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Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Between dividing her time scouting for Noble and visiting Naia, her social life was practically nonexistent. Yes, there had been a pack meeting recently but that wasn't really a pleasant time to carry a conversation. At least, during that time. She had barely met up with any of her pack mates in months, and she couldn't even remember the last time she had actually sat down and just talked with Tokino, her alpha. She would share a brief smile or a brief wag of her tail whenever she saw him but she was always running in and out of pack lands. The older man had his own busy schedule as well, being the alpha and searching for his missing daughter and worrying over the well being of the pack. It worried her, how much weight was on his shoulders. He wasn't getting any younger. He would probably get annoyed if he could read her mind right now, but it was normal for Inali to fret over her loved ones. Even ones as competent as Tokino Lagina.

So Inali had set out to find him. There were various places he could be, but she assumed he could be close to the den. On light feet, she weaved across the terrain of their home. There was something...off about today though. She felt..like she had to watch out for something. More precisely someone, but who? She shook off her dark thoughts. She didnt want to worry about the impending war that may or may not happen. Right now, all the petite scout wanted was some sort of peace. The worry and war could come tomorrow.

Her tail wagged warmly as she moved through the sweet smelling blackberry bushes. Hey old geezer," she called out with a teasing lilt in her voice. She smiled as she used the nickname. It had long since turned into a running joke between the two, how she always teased him about his older age. Of course, it was slowly becoming a reality. But the woman brushed it off. Tokino still had a couple years ahead of him, after all.  ”You there?"

Sed-rah-Stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2015, 12:59 AM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

Date this before April 2nd/ the big pack meeting/Inali and Minka's talk/banishment? Somewhere in there  XD

Tokino had been laying atop his favorite boulder located a little ways inside the border of Black Thorn Downs pack territory. It was a balmy 45 degrees today, which in truth was not that warm at all, but with his thick coat the air provided ample warmth for the gray male to be comfortable. He was only taking a short time to rest after patrolling the border, and soon Tokino would slip away to travel north to search for Noble once more. He had it in his head that Tokino would meet up with the others once their new territory was set up someplace up north. It would be easy enough for him to track the whole packs scent into the new area. Or so he thought.

Thoughts about the packs most recent findings after their patrol north to the palisade had Kino's hopes all a flutter. They had found both Kova's trail and Noble's scent on their last trip. Soon after that Kova had actually found his way home, and after seeing Kova's condition Tokino knew that Noble was alive. He knew that she was still searching for them someplace out there. The Lagina male was dead set on finding her again.

The gray wolf lifts his head from his paws distracted from his depressed thoughts as Inali's scent wafts into the area.  He spies her trotting towards him with a happy expression. The sight of her was enough to lift his spirits a bit, and Kino couldn't help but let his tail wag happily as she looked for him. Even if her greeting looked to be rude to some, Tokino knew better. Their banter was amusing to the onlooker, but he personally loved it.

Yeah yeah you little whelp.. Come here now.. Tokino lifts himself from the boulder and slips down beside Inali as she approaches, then he affectionately nudges her side. Tokino then licks her face and forehead as if she were a pup he was trying to wash and bother, then he smiles and puts his leg over her shoulders playfully. The males tail wagged while he growled lightheartedly trying to get her to play. It would be nice to have some fun time with his closest friend before heading out on a lonely adventure in search of his missing progeny.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you