by Weldering.)
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Chi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Junai Tainn
sorry for the wait. ;-; was swamped with english hw last week. P:

dry your eyes, dry your eyes
More than... just that...? She blinked stupidly, uncomprehending, completely and utterly in the dark on this subject. She did not know what, precisely, to respond to that, her brows knotting together in blatant annoyance. Junai Tainn, long regarded as the childish and incompetent younger sister of her elder siblings, did not like to play the role of a fool. (Though, it was often the case that she was, though by her own design—this somehow made the role minutely more bearable, perhaps because she was choosing the role and not having it forced upon her.) If he hoped that she would leave the cryptic remark be without even the slightest fuss, he was sorely mistaken.

But it wasn't the time or the place. Not at that exact minute, no—they had only just reunited, after all! Junai supposed that pleasantries were in order, the usual, mundane questions that she would have preferred to skip but seemed only necessary after not having seen someone for months. And, even more important, he was hurt and she supposed getting him comfortable (for at least a moment, if nothing more) took precedence in such a situation. That was not to say, however, that Junai was about to start being overly hospitable and void of faults—Junai without snide remarks, well, that wouldn't be Junai at all! <b style="color:#38534a; font-family:georgia; text-shadow:#67675b 1px 1px 1px;">“Why, you scared? Didn't you say something about being some pro fighter back where you come from? What happened, hmmm?” She probably should have kept her mouth shut, spared his already battered pride, but mercy was not really in her nature. In any case, she pondered for a moment on how odd it was for him to search for her, someone who did nothing but tease and degrade him whenever she saw him... The idea that an outsider would care, if only minutely, was odd, blasphemy. She decided that perhaps, just maybe, he had taken a drink of some bad water or something earlier, full of nonsense as he was.

<b style="color:#38534a; font-family:georgia; text-shadow:#67675b 1px 1px 1px;">“Fine, Tainnsidy.” She snorted in spite of giving in, ears pitching forward curiously, looking to the sierra in the distance, wondering if her uncle remained... Probably, if Indru and the others did. Or maybe not—maybe he wished to be rid of the pain this now empty land held for him. Now matter, looking back to Weldering, she inquired, <b style="color:#38534a; font-family:georgia; text-shadow:#67675b 1px 1px 1px;">“Midnight Plateau? Hmph. They haven't taken over our caves, have they?” Yes, their caves—she liked secrets and the idea of anyone else invading her sanctuary was unsettling. Weldering knowing about it was already troublesome enough, really... Though, come to think of it, Midnight Plateau's presence would probably render the caves unaccessible to her.