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lord help us both — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
@Ace - 8 weeks - The birthing den should be well-equipped now with soft bedding and ready for the mother to occupy. Milk begins to flow from the mother's teats about one week prior to whelping. This is not, however, a reliable way to determine the cubs' birthdate. The fetuses now have fur and are beginning to feel a bit crowded in the womb. They are also highly sensitive to touch! If "mom" will allow it, expectant dads and trusted pack members might be able to stroke or nuzzle the expectant mom's belly and the cubs will wriggle in response!

Cross my heart and hope to die
burn my lungs and curse my eyes

The young and expecting mother had taken much care into setting up her own birthing den. She would line like her mother had her own as she took on the tradition of preparing herself for the life she was about to bring into the world. It was more prominent and necessary with the separation she knew existed between her and the rest of the pack, excluding her mate. Every so often she would find herself stopping because of the pain that would sear through her stomach as one of the rascals, or both, kicked at her fragile stomach. She knew that soon she would deliver them and she was scared, even terrified. What if she was not a good mother? She had never been the best at expressing her emotions and often became confused with them herself.

She would gulp, knowing that the only wolf she had specifically told about the location of the birthing den was Ace. Phineas would be too busy with the other woman, the one who’s scent she could smell changing on the wind just as her own had. She did not have time or patience to care. The only thing that ran through her mind was if this woman dared challenge her for her crown, she would put the woman in her place. She had promised to turn the crown down to an Argyris child, but she did not promise to give it to a mistress. She tried her best to remove these sullen thoughts from her mind as she curled up in the comfortable and quiet setting. Soon, she would crave sleep just as her mother had.

The large framed woman’s stomach made her feel as if she would fall over just by walking. There was no way there was only one pup in there… right? Aesire nuzzled her stomach with her nose as her head rested on her paws. It was all hitting her very fast… she was going to be a mother.

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
@Aesire <3

kamikaze airplanes in the sky, are we going down or will we fly?
this could be a shipwreck on the shore, or we could sail away forevermore

Ace had noticed how, over the weeks after Aesire had become pregnant with his children, she had seemed to distance herself from the other members of Silent Moon Plateau. He knew that she had always liked to be on her own a lot of the time, but now it was as if she was purposely keeping on the furthest side of the territory, but as for the reason of this, he had no idea. Of course there was always the female that Phineas had coupled with who would surely have Aesire on edge as they were both carrying pups from different fathers, but his mate had never seemed too bothered about the other females. At least it was that way to him. He really had no idea what was up with the female hierarchy of the pack, and he kind of didn't want to find out, lest he get stuck in the middle of it.

But for now he wanted to see how Aesire was doing, or if she needed something. He worried about her, constantly, sometimes even needlessly as she could most definitely look after herself. But he needed something to keep him busy, and what better to do than make sure his mate had everything she could possibly need? Ace made his way to the birthing den, hoping that she would be there. Upon arriving he smiled widely as her scent permeated from within the den. Slightly crouching by the entrance, the Silver Male popped his head inside, his silver eyes falling on her rounded form, tail happily thumping the ground behind him. "Aesire," he rumbled gently to her, happy to see that she looked fine and healthy.

280 Words

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
aesire destine caravello
a pair of aces is when two becomes four

She had been more than comfortable when she saw a silver head pop in the den and her mate greeted her with a warm smile. She adored how he checked up on her, just because it proved that he was concerned about her. “Ace.” She would greet as she attempted to stand back up on her paws, walking towards the outside of the den, keeping her breathing steadied. Everything was going to be fine. Nothing was wrong. Just how long would she be able to keep up this lie to herself? She would softly nuzzle at his cheek when she did reach him. “I hope everything has been fine out there, with the pack and all.” She wondered almost allowing some of the stress to reach out into the air around her.

Why was it that she was with her mate and all she could do was think about pack business? She really needed to talk to Phineas about everything but she did not want to talk to him. Surely he would be busy enough with his mistress, whom matched the age of his eldest daughter. The thought of it made her almost sick. She, of course, would not judge him for it. He was entitled to whatever he wanted to do with his life. This did not mean, however, that she would refrain from bringing it up should they have another argument about leadership. That seemed to happen a lot with her and Phineas. Still, she pulled her mind back to focus on the present.

template base by GINNYSAURUS
[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health