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Fever — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Namara who has 15 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Arcania Soli

The woman did not care for whatever life would throw at her anymore… in fact there was no way that she could care less. She had been slow in her travels, stopping whenever she could to examine something or explore another part of the forest. Her pale grey pretties were examining a tree with strange leaves on them... then they traveled to see a strange looking mushroom. She was very curious of the... there was a pack's borders and instantly she backed up, her eyes widening slightly when she realized that she was too close for her comfort and probably too close for the comfort of the pack that resided there. Still, she was curious about what was in that place and what that pack was like. Sometimes her curiosity got the best of her and perhaps it would be one of those times.

Arc had been toying with the idea of calling for an informant but she decided against it. She turned around and headed away from the borders of the pack and towards the south. The forest was dark and full of terrors but she could still find glimpses of the moon and therefore she found that Diana was still watching over her. The rather pious and foolish girl held some kind of smile on her muzzle. The light and dark hues in Arcania’s coat were allowing her to blend in nicely with the forest around her. It was roughly an hour past the moon being in the middle of the sky and it was time for her to be getting some rest. She found a spot out in the open by a tree slightly off from the border for herself as she laid down to get a few hours rest.

(This post was last modified: Jul 05, 2014, 03:46 AM by Karpos.)
[Image: hashtags-gbachhello.png]
[Image: Arcania-greysig01.png]
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei Tainn

Hotei found himself on the borders, as usual. Most of his pack mates were already asleep, but his mind just refused to shut up so what better way to exhaust himself than in gaurding the borders? After his little rendevouz with Jessie, he had kept to himself, only here and there catching a glimpse of @Drestig and giving him a friendly nod. It seemed the male was the only one that Hotei had gotten along with since his stay in Oak Tree Bend began. And Hotei was fine with that, for he wasn't a social creature at heart. Without even meaning to, he had found himself during his patrols searching for Triell. His brother had offered him to join him on the borders sometime, but Hotei unfortunately never caught him whenever the burnt man ran his patrols. Making sure to try harder to seek out his brother, the man continued his unscheduled but pleasant patrol.

As the time passed, the large man started to grow sleepy. He was happy that his patrol had indeed succeeded in tiring him out, but when he started to turn back to the pack den to go to bed, he caught a flicker of a shadow in his peripherals. Immediately, he shook the sleepy haze away from his mind and turned to intently stare into the darkness around him. He was getting old, not blind. Hotei knew he had seen something. He turned his head and the brown furred wolf finally connected his gaze to a figure in the far distance. It wasn't so far away that he couldn't tell it was indeed a wolf, but the wolf was far enough away so that Hotei couldn't really tell if he or she was a threat. Depending on the shadows of the night and the thick forest around them, Hotei neared the wolf. The loner was not near the borders, but you could never be too sure. Nearing the wolf, he scented the air and realized it was a woman. He decided to stay in the shadows for now, to see if this mere Yearling resting was indeed a threat to his family or not.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Namara who has 15 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Arcania Soli

She was just about to drift into a sleep when she swore she could have heard a rustle of the leaves... an unnatural one at that. Her ears perked up as her head raised from atop her paws. Should she call out and ask if someone was there? Probably some pack wolf there to scare her off. No, she was far enough from the borders, right? She sighed as she narrowed her eyes against the darkness to see if she could spot whatever she heard. It was probably just a rabbit or something. Right? It was just a rabbit? She began to doubt herself as she slowly rose onto her paws. She sniffed around curiously in order to catch the scent of a man... a pack man.

Her dark and light shaded fur rustled slightly in a warm summer breeze as she posed a question. "Hello? Who is out there?" It was a soft voice that would carry through the breeze. What did the man want, if he was there to chase her off then why was he not charging at her? She caught the scent of rabbits and thought about hunting but she was too close to the pack lands to risk such a thing. No, instead she would wait for the man to respond and then offer to catch them for the pack as some sort of peace offering. The woman was still curious all the same because she wanted to know exactly what the pack was about. She only hoped that the man would not be violent.