Feeling bashful for having been so nervous, a small half-smile slid on her face. Standing back up she nudged the top of her head under the male's chin as he nipped at her ears that she flicked back into his face. She maneuvered her thin frame around him, letting her tail to gently brush in between his legs as she reared into his chest and quickly twisted around to get a good look at him. He really wasn't all that bad.
Wild, yes. Mangled, yes. But captivating.
Her eyes widened as she did "that thing" with her eyes, bewitching. The different golds almost sparkled as she blinked a few times, allowing herself to feel feminine. She licked her lips, slowly biting her bottom lip as her tongue made it's way back into her mouth...not out of habit this time. She ruffled her chest digging her head back into it. Being a female was fun. There was no doubt in her mind that she loved teasing. She liked to make sure that all attention was on her during interactions such as this. The male's bold moves almost made her more self-assured. Him licking her nose did surprise her though, but interestingly it just made her feel more flirtatious. Flicking her eyes over his body she turned her head, keeping her eyes on him she moved in closer, close enough for the warmth of her breath to hit his face, speaking softly
I have been told I taste pretty good.
And with that she stood where she was, not afraid of moving, not afraid of running. She allowed her face to slightly turn to the side giving off an innocent appeal.