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Instead of falling in love, we'll be flying — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The soundless shape of a yearling peacefully dozed. Cream fur a mess from her earlier tossing and turning. Hopefully she hadn't been keeping anyone up. It was about midnight now and she had just finally fell asleep. Her sides lifted and dropped as she breathed. It was a well needed refreshing sleep for the Reineir girl; she was restless often. Between her wound and frequent nightmares she couldn't get much shut eye.

Danica's form began to shift again as she stirred. Her emerald eyes fluttered open. Why? Why did she have to have another bad dream? She was begging for rest; her body was exhausted. She was wiped...and yet, she couldn't give her body what it needed. Sighing she peered into the darkness. A muffled whine escaped her maw as she attempted to be quieter. She wasn't the only one in need of sleep around here. Nervously she called out for him, "@Titan, are you awake?" She asked and listened to her quite voice bounce around. Maybe he wasn't in the caverns though...she thought bitterly.

Would she awake a slumbering wolf and pay for it? Or would he come to comfort her? Quietly she waited lying their in pain and suffering. She had two reasons now to be absolutely miserable. Why wasn't life cutting her some slack? Was it amusing to have her upset? Another heavy sigh slipped through her teeth. Danica put her head down on her front paws and huffed. How much longer before she was at wits end? Till she was howling out her frustration? Would she begin to keep everyone else up? To feel how she did? Surely she'd keep calmer then that, right? Hopefully.

"She speaks" *She thinks*

(This post was last modified: Jul 24, 2014, 01:23 AM by Danica.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
It wasn't like Titan to not sleep well. Usually he was out like a light. Nobody could wake him up with pokes or growls until the crack of dawn when his body woke himself. That was how "dead-to-the-world" Titan was as he slept in the caverns den only a few feet away from Danica.

Ever since she had gotten injured during the bad storm, Titan had slept in the same area that Danica stayed. He always denied the fact that he was keeping an eye on her, but even Titan knew that he was stupid for denying it. He was protecting her, but from what?

During the day he did his usual duties which included checking on Kassander's herbal stores, scouting around the territory looking for more herbs to fill the stores, and patrolling the border. Maybe the boy would go and take something from the caches to eat or try catching something small on his own to eat. He wasn't much of a hunter when it came to small game. Now with some directions and a pack beside him Titan had the potential to be an excellent hunter of large game.

By night he slept by his Danica. Someone who meant something more than a sister like Malia, but the young wolf didn't know exactly what or why he felt differently towards Danica. One day perhaps he would open up and talk to Ash, Kassander, or Rook and ask them what they thought about it. One day when he could gather up the courage. For now he slept quietly near the Reinier wolf not hearing her as she tried to wake him. "Speech here."

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank

There was no dim light to guide searching eyes, instead an overwhelming pitch blackness. Danica hated peering around the nothingness, or at least, that's what it looked like. Releying on her sense of smell she could pick out the damp scent of the Caverens and her pack mates. It took some focus, but she could figure out on her own that Titan was near. He was like her guardian; there for her when she stumbled. She felt so...safe around him. It was like he was a calming drug for her nerves.The pale wolf inched over carefully on her belly. Her tender leg protested, pain shooting through her limps. Her jaws tightned as white canines smashed together. It was worth it though when she felt his dark fur brush against her face. Softly she whined and pressed her muzzle to his. She wasn't rough about it though, just a nudge. "Titan. She whispered in a voice as sweet as honey.

Danica felt a little uncomfortable with the idea of waking him, but she couldnt resist her selfish tempation. She wanted to feel his body around hers...for some odd reason. She didn't understand her 'need' for closeness. Though, she easily comprehended the desire for comfort. Her dreams were so real; she would wake up confused and dazed...thinking something awful had happened. Thankfully though this wasn't even close to the truth. Minus her accident, that is, with all due respect.Whinning again her vocal display was closely followed by another touch. Her wet nose met with his warm cheek. Her belly lit up with butterflies. Oh how he made her feel so strangely alive.


Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
His dreams flipped and turned about within the confines of the dark lads mind. They went from one scene to the next as quickly as a sparrow fleeting between the trees. For the first half of his sleep Titan had been drenched in darkness, not dreaming a single thing. However now both memories and future dreams flitted through his head.

In one image Titan was looking at Narimé, Yuka, and himself. He towered over his mother, and had thickened out a bit in build. Though his brother had a burly muscular look to him that had Titan a bit intimidated. Nearly the same height as Yuka, the dark Thorben could almost imagine his brother staring at Sloane eye to eye. So alike yet so different in nature and looks. He himself felt a little out of place in the family portrait until he gazed into the blue orbs his mother held and the silver misting throughout his coat. It dawned upon the young male that his looks favored his mother and not the Thorben side of the family; despite the pitch black base color of his fur.

Suddenly two more wolves flitted into the image; she wolves who seemed to be having fun playing with each other. Both girls he recognized, and the sight of one brought tears to his eyes.


She danced with the equally familiar form of Danica while Titan watched on happy to see them getting along with each other. Until it occurred to him that Danica shouldn't be in a dream that featured his family. Confusion rolled across his features; for the young male did honestly think of himself being close with her, but not like...sibling close. Struggling with those emotions Titan watched his family gather and greet each other. The form of Sloane disappeared as Yuka silently snarled at him, and when Yuka looked to Titan he wagged his tail in approval. Their mother didn't need any more trouble from their father anymore. Not after all the pain he had caused them.

Then all of the sudden the dream shifted again. He found himself coming out of pitch blackness as if trotting out of a cave. Then the image moved to a sparsely lit clearing beside a stream. The golden sun shone dappled upon the floor littered with heart shaped leaves as Titan looked around at the area. It was a very serene scene that made him feel at peace with everything around him.

Glancing to the streams bank at a loamy area where paw prints lie in a line walking up the stream. Titan stared at the shapes until he noticed that there were two sets of prints. A larger set belonging to a bigger wolf, and then a smaller set that strode along next to the larger ones. Cocking his head at the scene, Titan decided to turn and leave if other wolves were out and about. He didn't want to bother them right now. The black Thorben never realized that one set of prints were his own.

Suddenly the scene changed again. He was back in the pitch blackness. Sniffing the air quickly allowed him to easily recognize the watery earthen smell of the caverns he lived in. Stepping forward down a path that he knew well, Titan started down a tunnel towards the entrance.

The tunnel was semi lit as reflected light bounced through the cave from the entrance. Sparkling stone reflected the light back until shadow eventually crept over everything.

Suddenly his paws lurched forward. He fell straight down as fear gripped the youth and the feeling of ice cold water slipped past his legs and up his body until he was fully submerged. What is this! Water shouldn't be in this tunnel!?! His thoughts raced as Titan fought to reach the surface. He swam upwards as more fear set in. He wasn't reaching the surface...

Swimming faster Titan struggled to hold his breath. Blowing air out of his nose he realized that there was no surface near him... He felt as though he was deep down in the water even though he shouldn't be. He had just fallen in! But the surface was nowhere to be found.


In the cave where Danica had crept up next to Titan, the dark wolf was twitching and gasping in his sleep. Her wet nose had triggered the bad dream. As his legs flicked forward in a swimming motion Titan gasped one last time before his eyes flew open. He jerked to the left bringing his forelegs beneath him while coughing imaginary water out of his lungs. His blue eyes looked around wildly as he slowly began to recognize where he was. Huffing a shaky sigh and turning to look at Danica, the young black wolf lowered himself back to the ground tiredly laying his head right next to Danica's face. His heart wouldn't stop banging against his ribs while Titan lay there trying to calm himself.

"Morning Dani..." He huffed shakily before glancing towards her green orbs once then flicking them back to the darkness that surrounded them.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Quick catch up post, no table, sloppy, little effort, sorry.)

Danica had almost given up on waking him, laying there till her eyes finally started to droop. As much as she feared another nightmare she was oh so tired. Suddenly Titan started to move and she was quick to react. Her head sprang up in concern as she looked him over. Not a minute later did he awake, "Are you ok?" She asked pressing her cheek to his affectionately.

"I believe it's night, Titan." She mumbled quietly, slightly amused. Still she couldn't be sure without a little moon light proof. He could of been correct. She smiled sleepily and yawned as she spoke, "Sorry for waking you...I had a nightmare." She apologized though clearly not really sorry. She prefered him awake and it showed.

"Did you have one, too? Was it bad? I'm sorry if you did." She spoke slowly and softly. She wasn't in the mood to deal with a grumpy adult walking in. Who would be? At anytime? However, the thought of not bombarding someone who had just woken up hadn't occurred to Dani.

As she awaited her answer the yearling absent mindedly nibbled on his ear. Her front teeth gently playing with his soft skin. At most it would feel like a painless tugging. She seemed too kind natured to purposely cause anyone harm. She would much rather help someone then hurt them. In fact, Danica looked every bit soft. Like a fly would even be safe around her. Who knew how much of that was true, though. Even her nickname had a certain sweetness to it.
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
I'm sorry but I think the nibbling is so cute... :3

"Night? Night... right..." Titan said with a rather confused expression at first. He hadn't realized that the morning had not yet come to them. Instead it was still dark and eerie. He glanced to her sleepily as she yawned and gave a light apology for waking him. However he got the feeling that she had actually wanted him to be awake with her. When she then asked about his dream Titan couldn't help but to shiver.

"Yeah I had one, but it started out a good dream. Or at least it felt good even if it was kind of confusing." Titan yawned after he answered the cream and gray she wolf nestled up near him. Titan pushed himself a little closer to Danica sharing her warmth and trying to suppress the shivers that ran down his spine. He still felt like he was soaked to the bone from the water in his dream.

The nibbling sensation on his ear actually helped to take Titan's mind off the cold feelings and he welcomed the bit of interaction with Dani. Even though he wasn't really interacting with her so much. Leaning his head into the side of her pale cheek to try and stop the she wolf from getting his ear wet, Titan sighed softly allowing his body to relax once more.

"You were in my dream..." He paused to tell her while trying to tug his ear gently away from Danica's grasp. "...and mom, Yuka, and me... All of us were there. Dad was even there for a moment before Yuka scared him away." Titan rumbled before gently attacking Danica's cheeks with soft gentle nips to get her attention. "At the end of it though. I was drowning under water in one of the cavern tunnels..." Titan suppressed another shiver then let the she wolf do whatever she please with him. Instead he lay his head down on his paws sighing tiredly. The caves were home and a good place to go and hide, but they weren't warm and comfortable.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(I thinks so too...)

Danica's ears perked in concern when Titan shivered and she offered a soft whine. She listened while nodding even though she was slightly confused. When Titan drew near she pressed her face to his shoulder momentarily. Was he shivering because he felt cold or was it fear? She wondered looking into his handsome eyes lovingly.

Dani let the dark yearling's ear go willingly. "I was?" She asked curiously as heat rushed through her body. She smiled softly and gave him a bashful expression. Her chest burned in a good way, if possible, when he continued. The very fact that she had shared a dream with his family made her feel important and good about herself. She ignored her slight confusion to why and focused on her blue eyed...lover? What was a lover? She supposed her mother and farther were once...lovers.

Dani found herself giggling girlishly in glee at Titan's nips. She returned the touch playfully, but stoped at his words. Concern covered every inch of her face as shock filled her eyes. She whined sweetly into his ear and cooed, "I like you, so you gotta stay alive." Sheepishly she smiled at him as butterflies filled her stomach and heat set her 'on fire'.

More hesitant then ever she stood up and laid beside him, inches from touching fur. She looked at him and licked his cheek before pressing her face into his warm neck. "Titan" She mumbled softly into his dark pelt with great love and care. For the moment she felt overwhelming grateful for her sweet Titan. He made her feel...whole? She wasn't sure.