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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Capella <3 Lachesis is at the top of the lake, closest to CRR.
if you want we can do the RE as well? (There is a shooting star tonight.)

Dusk was falling and the healer knew he should be half way back to Cut Rock by now. There was a pack nearby, and XIX was unsure of whether his pack was on good terms with them – he also wasn’t about to find out if they weren’t. He had been out scouring for herbs once more, replenishing his stock for the summer months. With the arrival of puppies in the pack the air had changed drastically; the wolves of Cut Rock had become less tense, embracing their arrival with open paws and turning into puddles of mush in their presence. Puppies were always a good sign; they showed other packs that their pack was healthy and growing (aka, not to be messed with). All the wolves seemed to be in a good mood – even the weather had turned around. Gone was the brutal winter; spring had arrived, with summer biting at its heels.

The air was warm as the sun began its descent, slowly falling behind the horizon as the moon and the stars took its place. The plants he had collected were bundled up in a large leaf that the healer carried between his teeth; it was the easiest way to carry herbs without getting a bitter taste in his mouth. It also prevented damage to the precious cargo, as some of his inventory was very fragile. He moved with an awkward grace, his long legs carrying him quickly along the water. While the lake caused unwanted memories to resurface XIX quickly pushed them aside; they were memories that were still painful, but they were the past. Things were looking up for the healer – Karpos had joined Cut Rock with his sister, and, most importantly, he and Capella had finally poured their hearts out to each other.

At first Lachesis had been worried that things would change between them, but nothing did. Of course they were far more affectionate than they had been prior to their confession, but they had fallen back into their former routine. It was exactly how XIX wanted things to be; he wanted Capella to be by his side, always, even if it wasn’t always physically. She was the light at the end of the tunnel; an oasis on a hot summer’s day. Although he still missed Anastasia – and would always miss her, as their friendship was one that could not be challenged – Capella was different. Their relationship had started off similar, but had blossomed into something quite unexpected.

He wasn’t complaining; he loved her. He would always love her. It had always been Capella, and it would always be her.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae

It seemed Lachesis had picked up his duty to the pack with renewed gusto. Capella wasn't selfish enough to think that she'd had anything to do with it, but the normalcy was refreshing all the same. Her morning was spent refilling the caches, which was wonderful in it's own sort of way. After the Winter they had, she'd been sure that none of the forest dwelling creatures would return, and for the first time she was happy to be wrong. New life sprung up all around them; Young fawns, and cubs alike. The youngest members of Cut Rock River seemed to be healthy, but she had only watched from afar. Maybe they reminded her too fondly of another time, one where she would have been called Aunty.

All thoughts aside, the pale girl moved easily over the terrain. His trail was still fresh, powdered with Cut Rock, as well as a much more personal scent she'd come to know as him. Usually she left him to his duties, intent on shying away from the clingy role, but today she found herself longing for him.

The sun was already kissing the horizon when she caught his familiar gait. A light smile graced her lips, as she knew that bundle of his meant her hunt had not been the only successful one today. "Find anything good?" Her voice settled on the air between them easier than it once had. Since their confessions, everything seemed to come more naturally than it used to.

worlds are ruined this way, and we've all been there time and time again.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
The slender medic flanked the edge of the lagoon, his long legs carrying him quickly across its sandy banks. XIX knew it was time he returned to Cut Rock; darkness would soon devour the lands of Relic Lore, and he did not want to be caught in its grasp for too long. He also did not want to worry his denmate, Capella, who was probably already worried about his absence. A small smile found its way onto his maw at the thought as he tightened his grip on the bundle of herbs hanging from his jaws. XIX knew that the sunflower-eyed girl still worried about him despite his recent confidence gain. It had been a struggle for him to return to his former self, and he still found himself falling back into his shell and withdrawing from the pack. He knew, though, that he couldn’t allow himself to be distant; he needed to be there, not only for his leaders, but their children. Along with his official role within the pack, Lachesis also had a new rank to uphold to.

All movement ceased once the familiar scent wafted into his nostrils, causing the lazy smile to return as he turned to meet Capella’s bright, sunny gaze. He approached her, hesitant at first as he placed his leaf bundle on the ground, before breaking the distance between them. Pressing his forehead against her shoulder, XIX applied a quick lick to her warm fur. “Hellebore, skunkbush, horsetail…” he listed off, his voice low as he remained where he was, pressed against Capella’s side. “… and something for you.” Reaching down, Lachesis nosed open his bundle, his teeth delicately picking out the pale, purple flower he had plucked after collecting his herbs. It wasn’t anything exciting, and Lachesis felt awkward (and giddy) giving it to her, but he didn’t care. All he wanted to do was make Capella smile, and would do anything to ensure that it happened.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you