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Bitches, Man! — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
For @Hotei <3 - lame opener, sorry :/

- Dated: February 24th, noon

For this short breath, life was absolutely perfect. He was home, he was among his family and friends, and he had @Silver here with him. Nothing could possibly crack his bliss! Except maybe, for @Jessie... The dark wolf growled to himself as he made his way towards the creek, paws leaving clear prints in the thawing snow. The grey scout apparently couldn't tolerate her pupils happiness, and had decided to sour his joy by denouncing him as a student. She also didn't hide her distain for his ebony love, who in turn seemed to have isolated herself from the pack, reluctant to acquaint herself with any of the wolves he considered family; Women..! He thought to himself, shaking his head; Why do they have to make everything so complicated?!

The winter air was still cold enough to shape his breaths into small white clouds in front of his nose, but it had lost its bite; Spring is coming... The Avalon had lots of hope for this spring, and despite his trouble with the ladies of his life, his heart was still full of light. Around him, the naked oaks were slowly starting to awake from their winter slumber, tentative budding shoots visible on some of the top most branches. The new life made the older wolf's heart beat faster, a small shiver running down his spine as he thought of the season to come; Hopefully... Yes, hopefully. That was, if he could learn to understand the whims and ways of the opposite gender.

Word count: 253

Thoughts ”Speech”

(This post was last modified: May 12, 2015, 03:28 PM by Drestig.)

Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn

The man had been at the borders for a while now. He had been scenting strange scents, scents that made a bad feeling go down his spine. So he kept himself even more alert. There was no way he would let danger enter in Oak Tree Bend borders, not with Jessie finally back. Their reunion hadn't been the prettiest, and really, that was probably his fault. He had just been so angry. The Tainn shook his head in frustration. Now she was back to avoiding him and what pissed him off even more was that Drestig, his only friend, couldn't seem to keep his distance from the silver scout. Didn't the man have his own mate? Hotei hadn't met her, but he had noticed a pep in his pack mates step and there could only be one reason for the sickening emotion always shining in his orange orbs now.

Bottom line was, Drestig needed to keep his paws to himself, or better yet, on his own woman. Hotei was a possessive man, and old age hadn't changed that. He loved Jessie, and therefore, she was his and his alone. Maybe the burnt man was overreacting, but their...friendship annoyed him to no end. To get away from his running thoughts, Hotei decided to take a quick trip to the creek just out of pack territory. To his surprise, as he neared his large bulk to the gurgling stream, he noticed a familiar figure. For a moment, his eyes narrowed and his form tensed. Forcing himself to relax, Hotei moved closer to Drestig. There was no evidence that the man held feelings for the Tainn's mate so there was no need to rush in anger. No matter how much he relished the idea of ripping his throat out if he laid one innappropiate paw on Hotei's lover. Taking a breath, Hotei chuffed softly in greeting to the man. Drestig was his friend. That counted for something, right?

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

He soon made it to the water, a small stream trickling with life between sheets of ice; another sign of the coming spring. The dark scout smiled to himself, lowering down to drink from the fresh water. A small grimace passed over his face a his tongue touched the liquid, it might no longer be frozen solid, but it was still freezing cold. Still, the drink was refreshing, helping to ease his irritation with the perils of living among others. He might be a wandering nature, but truthfully, he was mostly happy with pack life; Even if it involves dealing with moody shewolves..!

Movement among the trees made him lift his head, ember eyes narrowing to see into the woods. A large silhouette cam towards him, soon freeing itself of the bare branches and stepping up to the water. The bigger man offered a low greeting, and Drestig bowed his head back, a small smile curving his lips. "Hotei." He greeted back, surprise in his voice; it wasn't often he saw more than a glimpse or two of the dark guardian, solitary nature as he was. Still, the one year younger scout's feelings towards Hotei were friendly, their few interactions having been cozy enough, and he trusted the bulky man.

After a short silence, Drestig's eyes started to drift, gazing into the distance with a thoughtful expression. Oak Tree Bend's population was pretty evenly spread between males and females, yet he often felt like he was surrounded by women; Of course with Triell being so distant and this guy... He glanced sideways at Hotei, feeling a small smirk twitching on his lips; Maybe it wasn't so  strange if he felt like a lone man in a pack of ladies. He felt a sudden urge to change that though, seeing the perfect opportunity to build upon his relationship with the scarred guardian; "So, any news from the borders?" He asked it without turning his head to look straight at the other, there was no need for eye contact, which would only strain the tender balance of rank between them. Instead he gazed to the east, at the red hills visible over the tree tops, he had long wanted to explore the strange-colored mountains; Perhaps this summer... He mused, waiting for Hotei's response.

Word count: 381

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn

He saw surprise flicker briefly over Drestig's face at his appearance, but his greeting was warm. It wasn't shocking to the older man, for though he considered Drestig somewhat of a friend, he was still a solitary man at heart. Hotei nodded silently, offering his own greeting before the Tainn bent to get a brief drink of water. As he drank, Drestig questioned him about the borders and the Tainn contemplated if this line of questioning would actaully lead to something. His brow briefly rose questionably as he lifted his large head, but Drestig was looking at the red hills east of them. Hotei turned his gaze too, but not to the red hills, but to the comfortable solitude of the borders from where he had come from. Sometimes he questioned why he tortured himself with insignificant small talk, but this was Drestig, so the Tainn knew he should at least make an effort.

Opening his maw Hotei spoke in his gravelly rumble. "All is quiet, but well." He wished he could leave it at that, but the Tainn assumed Drestig was seeking more of a response so after a brief silence, the man continued. "You? How is your mate?" There. Drestig would probably go on some speal of how amazing his mate was and then the Tainn wouldn't have to speak for a while and think of whatever else to say or ask. He wasn't a man that would win Most Social in the pack, that was for sure. And maybe, a small part of him, wanted to know how a normal couple functioned. His yellow gaze flickered to Drestig's form, waiting for a response.

(This post was last modified: May 15, 2015, 07:44 PM by Hotei.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Hotei's response, while not exactly dismissive, was dry, offering no stepping point for further conversation. The smaller man nodded solemnly, not turning his eyes back to the other. While he had no problem running his mouth, Drestig could understand an aversion to small talk, conversation should have substance! And yet, the burned guardian gave no hint of interest in any kind of conversation, and so, the slighter male was about to leave him to the solitude he so cherished, when the burly chap asked his question.

Drestig's head swiveled, ember eyes wide in surprise as he looked upon the larger wolf. He felt a shot of heat rise to his face at the word, mate? But at the same time, the thought made a small smile sneak unto his face. That was until he remembered his earlier irritation with the dark woman. The smile vanished, and his jaw clenched for a moment, fiery gaze once more drifting to an unspecific point in the distance. The tip of his tail flicked agitatedly, ears flicking back; "Oh Silver? She's... Complicated." He finally relented, shrugging his shoulders as a rumbling sigh left his throat. It had been so easy up until her joining, their mutual need for one another drawing them together, binding them in a way that seemed to transcend all else. But now the rosiness seemed to have faded, and as much as he cared for the golden eyed woman, loved her even, it was frustrating him to see her withdraw this way, rather than take an interest in the pack. "I was hoping she would take to The Bend like I did when I joined, but..." He shrugged again, shaking his head, he didn't want to talk about her.

Turning his eyes back to Hotei, the scout suddenly found himself wondering whether the quiet guardian had a closer relationship to anyone in the pack. He knew Triell was his brother, but that didn't seem to affect their day to day relationship, neither had Drestig ever seen the scarred man with anyone else in particular; He seems to prefer being alone... Still, the slender lad felt curiosity tickle his brain, and he found himself wanting to ask. So he tilted his head, a small glint of his trademark mischievousness in his eyes as he questioned: "How about you? Any special ladies making your life miserable?" He expected another dismissive answer, yet he hoped to at least trigger a smile on the other man's face. He liked Hotei, and he wanted to get to know him better, even if the other preferred to keep his distance.

Word count: 434

Thoughts ”Speech”
