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The Awakening — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
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Kauda Kokki
<i>Kauda thrust herself fowards, pushing herself along the terrain as fast as she could go. Her body, instead of her small, onyx black lithe figure, was the size of a pup's, with short legs and newgrown teeth and short claws. She was a pup again, and it was the day.</i>

<b>"Makita!"</b><i> Kauda shouted, running as hard as she could. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to be fast enough. The small mass of brindle brown several yards in front of the pup did not stir, but instead stared up at the huge thing in front of her. It twirled and danced in the sky, grabbing up everything in it's path. Including the pup, who's name was Makita. It grabbed up up with arms of wind and she disappeared in it's twirling depths.</i> <b>"NO!"</b><i> Kauda shouted, heavy tears falling down her small, petite black face. Her paws gave out, throwing Kauda onto the ground. Screams came from her mouth as she tumbled, all she wanted was her sister back. Her parents had already disappeared, now her sister was gone too.</i>

<i>Kauda's sides rose and fell with the sobs that escaped them as she wet the ground with her tears. Brassa, one of the elder wolves of the pack, had already rushed herself to the pup, licking her ears reassuringly. The small black pup pulled away from her, turning the other way. She didn't want the comfort of Brassa's kind tongue. She wanted her sister. When her wet blue eyes opened again, Kanaii was standing in front of her. His eyes stared into hers, tears falling from his as well. He rushed to her and they held each other, in a wolf way, crying with each other.</i>


<i>Kauda's eyes bulged open with a start. They were wet with tears from her dream. She was no longer the slender black pup, but the sleek onyx black 1 year old wolf. That wasn't it though. She was no longer sitting on the rock with Ozera. She was laying at the bank of a rushing river, gushing water at an amazing speed. She pushed herself off the ground and pushed herself back, but as she stood her head spun and pounded. The wound from the buck was getting to her. It wasn't as bad as it would have been without Ozera though. Oh, how she wished Ozera was still here.</i>

<i>Kauda watched the river, staying a few yards away from it. Water had tooken away her cousin, and she had been scared of the harmless liquid ever since. The wind was also very strong as it pushed against her dark fur, as dark as the wings of ravens. Fear surged through her.</i>
Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
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Torla Tainn
Torla trotted through the great forest, amber eyes slanted upward to gaze into the tall canopy. Cedar was her favorite of all the trees, with its spicy fragrance and feathered leaves. Though a dusting of snow covered the ground like powdered sugar, it seemed warmer here, as if the trees emanated heat as well as the sweet fragrance that permeated the air.

The rush of water perked the young woman's ears. She had been wandering all day, reacquainting herself with her home, and had not yet paused to eat or drink. The river sprawled over rocks and fallen branches, a beautiful blue-gray ribbon amid the rich earthy tones of the forest. Torla was halfway down the bank when a small black figure caught her eye. She turned to face the wolfess, who was sitting some distance from the riverbank. As Torla drew a few cautious steps closer, her eyes searched the woman's face and found sorrow there, and she smelled of fear. Are you alright? the pale girl asked softly.
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2011, 07:02 PM by Torla.)
Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki
<i>Kauda threw her head around, dark blue eyes wide with fear - both from her dream and the surprise from the new she - wolf. A few of the last tears from her dream fell to the snow, leaving holes in the soft frozen liquid. She looked frozen, staring at the she - wolf. She was pretty, decent sized with creamy white fur and amber eyes. Her voice was soft, but Kauda was still very cautious and alert.</i>

<b>"I'm fine."</b><i> she replied stiffly, her electric blue eyes staying in contact with the she - wolf's. Her tail was slowly uncurling from under her legs. She just seemed to be oh so lucky when finding other wolves lately. Ozera, she loved Ozera as her best friend, but who was this she - wolf? Why was she here?</i>

<b>OOC: Urh... Writers Block. Sorry!</b>
Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn
totally fine! I understand. ^^

The other's eyes were beautiful, the most alive shade of cerulean that Torla had ever seen. Their shocking beauty was tainted with something, though, and Torla could not begin to guess what. Her instincts urged her to soothe the woman, but how could she when she didn't know what pained her? Obviously, the raven wolfess did not wish to pour her sorrows upon a stranger, which Torla understood. Had the roles reversed, she did not think she could let her pain be known to someone she did not fully trust.

Are you certain? she continued, her voice ever gentle, barely above a whisper. She took a tentative step towards the woman, her sun-hued eyes full of concern. The Tainn female did not expect the dark wolf to answer this time, but at least she would have the chance to.
Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki
<blockquote><i>Kauda watched the she - wolf's eyes change - to curiosity or awe at first, and then to a gentle look that made Kauda want to trust her... it's just that... she couldn't. The dark black she - wolf let her head fall, her stunning blue eyes staring at her paws. She listened as the other spoke. Her voice was so soft and comforting, almost like her mother's had been when she was just a pup.. only that it wasn't her mother's voice. It was a stranger's voice. The she - wolf took a gentle step towards her - so silent and soft it stirred nothing under her paw pad. Kauda remained still for a minute. Her mind was racing. What should she do?</i></blockquote>

<blockquote><b>"I -" </b><i>the dark black she - wolf paused. What was there to say to the stranger? She brought her head up to look at the wolf. She was very beautiful, and with the few Tainns that Kauda had met, she knew automatically that she was one of them. Like some of the Tainns she had light, tawny pale fur. Something about it stood out to her, and then Kauda realized it was short. It wasn't bad, it actually looked good. It made the she - wolf look clean, and elegant, too. Her eyes were a stunning bright yellow eyes - comforting, the way they were put, but they also made her tense. She was a beautiful wolf, and nobody could argue with that.</i><b> "Who are you?"</b><i> she asked finally, avoiding the she - wolf's question.</i></blockquote>