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the queen's minions — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Hero who has 15 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Adair Asherdu
RE: The sky is dark with storm clouds (7/15)
Two months had passed and already Adair had soared into the second position with hard work and persistence that had eventually paid off. It was a title he was comfortable with, and though it was not lead, he did not mind their current leader as much as he thought he would; probably because of Ash's elusive nature. Despite being in the pack a few months he had only met a select members, mostly the wild rambunctious yearlings and sweet Narime; a woman he'd grown closer too since his acceptance. She was a broken woman but her heart was good, he could tell it from their meetings and the way she conducted herself that nothing evil coursed through her body, but she was not easily persuaded and this was what intrigued him. He would allow her to capture him if she wanted, as she was his to do as he pleased--and only hers, he'd made sure of it.

There was but one other female of child bearing age in the pack and that was Athena, a woman who's insecurities were tension filled the moment they met and it bothered him. He had done nothing for her to question his loyalty so why then did she not trust him? Was there something about him that built that distrust, perhaps it was his persistence for the second rank, a rank that he had found out later on was claimed by her mate, or was it the way he carried himself with an air of arrogance and strength? He was confident in his abilities, and he was wondering if she could see this in him as well...following her scent he found her den and lingered near it cautiously, knowing that her pup lived with her as well. He was no fool to go between a mother and her child but he was curious about her issue with him, especially if they were to share the second ranks in this pack, they needed to get along for wellbeing the pack. "Athena, we need to talk..."
Avatar by Emma! Thanks girlie!