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I'll be missing you — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
@Athena, I think we need a mother and daughter thread! This is kind of sad but the most logical reason I could come up with for her absence, let me know if the PP bothers you!

RE: The sky is dark with storm clouds.

She moved with a stiffness, the roundness of her back had narrowed slightly near her hips and along the arch of her spine as sickness over a span of two weeks confined her to the back of the den. Her mother was always present, though Rory was more interested in sleeping and fighting the sickness then eating and because of this she grew weak, frail and a cough overtook her small frame on the occasion that she attempted to walk. It was critical to her health, this sickness, but thankfully it was lifting. Today she felt better, nausea no longer racked her tiny frame and for the first time in weeks the young girl craved food, a substance that had been all but forgotten by the cream colored fluff ball until now.

As thunder roared outside the den she stirred with a movement that had been absent at birth and grew more prominent as the sickness took over her but it was subsiding and her limbs were beginning to move more fluidly despite her age. With her mother so near she hardly needed to venture further then a few feet and when she felt the warmth of Athena's coat she mewed the tiniest mew that she could produce. Malnourished and weak, it was the best she could do. Her blunt claws fought to break through her mother's thick pelt and when she felt her hip she grew satisfied and produced another frail mew before burying her nose into her hide with a deep exhale. It was time for the healing to begin and she desperately needed @Athena's attention.
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!