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No Sidekicks — Drooping Willows 
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Played by becuffin who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ryvet Borden Lyall

Black hawthorn, lavender hyssop, salmonberry, white fir and some fragrant cedar twigs so there would be no mistaking where they had come from. He carried the bouquet in tightly clenched teeth, long legs making short work of the Marsh, making sure to hug the trees to the North before they gave way to Willows - keeping well clear of the pack to the west, River wolves he could do without meeting. He only had intentions of risking his hide trying to mend one burned bridge today, and theirs was not on his list.

There was a familiarity about the scents that marked the edges of this territory, one he had been warned away from but blatantly ignored. He was sure his youngest brother had simply gotten a little carried away, it couldn’t be all that terrible surely? Mouth full of plants as it was, he wasn’t in a position to call for attention so he took a moment to look around, white coat standing out in stark contrast to the earthen hued surrounds. There was something like home about the scent, although it was hard to grasp over the scent of the plants he held in his jaws.

Lowering his head to rest the bouquet in sight of a well scratched tree trunk he moved back and settled himself at the base of a willow, its branches serving to obscure him to any but those who cared to look closely enough. While he waited he contemplated, small song birds overhead chattering away as they feathered their nest. His mouth opened to better taste the air, eyes drifting shut for just a moment, helping him to focus. @Angier? Yes but there was something more… @Renier?