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The Den — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki

OOC: Slight powerplay in saying that she got a den. If that's not alright then let me know. ;)

As Jayse led the small, ebony she - wolf to her pack's territory, many thoughts were running through her head. What would she be doing if she wasn't traveling to a pack with Jayse? Would she find any of her family with the pack? If not, would she still be able to search for them? Goodness, she was nervous - and Kauda was hardly ever nervous, but instead headstrong and daring. But, as she padded through the snow behind the white she - wolf, she was questioning her decision. No doubt, Jayse was a sweet wolf and Kauda was glad to have met her, but to go back to a pack with her?? She had turned down so many offers to join packs before. The stunning fact: she wasn't seriously injured or starving, so why was she here?

Kauda was led to the pack territory and given an empty den. She thanked Jayse with the nod of her head and a quick but meaningful smile before turning into the den - her den - and getting settled in.

It was an average sized den, big enough for most wolves. To Kauda, it was very big and she had a lot of room to move around. Hmm... maybe this won't be as bad as I thought. Kauda thought to herself, picturing a stack of her own kills on one side, a comfortable bed made of grass and pine needles on the other side. Most of all, it was hers, and she loved the ring of the words.

Kauda pawed at the ground in her den for a minute, softening it up. As soon as the ground became clear of snow, she would make bedding for it and it would be grand. Thanks Jayse, she thought happily. But, while the inside of her den was cozy, comfy, and warm, she was ready to meet the others of the pack.. Grizzly Hollow, as Jayse had called it. The ebony she - wolf poked her nose out of her den, seeing if she could spot her white friend. Surely Jayse would introduce her to everyone.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc;the only thing is they don't have private dens. it's just one at the moment. so i'll just say there in their. sorry it's short.

The trip back had been uneventful, which suited her just fine. When they arrived it been late adn Jayse had let Kauda get her rest. There would be plenty of time to catch up on things tomorrow, and Jayse was very sleepy herself. The morning light dimly lit the opening, she stirred silently. There was a nagging she should open her eyes, but she rolled to her side letting a several minutes pass. It dawned on her mate was not in reach. This small alarm fluttered eyelids, and they adjusted to the dim setting. Jayse was not alone, Kauda's bright eyes were open. "Good morning, did you sleep okay?" Voice was quiet, and tone very sleepy. Lids blinked again, thoughtfully looking the young girl over. Opening jaws she lazily pushed self off the dirtfloor. Leaning to side, hind paw dug at an ich on her throat.

As of late she wasn't much of a morning go getting and wasn't surpised to see her other companions up and gone. Wanting Kauda to feel welcomed, and perhaps knowing she could be hungry she stood up. "Are you intersted in some breakfast by chance? I think I saw some pheasants roaming round the other day." Fluffy tail wagged slowly behind her, a single smile on her face. Pausing she waited for answer, and crawled into the light. Strikeling bright, and she narrowed her eyes against it. It was morning, but the sun had been up longer then she.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki

OOC: Absolutely perfect! :) I would change the top post but I am too lazy right now. xD

Kauda let a smile light her dark, fraguile features as Jayse's eyes popped open sleepily. Normally, Kauda could sleep all day if she was given the chance. Today, though, Kauda had anxiousness stirring in her stomach. They had arrived just last night and Kauda was still questioning her decision. Of course, this morning she felt more like a family than she had in a long time (which also made her want her family more badly) - just by Jayse's warm greeting and sleeping in a den with the other wolves. She was definitely enjoying herself.

The ebony she - wolf stretched out, reaching her paws up over her head and letting out a lazy yawn. Jayse let her eyelids flutter open and closed for a moment, and then lazily pushed herself off of the hard - though Kauda loved it to death - dirt floor of the den. With the white she - wolf's movement, Kauda mirrored it and yawned once more, closing her jaws shut with a snap. "Good morning, Jayse!" Kauda replied softly to Jayse's goodmorning greeting - which Kauda greatly appreciated.

Seeing Jayse creep silently out into the sun, Kauda let her back legs stretch for a moment before padding on happily behind the white she - wolf. The air was cool and chilly, but the sun made it all better. It shone brightly, nearly hurting Kauda's bright blue eyes. She lowered her muzzle silently, shielding her eyes from the sun. 'Are you interested in breakfast by chance?' Jayse's voice rang into her ears. Well, of course! thought Kauda happily, no bitterness in her thoughts whatsoever.

"Well, of course! You up for a little group hunting?" Kauda winked, wagging her fluffy black tail behind her, hoping that she and Jayse could go hunting. Then, her common sense got ahold of her. How else would it work? Kauda gave a little chuckle, doing all she could to keep herself from bouncing off the trees and growing wings to fly. She felt that good. "Maybe afterwards you could show me the other pack members!" she suggested, letting a smile show again. Woohoo! was the main word running through her thoughts.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc;don't matter. :)

Merry greetings, she was relieved the girl wasn't being johnny raincloud any more. It was much better to be around someone upbeat and perky. It was a great dose of medicine to start the day. She wanted Kauda to like her new home, be able to enjoy it here. She did hope the other members of Grizzly Hollow were around. If not, she'd meet them sooner or later. Now it was time to fill empty bellies. A group conisiting of two would ensure a good chance of victory for the females. "You bet." Standing, sigh adjusted to the view, and she strolled down the small crest of the hill. Making sure to stretch out her crampened limbs all the way done.

"Coarse Kauda, we'll see if their round when we get back." Smiling head was held high, and ears were perched foward listening for further sounds in the woods. It was rather quiet in this part, but in the distance she could hear chimpmunks speaking. Maybe a crow flying round. "Ready? "she asked. She was very hungry herself, and this was a group effort after all. She walked a little further, eyes tracing along the brown terrain.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki

OOC: Sorry for the wait! I've been busy with Makita. :)

Kauda let a gentle smile light her dark muzzle, revealing ivory fangs. She was in a much better mood, as she usually was, and she was happy to prove to Jayse that she wasn't always such a sour puss. Jayse just happened to catch her in a horrible mood, one of Kauda's multiple personalities. One was that she was a complete sweetheart; loving, caring, gentle, kind, honest, and just a complete joy to be around. The other was a bitter brat; sarcastic, dull, rude, disgraceful, snappy, cruel, and a huge attitude that could change anyone's mood.

Her electric blue eyes blinked happily as Jayse gave a happy reply. 'You bet!' Letting her pink tongue loll out of the side of her mouth, resting softly over sharp, ivory fangs. "Good!" she murmured, her ears perking as she heard the squeak of chipmunks. Dark black ears swiveled to the sound and her eyes moved carefully with them. She shot a sideways glance to Jayse, winking once before dropping into a half crouch simply for the fact that she was lighter on her feet (like she wasn't light enough already).

Suddenly, she realized how she was beginning to look up to the average sized white female. It was wierd. Kauda didn't gain trust easily. It was like a mouse and cheese in a trap. To get the cheese, the mouse would have to get through the trap. That was sort of like Kauda. You had to get through her skin, earn her trust the hard way. Her bright blue eyes moved once more to watch Jayse, a smile lighting up her features once more.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc;no worries. :)

She gave a mirrored wink, and stretched her body lengthwise, creeping along the ground. It was good to see Kauda settling into Grizzly Hollow. It did a lot of good for the gray-stroked wolf to see her happy with her decision. The Alphess thought she would be a good edition to the pack. She definately had a drive in her, now to only getting to a healthier weight. Ears were perched high, and she sneeked foward deeper into the woods were the animals were. She could see a fallen log not to far off, where all the remaning bits of the chimpmunks feast had been. Sight crept back to Kauda and she silently pointed toward the hollow turned over tree.

She paused briefly waiting for the girl to draw near her side. "I'll sneek round and scare 'em this way k?" She whispered softly, a small grin formed with black lips. Silently she headed left, and for several minutes she crept round through the brush behind the striped appetizers. Her breath silent, she was careful with each step closer. And when she could not wait, she pounced on the log letting out a rough bark. Three chimpmonks squealed, and darted out into the open ground. Jayse prusued one, hoping Kauda may catch another. She darted through the dead needles, and mild clumps of snow. A quick dive, she snatched the lonely creature ending it's life with a hard grasp. Tail waved proudly behind her, high like a flag while she trotted seeking out her companion.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki

Kauda listened to Jayse's words, nodding her head gently. Her eyes, bubbly with excitement, became kneen and focused, lowering herself even more as she took a few steps forward. The average sized white she - wolf disappeared around the thick undergrowth and Kauda crept forward even more, walking as silent as possible. Her ears swiveled around, searching for any signal that Jayse might give. Suddenly, the chase began.

A crack emitted from the brush and the loud squeal of a chipmunk sounded, then quickly died away. And the race is on. thought Kauda, a smile appearing on black lips as excitement began to course through her veins. Without a second's hesitation, she launched herself into the air with powerful, agile black back legs. She saw scattering chipmunks below her, and the excitement made her ears twitch. The last time she had been on a group hunt was when she was three months old, and she had almost forgotten the sudden rush it brought. As her body floated back down, she aimed herself to land square on a chipmunk. She quickly sunk ivory teeth into it's neck, ending it's life quickly. Hopeful to catch another, she whirled herself around. There were no more on the ground, but as one began to shoot up a tree, Kauda hoped that she would be lucky. She dashed for it, sending herself into the crisp air. The chipmunk was about half way up to the first branch when Kauda hit the branch with such a force it nearly knocked her back. Luckily, she gripped it with her paws, hoping to grab it with powerful bloodstained jaws. Quickly, she shot her mouth out, jaws wide open, and tried to grab the chipmunk. Of course, her superhero action backfired. The chipmunk raced up the tree and when he couldn't avoid the first branch, he leapt on top of Kauda's head and pushed himself up to the next branch. Bitterly, Kauda let go of the branch and landed with a thump.

Kauda grabbed her kill, smiling happily with her fluffy black tail held high with pride and joy. Suddenly, a thought struck her intelligent brain. She could hunt, yea, but she needed to learn to fight. It was a sudden thought that came from nowhere, but Kauda narrowed her eyes on the tree in front of her. If I learn to fight then I won't ever have to be picked on again. I can be superwoman. she thought. Her bright blue eyes searching for Jayse, she finally found her and trotted happily towards her. "Nice catch! That was a lot of fun... I can't remember the last time I'd hunted with someone else like that." Kauda said happily, smiling gently. She let a moment pass, thinking to herself. Maybe she'd want to talk to Borden, her other alpha, to learn where to fight. It was breeding season and Kauda was sure that Jayse would be having pups. Once more, a smile passed over her and she felt as giddy as a school girl.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; funny imagining kauda

Jayse was assured Kauda would easily catch one of the remaining. Wandering over to her companion an amused chuckle erupted watching the young girl try and retrieve the second. It had no mind to be eaten and pounced off the black head scampering away. Well one had to get away so they could make more chimpmunks she suposed. Kauda didn't seem to le it get her down. The leader's white fluffy tail brushed through the air, and she trotted closer.

Ears twisted to Kauda listening to pure excitement. She dropped her own catch, and fell back onto her haunches. "It was wasn't it? You did good too." She smiled, and continued, "Just think you'll get to do this more." Jayse hoped that would be a good thought for the black cloaked girl to remember. Jayse herself was looking forward to another group hunt. Catching large game was well worth it. It could cure hunger for longer. She was happy with her breakfast and started digging into the warm flesh.

It was a bit quiet and her curiousity was on the move, as always. "Kauda, what are you thinking?" Voice was a warm tone, and she gave a reassuring smile. Jaysyek wasn't trying to pry, only wondering what was going on behind those ice-blue eyes. She wanted to make sure she was okay with Grizzly Hollow as her new home. She was not only her leader, but the one who had brought her here.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki
OOC: *cracks knuckles* Let's get this new table worn in! :D

Kauda held her fluffy black tail high, waving it like a flag in the air. The plump chipmunk hung limp in her mouth, which contained a huge happy grin spread over an ebony muzzle. The fact that she had a chipmunk just run over her head didn't get her down. Neither did the fact that she had just gotten one chipmunk. All that mattered was that she was here with Jayse and she was going to have her stomach filled soon. Trotting alongside Jayse was something that Kauda didn't want to get rid of soon. She didn't plan on leaving for a while.. if she ever left at all.

Suddenly, Jayse stopped and rolled herself back onto ivory white haunches, digging her fangs into her chipmunk. "It was wasn't it? You did good, too. Just think you'll get to do this more." Jayse smiled. It was one of those smiles that made the world stop for a minute and a camera go off in Kauda's head. Obviously, Kauda was becoming a lot closer to Jayse than she had planned, and quicker too. But, Kauda was sure she was making a good decision. Jayse had proved she was a good wolf and Kauda admired her for that.

Seeing Jayse move into a sitting position, Kauda mirrored the action. She lowered herself to lay beside the white she - wolf, letting her chipmunk drop from her mouth into her paws. "Only if it's with you." she told her happily, lowering her dark muzzle and opening her jaws slightly. The scent wafted into her nostrils and down her throat, making her mouth water. Without hesitation, she grabbed the chipmunk up into her jaws, sinking her teeth into it's thin layer of fur and into it's body. Thick red liquid began to flow from it's body to her throat, quenching her hunger. As she ate, Jayse shot a kind glance to her, a little grin spreading over her black lips. "Kauda, what are you thinking?" Kauda didn't find this question annoying or nosy. Instead, she loved it. It made her feel like she had someone that cared for her; cared enough to ask what she was thinking.

Letting a soft, crooked grin set her dark features alight, she replied gently. "Well, Jayse," she lifted her head from her prey and ran her light pink tongue over her fangs, cleaning them of all the blood stains. "First, I'm thinking that I'm really loving my new home and my new family... Well, I know you aren't really my family, but I consider you family, if you don't mind." she smiled, bringing her light blue eyes up to meet Jayse. It was spring, a time to start anew. It was a time to learn new things and bring fourth new wolves. "And I was also thinking that I wanted to learn how to fight. It's spring and I've finally found a home. Now, I want to learn how to defend it." she smiled. She knew how weird it must sound, seeing a very small, agile black wolf ask to learn how to fight. But, she really did want to know. Maybe Jayse could teacher. Or Borden. Maybe they both could!

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; you okay if we wrap it up here?

The elder wolf gave a relaxed smile to the answer. She did want to point out eventually she might not be able to hunt, least not anything large. And quietly Jayse wondered how swiftly she would be able to move while she was pregnant. If these chipmunks would be to fast or not. She had no idea. She'd never had puppies or met a pregnant wolf. This was one of those times she greatly missed her mother, and wished she could have known, gotten advice from her. Something in life she'd have to experience, and learn as she went. It was to soon to know what the start of summer would bring. Worrying about it wasn't a good thing.

Teeth started delicately ripping into her own catch. The warmness was good in her mouth, and she tore small pieces gulping them down. It was good to be full. Quietly kept eating, while Kauda seemed to think over her answer. A huge smile pushed up her cheeks, and gray tail swiped at the ground at the words of family. It was so nice to hear this, and Jayse was very honored to know so. "That means a lot to me Kauda, of coarse I think of you like family." She might have nuzzled her, but she didn't want to wipe blood on her. She stood letting her continue.

The prospect of fighting, a thougthful expression crossed her pale facade. Pink tongue now stroked away the crimson tinge, and she understood. She would need to learn to defend herself properly, but how was she to learn? Jayse had learned a bit from her adoptive parent so to speak. Most of it was merely experience from the few scrapes she'd been in. "I'm sure we'll figure something out. I don't know how great a teacher I would be," she replied. Looking down she finished the chipmunk staying quiet for awhile. Standing up, she looked to the youger wolf. "Maybe if you see my mate Borden you could ask him. Or I could later. I'm sure we'll have a pack meeting soon even, we could sort it out then." She gave her a reassured smile, tail held high drifting against the air, and she further said, "Come on, we'll head back and see if anyone else is around." She waited momentarily, and once Kauda seemed ready she headed back to the den.
{ end }

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