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We're not that different, you know. — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Maeby who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mahle psyxḗ
@Yennifer @Aesire

Mahle's nerves were acting up. She'd only ever encountered Phineas once, and that time was just as emotionally traumatizing as this one was sure to be. In this current moment, and if the spirit's were in her favor, Aesire would be the one to show up. Though she'd never officially met her either, she'd heard word that the leader was much more easygoing that Celandine's father had proven to be. "O-okay, well. W-we're here...Silent Moon's borders.." trembling, the medic turned to face her hopefully soon-to-be recruit as she howled; requesting the presence of her alpha's.

"S-so.." she stuttered, trying to get a grip on herself. The yearlings stomach was churning at an alarming pace, a feeling she wasn't quite fond of. "W-when one of the leader's makes an appearance, you will remain silent until spoken to." This time her words were profoundly demanding, there was a strict 'no funny business' rule when it came to Mahle and her alpha's. She was too afraid for it to be any other way. "I know this is going to sound harsh, but don't mention your faith..." she sighed, knowing the words could be taken as her just being an asshole. "They won't understand like I do, you'll have to ease it upon them gradually." there, covering up the bitter reality of it for now would do the trick. They'd probably never understand, but Yennifer could distinguish that on her own. "Don't, and I mean do noott, make eye contact. Keep your head down. At. All. Times." She felt like she was explaining something to a toddler, though perhaps that's just what had to be done to ensure her safety.

What else was there? "I know this sounds intimidating, I promise it won't always be like this.." Mahle remembered her initiation process, and even the first few days being a pack wolf after that. It was terrifying, and a lot to get used to coming from a pack of wolves bound by pagan beliefs. "Do you have any questions?"

Word count: 327

I play among the stars and then fall so low.

Mahle Psyxḗ
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2015, 06:30 AM by Mahle.)
I'm a mountain that has been moved,
I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run.
I'm a preacher with no pulpit,
Spewing a sermon that goes on and on.
Played by Buu who has 23 posts.
The brisk walk was a pain to keep up, especially with rumbly stomachs, and Yennifer couldn't help but let her mind wander towards the food she'll soon be eating as a pack. What had got her company so riled up? Was meeting the family leader this bad as she was making it out to be? The she-wolf brushed up against her in a ditch effort of support.

" Are you alright fille, you lookin' like you seen a ghost, " cocking her head now, " now my mamma said I gotta mouth as large and deep as a gators, seein' as I never able to shut up. But I will try my hardest just for you Miss Mahle. "

Looking off into the distance, Yen wondered when this alpha was suppose to come anyway. It seemed a lot to be going through just to gain entrance but she guessed that birds of a different feather and all. No way was she looking to tell anything about her faith to some stranger, specially if what Mahle's words were true. How could a servant of the


be in the company of such heathens? The female gave a concerned look.

" Now I won't be goin' and screwin' this up, honest. Though I can't be promisin' nothin' bout the eyes, as you can see I can't help about the left one.. " the eye gazed softly ahead, unfocused. " Nope Miss Mahle, and thank you again for helpin' me do this. I'd probably be minced meat if it ain't for your kind ways. "

278 words

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Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
aesire destine caravello
a pair of aces is when two becomes four

A call rose from the borders whilst she was still plotting her own survival with Vitani. She shot an apologetic glance at the ally as she dipped her head. “I will only be a few minutes, so please; stay and we can continue this when I return.” She would dip her head. Her children were still asleep and they would be fine within the confines of the den. She would make for a brisk pace to the borders, her banner held high as she spotted two figures in the distance. One of these wolves smelled of the Plateau and herbs – the medic whom she had yet to meet. But I’m sure she’s visited the other mother. Paranoia had always filled the woman’s mind. No, surely this woman would have checked on her queen before the Subordinate. Soon her paranoia was relieved by her common sense.

The woman would examine the other wolf, keeping note of things she could see within the figure. “Who is this?” A vague curiosity and absolutely zero aggression laced through her voice as she looked to her current subordinate for answers. She would take this situation with care, as it had been Phineas who accepted Mahle in the first place. She would simply keep her head up high, holding her expectations as an alpha. This was how she was supposed to behave. The loner was much older than the yearling, leaving the woman curious as to what this was all about. Aesire felt like she towered over them both, but then again, Aesire had never met a woman as big as she had been. It was in her blood.

template base by GINNYSAURUS
[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Maeby who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mahle psyxḗ

Yennifer was being anything but reassuring, though Mahle could at least see the effort she put in toward attempting to calm her down. "Thank you, as long as you give it your best endeavor." she allowed a soft smile to grace the stranger. "The eye won't be a problem- I promise you. It's actually quite charming, gives you a bit of added character." giggling lightly, she allowed her nerves to subside in the slightest. "No need to thank me, I'm sure you'll be a wonderful addition to the pack. Just go along with what I say, alright? I've got plans for you that I'm positive they'd approve of." and with that, the perfume of her elder raised thick in the air.

"A-Aesire!" Blessed be, the spirits were definitely looking out for her! Mahle bowed her head, not only out of courtesy and common sense, but for respect she held toward the elder. Shooting a side-eyed glance toward Yennifer, she hoped that her company would catch on and follow by example. "This, Your majesty, is Yennifer!" Putting on a show in attempts to persuade her alpha, the medic used a particularly chipper voice while speaking. "I was out and about, collecting stock for my medical den, when I came across her. She was very kind, and very helpful you see-" maintaining her submissive posture, she continued on to endlessly preach about her new friend. "She's a lone wolf in search of a home, and in my personal opinion I think she'd make a lovely scout here in the plateau! --Over time of course.." Was she being too pushy? Perhaps too eager? The yearling bowed her head once more for good measure.

"G-go ahead Yennifer, Tell her how grateful you'd be if she welcomed you into our home!" And just like that, she was nervous again.

Word count: 0

I play among the stars and then fall so low.

Mahle Psyxḗ
I'm a mountain that has been moved,
I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run.
I'm a preacher with no pulpit,
Spewing a sermon that goes on and on.
Played by Buu who has 23 posts.
It didn't take long for their conversation to draw the alleged leader of Mahle's pack. The female was big, very big, maybe the biggest she-wolf she had seen since being in the presence of her Voodun Queen back home. This wolf could easy mow her down with one fatal blow, watching her step would be a task. Spirits guide her for this would be one of the most difficult moments in her young life. Following by example, Yennifer let her head hang low in front of the alpha female.

" I would be ever so grateful your majesty, " was that the correct title to address her as? "I'm a good runner, my mamma said I was fast as the wind when I was just a youngin'. Givin' time, I'll learn all the nooks and hideways in ya'lls lands in no time... " Yennifer studied the dirt, thinking of words to persuade her superior. " I just really need this, ya'll seriously won't regret it I promise miss. "

250 words

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