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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
GRATE XD Grate gives me lots of Greer muse !!!!!!! 

The more she spoke the more Greer realized that the ghostly female also had a unique of speaking as well. She was not as blunt and abrupt as the prince was, but there was a peculiar way the words rolled off her tongue that intrigued him. It was not something he had heard before, but he did not question it; she had a quirk, just like he did. Perhaps one day she would explain where it came from, or he would be brave enough to ask, but for now he kept his thoughts to himself. Greer knew how much he disliked it when others questioned his speech, and he did not want to put Hecate through the same discomfort.

The less annoying her drawn out sentences became, the more irritated he became with himself. The prince felt as though he was betraying his character by allowing himself to enjoy her presence; could he truly be a wolf of the shadows if he put himself in the company of others? A deep frown cut across his lips at the thought as he diverted his mercury gaze from her, although his ears remained tuned to her as she spoke. He was suddenly possessed by the sudden desire to flee from her side and disappear into the trees; it was only when he tossed the idea aside that he realized he had subconsciously distanced himself from her side. With the frown glued to his dark lips, the boy returned to his original position as the girl commented on his family’s “stoic” demeanor. He responded first with a nod, amused by her (accurate) discovery. “Mother would like Hecate, even if Hecate talks a lot,” he responded bluntly with a stoney expression. “All Ridge family can’t be stoic,” he added with a soft shrug, hoping that the comment would make Hecate feel as though she belonged in the Ridge. “Greer just not like words. Greer like quiet and alone time.” As the words fell from his tongue he hoped that he had not offended her. As much as he was enjoying their stroll he would never admit it aloud, not even to himself. He just hoped that she did not talk his explanation the wrong way.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar

He seemed uncomfortable with her from the beginning, but it was more of an awkward uncomfortable. This seemed almost frustrated. She hoped she hadn't offended him, they were having such a splendid time. He didn't seem angry at her, even though he kept a pretty convincing auto pilot. He was quick to take up her pace, returning to that intrigued state. She gave a short lived laugh and few swift flashes of her tail. It was true, she liked to inquire. But who could deny speech around this mystery specimen? She was absolutely dissolved in his world, wanting to know everything about him.

"Tha's right, we gotta 'ave someone who will attack on sight." Hecate smiled sheepishly, as if nudging another apology in from before. He took a second before enveloping her with more knowledge. But, it was already well known. As awkward as it sounded, she too liked the peaceful life. Having someone to talk to was nice, but it was also draining. After long talks, Hecate had the tendency to run off and hide- only for a little while of course. She brought the tone back up with a springy comment. "Ahh, I only talk to the pretty ones," The lady laughed and let him figure out her ploy.

(This post was last modified: Jul 19, 2015, 05:40 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

Greer was torn.

As much as he wanted to remain at the girl’s side, continuing their stroll/walk/thing to wherever it was they were going, he also wanted to run as far away as possible from her. The push and pull was starting to make his head throb as he mirrored his steps with hers, reducing his longer strides in order to maintain her speed. He did not know what to do … if he suddenly ran off the green-eyed girl was going to think that he was completely bonkers… but, if he remained, he was not so sure he was staying true to himself. Although he was born into a pack that was fueled by strong bloodlines and fierce loyalty, Greer could not deny that he was meant to be a lone wolf. It was foolish for him to abandon his family, especially so early in his life, but sometimes he felt as though he was suffocating. There was always so much going on, whether it was issues with rivalling packs or internal affairs, the pack territory was constantly buzzing for being filled with such stoic wolves.

Her voice rung out once more, effectively breaking him away from his thoughts as he offered a hesitant smile at her comment. He knew she was trying – trying to make conversation with someone who clearly wanted nothing to do with a little chit-chat. It was a glamorous effort, and Greer was struggling to encourage her despite his reluctance. Just as he was about to offer his own response the lithe ghost spoke once more, her words quickly followed by a warm laugh. The comment caused his steps to falter as his silver orbs widened briefly before his expression morphed into a scowl. “Greer not pretty,” he quickly muttered in disagreement, his tail twitching in irritation. “Greer of shadows; of the night. Not pretty.” As much as he did not mean to make it sound as though he was insulted, the lanky boy was slightly offended (and taken aback) by her words. Greer did not think of himself of handsome or attractive, nor did he care. He was born of the shadows and allowed himself to be draped in its comfort as much as possible; his appearance was of little concern to him.

His frown only deepened as he composed himself and focused his gaze ahead of them. This girl was so unpredictable… he did not know what to make of her. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity