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Down Stream — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Becca who has 12 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Auva Caravello

Late Morning | Partly Cloudy — 73° F/23° C | Tags: @Enoki

Auva had set out to the creek this morning. She was interested in either taking a small dip or seeing if any company would be found lurking around her. Even the company of a mere bird might be nice right now. Anything but that seemingly emptiness that bit at her even though she was in a warm pack. Perhaps it was that lack of friends she had. For the woman could really use some friends. So many wolves in the lands of the lore and she couldn't truly call even one of them her friend.

Stumbling upon the creek quicker than expected her made sure to check the water temperature with a paw first. Slowly settling one paw in she allowed the cooling water to wash over her leg. Deciding it was an acceptable feeling she let the rest of her legs slid into the water with ease. Little did she realize that some fish near by were being startled. Watching some jump out of the water while others swam panicked and fast she chuckled lightly. It was quite the scene to see. A smile wide on her face exposed her ivory teeth to the fish. Trying to have some more fun the Caravello pranced about as the fish kept on with their panicking ways. Though soon enough they all slipped too far down stream for her to keep going after them. Besides, they were probably best down there where wolves like her wouldn't torture them with silly games.


Dracoart-Stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: mg-pride1.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Sorry if it seems rambly and confusing, I kept getting distracted by my mom and the dogs.

An exasperated sigh passed her black lips as Enoki made her way along the creek side, tongue lolling between parted jaws in response to the summer heat that currently plagued the land. Summer was the woman's least favorite season of all and with good reason when your body consisted of black fur that absorbed the heat like an oven. But luckily the bicolored wolf had managed to find her way to cold water creek in an attempt to cool herself off. A nice dip to soak the fur and cool off the body was a pleasant idea that lofted in her mind.

Continuing on her trek to paradise she paused for a moment when a sudden change in wind direction brought to her nostrils the scent of another wolf in the area. Taking a deep inhale of the scent the Ashrelle woman could just distinguish the mix of pack scent within that of her own. 'Ah maybe I'll make a new friend today.' She thought to herself as her tail rose behind her in good fashion, wagging at this thought which ended up brightening her once dreary mood and took away all previous thoughts of the heat.

Giving a quick bark, she warned the Magnolia wolf of her arrival so as to not surprise them when the two finally came into view of each other. With her nose lifted to the air and paws moving with a new determination, Enoki followed the scent along the creek as it began to steadily grow stronger and stronger.

Khalliysgraphy @DA & CathleenTarawhiti @DA - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Aug 14, 2014, 06:15 PM by Enoki.)
Played by Becca who has 12 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Auva Caravello

Auva was quick to respond to the scent and bark of another with her own light hearted bark. "Good day Miss. I am Auva Caravello. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting this fine day?" She asked politely with a bow of her head and the wag of her tail behind her. Since they weren't too close to the borders of her home, Magnolia Glen, Auva saw nothing wrong with letting this female have her company at the creek.

Looking over the other female she noticed that two colors graced her pelt. A base of black with white. Or was it really the other way around? Either way the female was multicolored interesting enough. "I'm sure the summer isn't treating you too nicely with all of that dark fur?" Chuckling lightly she left a lazy smile sit on her face. Hopefully this female would be a friend to have and keep. The large young woman could use some friends for a change. Whether they were in her pack or not didn't matter to her. Friends are friends no matter where they were located. Just like the friends she had back at her old birth pack. Well, they weren't exactly friends really. More of acquaintances in all honestly. Perhaps had she taken a liking to being more social she could actually have a paw full or more of friends.

Waiting for the other to speak she slowly tipped her head down taking a small sip from the cool creek. It's liquids replenishing her throat from the summer sun's heat.


Dracoart-Stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer


Arriving upon the snow pelted female she was surprised by the warm greeting that was so quickly given to her, though pleasant none the less. Her white tipped tail rose behind her in a friendly wag of her own while her head bowed much the same as Auva had when greeting Enoki. Why couldn't every first time meeting go as smoothly as this? "It's an honor to make your acquaintance, Auva Caravello. Enoki Ashrelle at your service." Caravello. That sir name sounded familiar as if she had heard it before. What was it about that name? And then with a small jog of her memory she clicked two and two together to her previous trek across the Lore. Last year she had came across a male at Heart Leaf Creek with the same last name. Ace. Were the two related in some way, mates possibly or just an odd coincident where they had the same last name?

Finding that she was in no immediate threat from Auva, Enoki lowered her haunches to rest on the cool soil of the earth, letting her tongue dangle partially through her front canines as the lily colored wolf spoke once more, her ears ever changing direction to each tone her words took as they kept attention. Another soft chuckle passed her lips at her comment about the heat and her fur, nodding her head briefly. "Summer is my least favorite season due to that alone. I can never seem to catch a break from the sun even when under cover." Many of times, Enoki caught herself wishing for a serein to magically fall from the skies, even if sunset was still many hours away.

Lowering her entire body to the ground, Enoki became fully relaxed in the presence of her newly acquired, well hopefully acquired friend. Enoki didn't have any friends and that thought alone was enough to make a frown appear on her features whenever it popped inside her mind. Hopefully with this go around at Relic Lore not only would she make a decent number of friends and acquaintances; hopefully no enemies, but also find herself a permanent home among one of the packs that resided in these areas. Home. What a heart warming feeling.

Khalliysgraphy @DA & CathleenTarawhiti @DA - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Aug 15, 2014, 04:19 PM by Enoki.)