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smoother than a storm — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
For @Ash

It was rare for the honeyed wolf to stray outside her pack borders -- even when she had lived both in Swift River and Oak Tree Bend. She held little wanderlust, or desire to seek adventure in the lands that surrounded her. Kisla Baranski instead sought pleasures of life through the simplicity of what remained at home -- her family. At times, more often then not, her heart would ache for her brothers and uncles across the mountains. Not a day passed when Serach, Sceral and Triell especially would enter her thoughts, and as much as she wished to see them.. she could not. A trip across the mountain in such a dangerous season had proven to be fate her for last winter, but she could not risk the chance it would keep her from her children now.

But the exceptionally cold day found her along the frozen marsh -- her paws moving carefully upon the ice that graced the now frozen lands. Drifts of snow blanketed across the open terrain, and there was little to be seen -- but Kisla was intrigued at what prey might be traipsing through the lands just outside their forest.. and even more intrigued to see if the wolves of the Caverns were putting it to better use than they were.

She could tell nothing for the moment, and as afternoon lulled a lazy grey cloud overhead, the leader of Cut Rock River gave her pelt a brisk shake, noting the unfurl of her breath as it misted in to the air before her. The trip was proving to be worthless, and she debated quietly if she turn back now, rather than seek out another nearby area.

(This post was last modified: Jan 05, 2015, 12:15 AM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

As the weather grew colder, Ash found his protective gaze pinned on two females: Aurora and Narimé. With the events of last winter and Nari's disappearance and return, the man didn't want anything drastic to become of them. He cared for both dearly and if anything were to happen to either of them Ash knew he would end up taking it out on himself. Noting that his constant surveillance was driving him out of his mind, the Hervok made sure that Aurora was properly attended to before taking his leave from the pack. It wouldn't be long before he returned, but he found his need for fresh air and a new environment creeping its way into his mind.

It didn't take him long to realize that he was heading in the direction of the marsh, a place he often went for peace and quiet. Though it was a murky place, it often brought Ash's clearest thoughts to the present, allowing him to truly know what he wanted in his life. Unfortunately, there was another wolf that wasn't the most likely of company to the alpha. As he inhaled, the familiar, nauseating stench of Cut Rock River entered his nostrils, which immediately flared. The knowledge of the lies that they had readily told Narimé were at the front of his mind. Rage now at the front of his mind, Ash stalked in the direction that the scent was leading, mossy green eyes alight in fury.

Luckily, it didn't take him long to happen across the fool. It was a female and while Ash had no inkling as to what her rank was or if she was someone respectable, Ash found that he honestly didn't give a rat's ass. He didn't even make the effort to find out the woman's name. "You," he stated strongly, and with disdain, his lip curling back into a scowl, "I expected your pack to be filled with fools, but I expected more than for you all to drop so low as lie about something...especially when it comes to children." His voice was low, deeply displeased with the information that had once been given to him. "Tell your alphas to hold their tongue on matters that they can't seem to speak truthfully about. It'll only bring trouble." He snapped with this, his stance firm and tall. How he had learned to despise those wolves. The only thing he had them to thank for was getting him out of there while he could. He wouldn't have met Nari either, who was turning out to be his salvation more than he would have ever thought. And now, these imbeciles were trying to ruin his progress with their deceit.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

The serene silence of the day was put to an abrupt end – the hissed accusation rung out across the terrain, and the honeyed she-wolf paused, her muzzle lifting and jerking in the direction of the voice. ”You,” the man had rumbled, with a hatred that laced thickly in his tone and came as such a surprise to the she-wolf, she felt almost as if she had been slapped. Recognition did not stir on her features, and with narrowed eyes, the River leader lifted her muzzle up a notch in defiance as his words unfurled to the winter air, her ears preened forward as she listened intently.


Who are you and what are you talking about? Surely the red man before her was mad – shifting, Kisla felt herself bristling as the scent of Whisper Caverns drifted to her – only then did the puzzle begin to fit, and a derisive snort escaped her as her eyes flashed over him once more. I’m not sure what lie you speak of – but as one of the alphas you speak of, perhaps you’d enlighten me.


She was not oblivious to the stranger’s size – nor from the gleam in his eyes. Fury emanated from him, and she felt her own lip curl. To back down was not in her nature – especially when she had done no more than visited a neutral territory. Yet, no doubt, Narime had left the Cedarwood that day with an interesting tale to tell her pack mates.. for the silver lady had certainly been riled from their previous encounter.


Cut Rock River bended to no one’s will, and she certainly wasn’t going to let some cave-dwelling fool think otherwise.

sparking up my heart

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He was never known to be a man of mercy, unless it had to do with children, and this instance was no different. His stance was dominant and he didn't back down from meeting the woman's eyes in a steely glare. How he hated them from plaguing his pure flower with lies about him. And when the woman spoke he felt his fury grow tenfold, his words coming out clipped and dripping with sarcasm, "It's good to know that your memory is as horrible as your lies....it really isn't good to spread rumors about someone that you don't even know, especially when it upsets someone who I care deeply about." He growled his last words out, emerald eyes pinned on the form of Kisla. She was a threat to his family and so was her pack. He hadn't killed once since he had come to the lore and he had hoped that it would stay that way. He had been changing for his dear sister but the fool's pack would eventually have to end, they were just asking for their own demise.

Finally, however, he answered her question, his voice dark and biting, "I am Ash Hervok...the wolf that your pack accused of drowning an innocent child. Those matters are something you shouldn't even begin to accuse others of when you no nothing of it! Maksim was and still is an idiot for his actions that day and I will not stand by and be condemned by them." He paused then, his eyes narrowing to slits as he made his request. "I would appreciate it if you idiot members didn't speak of matters they no nothing about. It could cause problems in the future." He made his last threat clear, not going through any lengths to hide the malice behind his words.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Her canine brows lifted upward as he spoke of her memory, and as the honeyed regal stood there, she briefly wondered if she even cared to listen to the reasoning of the red fiend before her. Truly, she had wasted more breath upon him already than what her merited, and yet she remained standing, her stance proud as her emerald eyes flashed over him.

He spoke once more, referring to only what she could assume was Narime – and a rather botched up story of what had been given to the silver she-wolf. I believe the statement made was that you dropped a child in the floodwaters to chase a she-wolf’s tail – perhaps it wise you look toward your pack mate about horrible memory and lies – for no accusation was ever made by us, she offered, though her tone held the contempt she was thoroughly beginning to feel for these Cavern wolves. Their arrogance was tenfold at most times – and Narime had proven herself to be an idiot twice now in the eyes of the Baranski she-wolf.

She could have left him with this – a small smirk upon her lips as he took in the words and perhaps even realized or accepted that it was his own pack mate who played the fool.. but she knew this was not over. Especially when he threatened her pack. Stay away from my pack – or the Cavern wolves will suffer for it, she spoke then, her tone hushed as she allowed her eyes to graze directly to his own.

sparking up my heart

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Do we want to have them scuffle? @Kisla

The alpha hated her, he hated all of them. And when she spoke, his eyes narrowed even further, his lips peeling back. As he listened to her words, he could feel that hatred that he had easily buried around her break out of him. This was certainly not acceptable, especially since she was calling his little dove a liar, something she was clearly not. With her threat, he remained silent, a small smirk painting itself on his lips. Yes, Cut Rock River would suffer soon enough, and perhaps, if it came to it, Ash would sent her back with her own little piece of art. He snapped at her, his words, once again, laced in hatred, "A newborn can't swim. If I had simply dropped her, she would have been lost." He almost left it there, but he continued, "Maksim was a fool and I handed Quil off to another before taking my leave. I doubt anyone there that day except for Maksim and the children are left...and so, it is extremely idiotic for you to make such assumptions when you weren't even there."

Ash knew well that the children had survived, he made sure of that before he had left. Namara had even been angry with him over it...he remembered and the only reason he was so angry now was because it had not pleased Narimé and her opinion of him was the only one that mattered. He decided to give one last blow to his already tarnished words, "It's good to know that my enemies are as dense as Maksim is." He snorted in amusement over this, his mossy green eyes glaring at the alpha in front of him. One day they would fall and Whisper Caverns would be alive to see that day.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Would love one! My characters fight stats are off (some kind of bug we haven't figured out yet) so if we dice roll, I'll have to manually calculate them out.

The wolf held no grounds for any true form of argument – Kisla could see within minutes why her mate had disliked the male before her, and did not place any doubt to her beloved to why he had kicked his sorry ass out. The simplicity of the statement they had given Narime had been seemingly twisted in an attempt to fuel their own contempt, when the request had been simple before – stay away from their pack and the forest.

Instead, she was here, listening to foolish and hypocritical statements – for the River wolves to not make assumptions, when Narime had already done just that, and tagged on a very different end to the story that had been laid out to her.

The lot of them had to be daft – there was simply no other explanation.

Crawl back to your dank cavern, she suggested lightly, a wry smile pressing to her creamy muzzle. As far as she was concerned, the conversation was over – and had far surpassed any form of logic. She had her own things to attend to – her children, her pack. If the Cavern wolves felt they could walk over her – a Tainn, born and bred from one of the more prominent families within this very Valley – then they were sorely mistaken.

And a storm would be coming their way if they kept it up – of this, she was sure. Kisla Tainn might have been pushed around in her younger years – lost countless family to selfishness and tragedy. Kisla Baranski would not stand for it.

sparking up my heart