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Confusion and Possible Reunions — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Mily who has 40 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Adele Archer
The sky is dark with storm clouds.
@Nicolò @Xetor Surprise TABs! Hope you dont mind <3 Tell me if you do :)

They had stayed in their den in the red hills longer than she had expected. She had liked the peace and quiet and though she had the ever present presence of her brother, she wondered why no one had come through. Finally they had come to the decision to leave, for there was nothing there for them. She knew not where they were going, but she just followed instinct. They had crossed rocky paths and barren lands, while also crossing lush fields and beautiful landscapes. Their journey to the unknown was an adventure in itself with all they had crossed. With elated steps, she moved alongside her brother as they reached a beautiful lagoon. It had taken a week to reach these lands. A smile was clear on her maw...until she saw the skies.

The sky was dark with storm clouds. Immediately, her mind wandered to her Priestess teachings, before she knew her true course was as a Huntress and then as an experienced Tracker. She knew it as foolish, but she couldn't help but wonder. Could this be a bad omen? After such pleasant travel, was something finally bound to go wrong? A worried frown had flitted across her maw, but as quickly as it had come, it dissapeared. She didn't want to worry Nico with her foolish thoughts. She had dropped her training as a Priestess for a reason. Glancing at Nicolò from the corner of her eye, she then looked forward and moved to the edge of the lagoon. She bent down for a hearty drink at the same time she felt the first drops of rain.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Xetor Archer
-starts fishing-

Dark reddish hued black hips swayed as the Italian blooded male trotted through the willows and past the knee level grasses. The rusty black Archer was headed towards the scent of water because where there was water there were fish. Although he could also scent rain on the air, the male didn't care whether he stayed dry or got soaked. Fish were actually more active when it stormed out anyway.

His stride speaks of confidence as the young male comfortably moves through the undergrowth and into view of the lagoon. As his amber-grey eyes take in the beautiful sight of the calm waterscape he smiles instinctively knowing that he had just found his paradise. Looking over the curving shore and over some of the steeper banks, Tor could see that there were a number of good fishing spots throughout the place. Even some shallow water area's to fish in summer when it was hot.

I couldn't find this place earlier when the heat was at its greatest? He scoffed to himself quietly before speeding his pace a bit to reach the shore. Once at the bank Xetor slowed to a stop and sniffed at the water happily. He stiffened as he spotted a dark shape across the lagoon in almost the same exact pose as him. Looking up a tad bit the dark male noticed somebody who looked an awful lot like Elettra drinking from the lagoon.

He couldn't exactly scent the other wolf due to the direction of the wind being away from him, but Tor thought it was the queen of the willows. So intent on having the older woman see him doing something useful Tor hurried himself into the water finding himself a good fishing spot. He was up to the tip of his belly in water next to a large forest of water plants where Tor knew fish would be hiding. There he stood poised waiting for a fish to come close.

With his head dipped forward, lower jaws hanging into the water, and his nose just touching the water; Xetor stood rigid and patient just waiting for the right moment.

Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

The Archer siblings had become quite confused after awhile, having stayed in the red hills much longer than either one of them had been expecting. Eventually, he had grown tired to sitting there and just waiting. Nicolò wanted roots and the only way that the siblings were going to receive those were by traveling to find other places. They traveled through forests and over mountains and now they were coming to a stop. The two wolves moved as one and as his sister bent down to take a drink, he dutifully kept a watchful eye on the areas around them. Her pale yellow gaze was snapped away from a certain area when he saw a form moving in the lagoon. Confused for a moment, Nico watched, perplexed as to why this wolf was in the lagoon, and obviously comfortable with the two of them there.

He cleared his throat politely and quietly to get his sister's attention, pointing with his muzzle towards the male that was frozen in spot. If they looked closely enough, there was something certainly familiar about the body movement and shape of this male, but thus far neither of the siblings had any luck in finding anyone there, so it was certainly not someone that they knew, or at least, Nico didn't think so. He spoke quietly to his sister, not wanting to jolt the other man out of his stupor, "I find it slightly odd that he is freely standing there and not on guard when it is clear that he is outnumbered." The dark man's tail flicked behind him, his gaze penetrating the form of the other wolf, wondering who he was and what his deal was.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Mily who has 40 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Adele Archer

She felt her brother's presence close to her as she drank and she inwardly smiled as he stood at her back, like always, protecting her. It was like routine now how they always seemed to move as one, natural even. It was as easy as breathing, Nico having her back and she his, for they had had years of practice. Her fur seemed to prickle as she sensed being watched, and not the comfortable feeling of her brother's yellow gaze. She lifted her sand colored eyes and her gaze landed on a male on the other side of the lagoon, seeming like he had no care in the world. Like he was surrounded by friends and not by complete strangers that could mean him harm. Coming from the war like lands of Torbine, it was odd for the woman to see a man who could be so easily caught off gaurd. The soft cough of her brother calling for her attention immediately made her gaze turn to his familiar form. She lifted her slender form and moved towards him, hearing his quiet assessment of the male and agreeing with him by a acknowledging flick of her ears and small 'hmm.'

Adele was glad that her brother had seen the stranger as well. Her orbs moved from Nicolò and then to stranger, moving over his large form, before her ultimate attention landed on her brother once again. In her soft alto, she spoke to him. "Shall we go to him, brother?," she questioned. Patiently, with an idle flick of her chocolate tail and her eyes on his, Adele waited for her sibling's response. Who was this male, she couldn't help but wonder. And why did he seem familiar?


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Xetor Archer

Xetor plunges forward after a fish that had swum just inches in front of his nose. When the male came back up with water droplets flying from his soaked fur, Tor had a good sized trout hanging from his jaws. Occasionally the fish would squirm trying to free itself from Xetor's grasp. However the Archer had no intention of letting his prize go.

Trotting higher onto the bank, the dark wolf glanced around to spot two wolves now staring at him from the opposite end of the lagoon. There was something eerily familiar about both their forms and coats. Having already mistaken the one wolf as Elettra, Xetor assumed that one of Elettra's sons was with her. Good... They see me working hard... His thoughts pause as Xetor narrows his eyes trying to see the dark pair of Archer wolves more clearly. He expected Elettra, the she wolf who had been drinking, to be staring at him like she occasionally did. However El's sons should know better. It was disrespectful to be stared at by a yearling. Tor stared right back at Nicolo thinking that the male was Skoll or Asriel. His tail lashed once just before the fish decided to tug his head to the side with a strong flailing motion of its tail. Taking a moment to readjust his jaws and snap his sharp teeth into the fish's skull, Xetor made sure the wolves across the lagoon could see the power in his jaws. To intimidate if necessary or simply for showing off. His actions could be taken either way as Xetor kept his spot intent to stay there doing his job unless Elettra calls him over.


Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

It didn't take long for Adele to catch on to what was going on. The gaze of the other male was obvious, though Nico was quite confused as to what the other man was doing. To just completely fish in front of an area with wolves that he didn't even know. They continued to watch as the man caught a trout and then proudly made a display of his accomplishment as he exited from the waters. As his sister spoke to him, he chuckled, his chest moving rapidly, "I don't know De...this is kind of amusing." Whatever this wolf was doing certainly was funny, but the Archers weren't a line to mess around, and so he nodded his head in assent to her wish, knowing that he would not have been able to deny her anyway.

The medium sized male easily moved through the water to the other side of the lagoon, the two Archers' bodies moving easily through the water, their muscles flexing with each step and stroke. The continuous weeks of traveling over mountains and through waters contributed to the muscles that had accumulated over time. Nico was proud of them and now they were off to a new start. For now though, the dark man let Adele take the lead to introducing them to the man, and if need be, the brother would certainly butt in. His sister was quite talkative for the Archer line, but he never complained. They were close and her chattiness made up for his lack in conversation. Of course, that was never the case when it came to retelling stories, but no one in this land, aside from Adele, knew that piece of information.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Mily who has 40 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Adele Archer

Her brother was amused, and it was easy to see why. Her own soft laughter joined his, but she soon quieted and shoved his shoulder teasingly. "Don't be mean, brother," she admonished lightly. Though her words said one thing, her tone suggested another, for she was still quite amused at the man's actions. Yet, Archers were not one to be intimidated. Both brother and sister waded across the lagoon, water splashing lightly against their ankles. Both individuals were in fit form and if worst came to worst, they were two against one. The Archer blood was of warriors, and Adele and Nico knew how to defend themselves if the need arose. The odds were in their favor.

Though, as they came closer to the dark pelted man, something about him triggered a memory. Their pace slowed as they grew near eough to see him well up close, and looking into his familiar pale amber orbs, Adele eyes lost their coolness and immediately warmed. "Xetor!" she greeted with a smile and a slight wave of her chocolate tail. The boy had been but a mear yearling when he had left Torbine lands soon after Sorya. Now, he was a man. She stared at the tall man, a limp fish dangling from her jaws. Her eyes flickered to Nico before turning back to the younger man. She opened her maw and spoke, dry humor lacing her tone. "You've grown into...quite the fisherman." She couldn't help but poke fun. Had he known it was them when he was doing his antics? Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she waited for a response from her nephew.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Xetor Archer
You have permission to maim me for not posting to this a looooooooooooong time ago

Xetor watches silently as the pair of wolves start to approach him. He squints at first noticing their strides and body postures. No... Skoll definitely does not hold himself like that...It's not... His thoughts tumble as the male lets a slight snarl wrinkle his muzzle. The pair were achingly familiar as they made their way towards him, but Tor wasn't so sure about the male being Asriel or Skoll anymore. It wasn't until they were up close that his snarl disappeared and Xetor's face became screwed up in confusion. No...no no no no... They weren't supposed to follow me here. Or is it Auntie Ria they are after? the wolf who still held a fish in his jaws backed up one paw step while recognizing the pairs faces.

It was his other aunt and uncle, Adele and...Nicolo. Xetor didn't care much for his aunts and uncles mostly, but he remembered these ones clearly enough. Nicolo scared him back in the empire and even now the haunting form of the older Archer made him rather uncomfortable. It was bad enough that Xetor had to deal with the other wolves below him on the totem pole, but with these two arriving he was sure he would be booted from his ranking soon enough.

Less confident about his abilities now, Xetor lessened his grip on the fish ever so slightly. It gave the thing enough room to slip from his jaws to the earth while Xetor tried to figure out how to greet the two older Archers back.

"I umm.." He cleared his throat for a second. "I did not think that I would ever see you two again..." Xetor viewed his aunts friendly greeting and allowed his tail to wag back to look like he was being nice. To be truthful he didn't like either of them being there at all,but what else was he suppose to do in that instant?

Glancing to Nicolo quickly, Xetor narrowed his gaze a bit and nodded his head in acknowledgement of the male. he didn't want to piss him off that was for sure.

Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer
Totally didn't realize it was my turn. My bad. <3 

Nicolò had always enjoyed leaving quite the impact on others. Even though he was not as large as some of the other members of his family, his pale yellow eyes and stature had quite the ability to intimidate those in his family. While Nico had never used it to his advantage, it was not a horrible quality to maintain. Luckily, instead of Guarding, the older man had quite the gift for weaving stories and remembering past details in immense detail. And if he remembered correctly, which was more than likely the case, Xetor had left the Torbine as soon as possible. Now that the Torbine was following him, Nico was sure he was just overjoyed at the prospect. It seemed that their nephew was not overtly pleased to see his aunt and uncle. It came as no surprise to Nico, he could care less about what the young man thought. The two had never truly gotten close and while he certainly held the cognomen of family, the other man had no gained any true mistake from the Historian.

His sister, ever the polite one of the pair, was quick to greet their nephew, without second thought. Nico’s tail swayed slightly behind him, showing that he was pleased that they had somehow happened across someone they knew. However, as soon as the younger man’s gaze fell on him, Nico made sure to give him a warning glare against any wrong doings towards his sister. It would be completely impolite for him to be rude to a lady such as his aunt. To Xetor’s reply, Nico was quick to retort his voice sharp, "Well, it’s hard to stay away from family. It sounds almost as if you’re disappointed to see us!" While his voice remained sharp, his pale eyes held the challenge in them. The other Archer had no right to talk to his sister in such a way if that was his aim. Nico would see to it that they would get the needed information and Adele would be treated with respect through it all.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief