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New Adventures — Nightingale Palisade 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
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Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Dated 12/11 2014 - open to anyone whose timeline fits c:
- Morning, Partly Cloudy

She had fought against the snow storm, made her way north, straight against the wind. For how long? She didn't know, hours surely! But even as the night dragged on, the wind kept howling, the snow kept falling, and it was impossible to tell where she was in the flurry of white. In the end, she had found herself desperately lost, not knowing whether she was too far north, or not far enough, close to the mountains, or so far west that she would completely circumvent The Thicket. Finally, exhausted and hopeless, she gave up, finding a small hollow between some large rocks that was reasonably sheltered and settling down to ride out the storm.

Several times throughout the day, she woke from her restless slumber, only to see the snow still swirling wildly outside her hide. Sometime in the afternoon she finally fell into a true sleep, dreaming of a large wolf calling to her from the distance, voice deep and booming, making her heart race, though she could not tell who it was, and his face was turned away, the darkness obscuring the color of his fur.

When she woke up the next time, pale morning light was shining in through the opening to her make shift den, and as she poked her head out, she saw clear skies above. Stepping out of the crammed space, she stretched thoroughly and shook out her fur; Now let's get home! She looked around to find out where she had ended op, and her jaw fell, copper eyes staring wide; "Fenrir..." She whispered awestruck, using the name of an ancient deity her brother had told her of when she was a pup.

On either side of her, steep hills stretched upward, so far she could not see their tops, gnarly trees and shrubs dotting the snow all around. Her shelter lay a little up one slope, and when she looked down, she could see the glistening of ice in the ravine's bottom. Both curious and thirsty, the petite shewolf made her way down, skidding slightly in the snow but keeping in control. coming to a halt at the end of the slope, she looked along the frozen water, first in one direction, then the other; it was impossible to tell where it let or came from; "Where am I?!" She muttered, thirst leading her to walk to the edge of the river. It was a decent size, even here in the midst of winter, and though ice covered the surface, she could see liquid moving below; But how to get to it? With her slight size, she couldn't pack enough weight to break through the thick ice. A low growl left her throat; she needed to think, but her throat was too dry, and her stomach too, rumblingly, empty.

Word count: 468

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