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The Devil's Eyes — Umbra Copse 
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Some day you too will know my pain
Vespertio Vuesain
And smile its black toothed grin

Patchy rain nearby — 42° F/6° C | Late Evening
Random Event - A coyote wearing a deer’s skull is stalking you.
~Kill the ghost that hides in your soul~

The Dream.
"You are no longer a Scarlet Crescent wolf, leave." The words were spat venomously into Vesper's face by his gang of siblings, a snarl rumbling from deep within their chest and a snarl of his own pulling back the black lining of his lips to bare his canines at his brothers and sister. No, they were no longer his siblings, they were traitors in his golden eyes now for turning against him and ending his rise to leadership. He was so close, so close to overthrowing their father from the throne and taking his place as the king of the pack. His plans were burned to ashes now as he stood at the boarder of the territory, guard hairs raised defensively. "Damn you, damn you all to hell!" he spat back with an equal amount of venom to his words before his oldest brother, Valfred, stepped forward with a snap of his mighty jaws. Vespertio knew it was pointless now to try and pull one last trick to regain his place among the pack and with one last snarl he reluctantly turned his back on his family, his home and ran. Ran with every ounce of speed he could muster as his brother gave chase to run him off their lands.

The Reality.
Cream colored paws kicked and twitched at the air as Vespertio slept under the cover of a gnarled tree who's roots twisted and bent to form a safe nook for the night, a light fog slowly stalking its way across the forest floor like an eerie cloak. His mind once more was plagued by the nightmare of his past. The banishment from his home. "No..traitors..all of you!" He whimpered in a weak fashion, barely able to lift the flesh of his lips to mimic the actions in his dream while he endured the mental punishment. His sides heaved in quick repetitions as his body continued to twitch to the lucid images inside his head. "You are not one of us Vespertio. You never were, never belonged here." Valfred snarled as his heavy paws fell with each stride that brought him closer and closer to his prey and brother. "I will kill you if it's the last thing I do. You will never know what home feels like. Never..." His mighty jaws that spoke of death and hate now clamped against the nape of his neck.

With an abrupt jolt he awoke from the nightmare, frantically attempting to rise to his feet but found himself unable to. His heart beat rapidly in his chest, thudding against its walls and if he could sweat would have beaded down his forehead in little trickles, panic taking a hold of him as it caused the blood in his veins to run cold. He screamed out to nobody around him. "No. I don't want to die, you can't take me!" Not quite awake and lost in the thought that his dream was real in that fact that his brother was sent to kill him, Vespertio struggled to break himself free from his prison of roots that had become entangled around his legs from his squirming. That was until he found himself scrambling up and haphazardly bounding through the darkness around him, the low settling fog wafting apart where his body tore through. It was early morning, the sun already low in the sky, but no source of light penetrated the black abyss of the trees. Not even a sound could be heard except for the pounding of his heart and the steady colliding of his paws to the soil beneath them. There was no sense of direction as he kept running deeper and deeper into the forest of Umbra Copse, a dark shadow following in his footsteps.

The snap of a twig finally brought the Vuesain man to a halt, the fog whirling around his paws as if trying to coax the paranoid brute to play with it. The rise and fall of his chest was beyond visible as he took deep breathes in his state of hysteria, sweeping his crown in every which direction to searched for the cause of the sound. A twig didn't break on its own. 'He's here. He's come to do me in like I deserve.' His wake induced lucid dreaming taking control of his thoughts. A whimper erupted from his lips as he slowly backed up one step at a time, ears flat against his skull in a pure state of weakness. "Where am I?" Vesper mumbled to himself, unaware of his own surrounds due to the ever looming shadows of the trees that seemed to go on forever. Trapped. That was how he felt now. Like a trapped animal in a cage, but instead of a cage he was trapped by trees that held him captive with their leaf bare limbs. A maniacal laughter(his own delirium and imagination) echoed off to his right, no to his left. It came all around him as he continued to creep backwards, his body crouched as he did so. There was someone following him. Someone was out there, he knew it. It was a mistral that deceived the man...or was it?

A faint glimmer of white; stark against the black shadows that rose in every which direction, caught the corner of his eye and he spun his body in its direction. The white orb was stayed still, a ghost in the realm of shadows. Golden eyes squinted to try and gain a better focus on what he was seeing, but the fog around him and the little light that broke through the canopy above did him little justice. Creeping forward he took one step forward, the creature or whatever it was took one step back. He paused and watched for a moment, but as soon as he blinked the shape was gone. "I must have just been seeing things. Ghost don't exist." Vesper reassured himself, though his own words lacked the confidence he wished to portray. In all honestly he was spooked out of his wits and barely truly waking from his nightmare. But as he took another glance around him, the entire world seemed to be his nightmare. A permanent purgatory. A rustling and more broken twigs caught his attention. There it was again. This time his gaze settled on his right side on the mystery creature, but it was closer now. Still unidentifiable to his golden eyes yet it held more shape to it. A faint gleam of tapetum lucidum glaring at him. Now there was no mistaking the two points that jutted out from the sides, ragged and pointed like tiny daggers ready to tear at anything that came near.

Neurosis paranoid. That was the perfect way to describe Vespertio in that moment as his heart rate picked up again and his muscles grew tense. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that whatever the hell this thing was, it was stalking him. Was it Valfred waiting for the perfect moment to strike and end his life? That thought alone did little to sooth his fears and calm his pounding heart, lungs becoming breathless. "Who are you?!" He called out to the beast(if it was a beast at all and not a figment of his imagination) while trying to keep a sense of confidence and power behind his voice that ended up sounding as paranoid as he felt. The 'thing' moved as his words reached its ears, once more disappearing into the safety of the shadows and ghostly fog with silent ease. A chill ran up Vesper's spine as another wave of uneasiness washed over him. 'Just keep moving and maybe it'll leave you alone.' His thoughts cooed, forcing his locked legs to finally relax enough to allow motion to be had. Stepping quietly, he moved on. Now would be the worst time for someone to sneak up on him.

(This post was last modified: Oct 23, 2014, 04:04 PM by Vespertio.)
Played by Arya who has 5 posts.
Killian Hook

Killian wandered the countryside with no exact place in mind for him to go. He just walked and walked. Every morning, he’d wake and guilt would wash over him as he remembered what happened to Delilah and why she wasn’t lying beside him. They had killed her, but it had been his fault all along. He was foolish to think that he could keep getting away scot free each time he stole from a pack, but it was usually just him and he was smart enough to leave the surrounding territory quickly before being detected. However, Delilah wanted to stay one more night at the beautiful lakeside and that ultimately cost her her life.

Fog quickly moved in as well as the darkness as the sun finally set beneath the horizon, but Hook continued on. His limps weren’t tired yet, so he was going to keep going until he deemed otherwise. However, he was indeed getting quite hungry. He’s never been the one to work for his own food. He’d rather take a hard worked meal from another, but he had vowed to change his ways. Perhaps, he could spare one more night until then though.

It was then as he thought about a tasty rabbit that he heard the panic yells of another through the trees. "No. I don't want to die, you can't take me!" His ears perked up and his head cocked to the side in confusion. Was the man in danger? Crouching down, he moved forward to investigate. Hook always loved a good fight, especially when he could sit back and watch. His emerald eyes barely caught sight of the deranged man before he darted away, passing by him a few feet away. Killian gave chase, but he kept in the shadows as the man stopped once again. Accidently stepping upon a twig in the bushes, he hoped the man was too much in a panic to notice his presence. "Where am I?" The poor man was insane indeed. “What the bloody hell,” he mumbled to himself in a fit of laughter before he moved to possibly get closer to the man, until he suddenly spun around.

The crazed man took a step towards him, but he took a step back, back into the shadows where he was before. The man spoke once more, a failed reassurance on his part. "I must have just been seeing things. Ghost don't exist." It was then that Killian made his presence known (to an extent). ”Oh, laddie, yer wrong ‘bout that one. Ghosts be real alright. Ya feel ‘em when they sink their teeth right inta ya, mate.” He said, a devilish grin forming upon his ebony lips.

Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Some day you too will know my pain
Vespertio Vuesain
And smile its black toothed grin

His blood ran cold again, stopping himself in his tracks as a voice broke the silence around the Vuesain brute. It was not a voice he recognized, but again that did little to help his mental situation. ”Oh, laddie, yer wrong ‘bout that one. Ghosts be real alright. Ya feel ‘em when they sink their teeth right inta ya, mate.” the voice had said, wafting out from the shadows around him like a wraith on the ever growing darkness of the night. Was that the voice of the ivory creature that had been stalking him? Lifting his head cautiously he scented the air and became bewildered at the fact he found...Nothing. There was no scent on the evening air aside from the thick odor of the trees around him and the occasional rabbit. Had he heard the voice in his head then? An exiguous figment of his delusions once more? A faint glimmer of green in the shape of eyes caught his attention. The devil's eyes. "Reveal yourself, Devil!" He called out to the abyss, but as soon as he called out the eyes were gone.

Caramel tinted orbs scanned the obfuscate around him, focusing on sheer darkness in hopes of finding the culprit of the voice that taunted him now. Again, nothing. There was no sign of a presence other than his own. Not even the reflection of tapetum lucidum was to be seen like before. The sun had fallen behind the horizon to allow his nightly mistress the moon to take reign over their kingdom, her position slowly growing higher and giving the ever thickening fog a phantasmal glow that made the forest of Umbra Copse more unearthly than ever. Not even the light rain that fell that night could dispel the curtain of fog that curled and undulated around everything in its path like tiny hands eager to touch what it could. It even wrapped its greedy hands around Vesper's legs in the form of a frozen embrace, sending chills down his spine from the sheer coldness of it. Who the hell was following him and what the hell did they want?

His attention was snatched once more as the now oh so familiar glow of ivory moved off in the distance, faintly seen again from the corner of his peripheral vision. Was he truly going mad now? Defensively his guard hairs stood on end, the ebony flesh of his lips pulling back to bare the whites of his canines as he craned his neck from side to side to catch the faintest of movements should something appear before him. There it was again as the creature of his purgatory darted from behind him on the left to the right. Whirling his body once more he was only able to catch the quickest of glimpses. A deer skull sun bleached from the months of sitting in rot adorned the dark silhouette that darted into the safety of the darkness, its form illuminated by the beams of moonlight that cascaded through the small breaks in the canopy above. His golden eyes widened in fear. If he was spooked before that was an understatement now. Had he been human his teeth would be chattering, his blood curdled beyond belief. The poor man was petrified.

Played by Arya who has 5 posts.
Killian Hook

The way the man stood petrified within the darkness amused Hook to the point where his ebony lips parted to show his toothy grin. The man seemed so petrified that his own shadow could scare the wits right out of him. Killian wasn’t helping him in any way to get over this ordeal; instead he was going to get a laugh out of it. In the back of his mind, he knew Delilah wouldn’t approve, but what was wrong with a lad having a bit of fun on a night like this. The guy was practically handing him his enjoyment on a silver platter.

Slowly moving towards the next bush as to get a bit closer to the man, he watched as the guy shouted out for him to show himself. If he did that, it would ruin the whole show. The guy would realize that it was just him and that it was the dark and Killian playing tricks on him. Not ready to give up just yet, he walked along the shadows a little bit as to get around to the other side of where he just was to perhaps scare him a little more. As he crept, his foot kicked a hard object and it skirted across the forest floor until it came to a stop against a dead oak tree. Looking down at it, he realized it was an old skull of a deer and his toothy grin widened with mischief. Oh, what fun he could have now!

Using his paw, he manipulated the skull to where he could dip his head into it and have it sit upon face. He carefully made his way towards an opening, careful to keep the skull balanced so it didn’t fall off and ruin the show. Not sure what he should say, so he just went with the first thing that came to mind. “Ooooo-Ooooo! Have fear as I am th’ Spirit of Davy Jones! ‘Nd ‘ve come fer th’ soul!” It took everything for Hook to hold back his laughter at the rubbish he was feeding this guy, but if he was as petrified as he thought he was, this was going to be show for sure.

Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

A rustle in the darkness caught his attention as his ears darted in its direction just before his crown followed, golden gaze still filled with fear. What did the devil have in store for the Vuesain male? He would soon find out as the white form of the deer skull once more appeared through the blackness, glimmering in the pale moonlight. This time though there was something different. This time the demon spoke. “Ooooo-Ooooo! Have fear as I am th’ Spirit of Davy Jones! ‘Nd ‘ve come fer th’ soul!” There was no salvation for the poor man now. The devil had some for his soul as he knew he would.

Davy Jones? For a demon that was a pretty unoriginal name Vespertio thought as he then turned his entire frame to face his captor, a defensive snarl raising the black of his lips to reveal his pearly whites once more. "Step out of the shadows, Davy Jones!" Vesper growled, his chest rumbling with the very growl that laced his words. Fear still coursed through his veins, but now he was tired of running from this demon. If he wanted to kill him like Vesper thought he wanted to do, then he was going to have to fight for his soul. Fight or flight and fleeing was no longer an option. His tail rose above his spine as his hackles and guard hairs rose to stand on end, golden tinted gaze locking on the black hollows where the deer's eyes once were. If it was even a deer before. "You want my soul, then you better be prepared to fight for it." He challenged, teeth still bared.