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Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

After countless months of sorrow and self-destruction, the prince found the emotion 'happy' to be nothing short of strange. All he ever wanted was a friend, finding Beren was like a dream come true. 'I won't let him leave me.' Darrah would cling to this wolf for days to come, not letting go for even a single second. If Beren brought him happiness, then he needed to ensure Beren never had even a single chance to abandon him. 'I won't go through that pain again.'

It was strange. They had just barely knew each-other, yet Darrah felt as if the man had spent years in his presence. From the moment they spoke with one another he felt a strong connection, as if fate itself had brought them together. He let a small howl travel the winds of his territory, hoping it'd find it's way to his friend. It was time to celebrate, Beren had received acceptance into his pack.

He'd pondered over what they'd do today, perhaps he could show the male around a bit? Share a few conversations, a few laughs? The possibilities were endless. The prince sat himself down on the earthy floor below, posture remaining tall in pride. 'I hope he likes me, I don't want to creep him out.' Almost a little conceded, the boy knew he had a certain grace to him. One might even say he was charismatic, it'd take a bit of effort to ever dislike someone so well-mannered. 'I can't wait!' trying his best to remain patient, the Tainn held a rather large grin on his muzzle.  

Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn

While Bear was settling into the Bend rather easily he still seemed endlessly silent unless Darrah was around him. Where was his dark furred friend anyways? It had been sometime since there splendorous meeting and Bear found himself craving the attention of Darrah. While circling the borders was coming to an end Bear moved closer inward looking for the boy who was't much younger than himself.

Fiery eyes fell upon the form he'd grown to love seeing. It was the only wolf the Dunn man would actually have conversations with. Darrah Tainn. Picking up his pace with an eager smile. ”Darrah! I've missed you!” Closing the space with the boy Bear showed hesitation in physical contact with the male. He wasn't truly sure if his company was more talk and less contact or the other way around. Flicking his tail behind him in a excited manner. Even Bear allowed a soft whine to slip through his lips. ”Any plans for today? If not maybe we can walk around..?” His voice was deep but careful as if to not seem too pushy. The dark man was terrified of pushing Darrah away like he had Rook and the Black Thorn Down wolves.

”Oh also, I circled the borders and found a spot we may be able to hang out later if you wish.” Bear's eyes lit up with eagerness that showed his need to please Darrah in every way he could. New spots, teaching lessons, sparring. The Dunn would do anything to please at this point. Perhaps that's what he needed to do. Worry about others and not worry about himself so damn much. It might even do him some good..

Esveeka-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Darrah's friend showed his face within moments. The adolescent maintained his grin as Beren approached him. To the boy, it seemed as if he was holding back from something, but what? "I've missed you too, Beren!" He leaned in a little closer, nudging him on the cheek. It seemed as though the dark male was just as excited to be in his presence. 'I'm glad.' his tail swayed calmly in the breeze, this truly was a blissful moment for him.

"No plans for today, I was just wondering if you'd be available to keep me company." He jokingly frowned at the male, though what he had said was no joke at all. "I'd love to go on a walk!" A short travel was bound to do him some good, growing accustom to lazing about all day was sure not suited for the life of a prince. Again, Beren seemed a bit hesitant. What was going on with him? 'It couldn't be that he's nervous. If anything, I should be the one holding back!' Darrah tried his best to maintain a 'cool' demeanor, being his usual over-dramatic self would surely scare his new friend off. Though he knew he wouldn't be able to keep up with this act forever. 'What will happen then..?' It saddened him to think about.

The 'spot' Beren mentioned surely caught the young Tainn's attention, where could he of been talking about? "I'd like to see that place for sure, sounds interesting!" He'd hoped there'd be nice scenery. Darrah's eyes were always open to new star-gazing locations. "Let's get going!"

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn

When the prince initiated touch first Bear felt more relaxed. Allowing his nose to touch Darrah's jaw and take in the scent of the boy Bear's tail thumped behind him. ”Aw Darrah, you know I'll always be around to keep you company. Any time of the day.” With his teeth bared, in a friendly manner, the dark Dunn was excited to take his ebony friend on a walk. Perhaps they could even have a moment of just pure conversations with each other.

”Well come on then!” Nipping lightly at Darrah's chin Bear took off in a playful jog. Turning his head, he looked to see if his friend would go with the chase. Keeping his pace slow just in case the Dunn took a turn down a path that was clearly less traveled. Bushes crowded the path, sticks littered any open space, and there was plenty of foliage to hide in. ”The place should be a bit further up ahead!” Bear knew for sure it would at least take fifteen minutes to come to the clearing he wanted to show Darrah. It was a splendid little spot among all the trees and forest life. An opening that seemed to make everything around it stop in wonder and awe.

Slowing down his pace Bear looked for Darrah's dark coat to be close to his own. ”Hey Darrah?” His voice was a hushed whisper as to not break the forest silence around the pair. ”Can I ask you something?” For a moment it would appear that the dark Dunn was worried, anxious but as if to not worry Darrah, Bear kept his looks calm and collective.

Esveeka-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

He grinned at Beren's words, reassurance of their friendship would always be welcome. Darrah wasn't the most confident wolf in the world, distinguishing friendship from over-staying his welcome would always be a priority for him. 'So he's not sick of me, yet.' The Tainn's tail swayed lightly in the breeze.

The prince chuckled as Beren nipped at him and dashed away. Trotting at a decent pace behind him, Darrah allowed the excitement to see this place build up inside him. "Alright, Can't wait to see!" what a splendid day this was turning into. It was wonderful, actually having something to do. Spending time with someone, even. The yearling simply couldn't ask for a better turn out. "Thank you.. For taking me with you, Beren.." Gratitude should always be given when needed, this occasion no different. 'I hope life keeps looking up for me like this...'

It was quite odd to Darrah when his friend started to slow down, It gave the prince a hunch that something was amiss."Is everything alright?" Beren seemed a bit out of character, it was beginning to make him quite nervous. What could possibly of gone wrong since their walk started? Was it something he did? Something he didn't do? "You can ask me anything..." His words held a slight tremble to them, something Darrah was used to expressing at this point. Fear was nothing new to him, while neither was loss. 'He sounds almost upset.. He's not going to tell me he's leaving already.. Is he?'

One king, One crown.

Darrah Tainn

(This post was last modified: May 24, 2015, 05:41 PM by Darrah.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn
”Is everything alright?”

”I guess.”

”You can ask me anything...”

”How would you feel if I tried to climb the ranks? Is it too soon?”

His voice was soft and gentle. Anyone around the dark pair would likely have a struggle hearing what it was that the Dunn asked. He wanted to know how his only friend felt about it. Besides, if there was someone in the ranks that the prince loved too greatly Bear would feel horrible about challenging them. Truly all the dark male wanted was to show his worth. Show that this time around he would stick with a pack and leave his mark. Something had to give. So far his name was flimsy and useless. Probably a piss poor memory to some. Sighing Bear walked along. More could be discussed in private by the river.

”I need to prove my worth, Darrah.” The words spilling off of his tongue hung heavily in the air. ”Triell, Spieden, you, everyone needs to see what I am. I don’t want them to think I’m just some wolf who is content with being at the bottom as long as I have food and shelter. I want Oak Tree Bend to see my power and that I can protect you guys. I’m striving the best I can for greatness Darrah.” He paused taking a breath in. Everything was pouring out now. Perhaps it was about time someone heard his thoughts. Even if his thoughts did leave some feeling heavy. ”I don’t wanna let you down, Darrah.” Fiery eyes on a dark face seemed dimmed by the amount of emotion. This was a horrible feeling building up inside of him. Even worse were the what if’s to come when he thought about challenging. What if he challenged and lost? Made a fool of himself. Or what if he won but made enemies with the wolf he challenged? A shiver ran down his spine. These were the thoughts that ate him alive the most.

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

The question unsettled the Tainn and he wondered if answering honestly would be in his best interest. Climb the ranks? How far? If Berren had schemed to one day rule the Bend, well, that'd be unacceptable! Oak Tree Bend was his father's pack, and it wouldn't be too long before Darrah himself took upon that role. It would be a shame to watch the pair get physical over the matter but, the true heir to the throne would do what he must. No matter the circumstances. 'I've worked so damn hard for this, surely he knows.. Why is he...?'

He listened further before passing judgement, perhaps matters weren't as dreadful as he'd assumed. The man wanted to prove himself, all was well with that. It was a completely understandable feeling that Darrah too felt at times. But wasn't there another way? Perhaps claiming a role within the pack? The Bend could use a teacher, and with recent events definitely a Guardian. Could't that prove his worth? He wanted so badly to get indignant toward his friend, but Berren's next words made him fall short of the action.

”I don’t wanna let you down, Darrah.”

If there was one complete sentence the prince could one-hundred percent relate to, this would be it. How often had Darrah found himself laboring away trying to impress his parents, Zera, and everyone else? Too often. "How far..?" His voice grew muffled. Challenging Triell, or even Drestig would be too far for the raven-yearling to accept though, perhaps his uncle Hotei would be fine. Horrible thought, but the boy had never been close with that specific wolf. "Do you.. Plan to take my dads spot?" he held back a snarl, knowing his friend was experiencing something rough and needed dire support.

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.