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A dream in time gone by — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
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Kova Lagina
This is for @Kino. Kova needs to talk to his lil bro.
Backdated a bit to 10/1/2015

Kova had attempted to bring his little brother to a new place away from the rest of the pack for a while. He hoped that Kino was still following him. Most of the journey had been rather quiet, and Kova rather missed that bubbly little gray fluff ball that Kino had once been. While he was bonded to and attached to all of his younger siblings, Kino had been the most fun to be around. Kova recalled the few times as Kino was growing up when he'd told him the stories that Tokino had passed to him. The child had seemed to like them, but Kova had kept much of the meaning of those stories to himself until Kino was old enough to really understand them. He'd also kept much of the family tree from his younger siblings not wanting to force the information onto them unless they wanted to learn. Kova didn't want to force them to do anything they didn't like, unlike his father who had pretty much forced all of the information down his throat.

Now Kova wanted to attempt to teach Kino something, but only if he wanted to learn. It would be especially hard if their mutual depressed feelings over Minka's death got to them. However Kova felt that time was slipping away. He felt that if he didn't try now Kino might not be there one day. Besides, it was about time Kova showed Kino where he was born. There was no harm in doing it. Plus it would give both boys some time away form the pack and from Gent. Maybe Kova would even get a chance to crack some jokes about the dark male while they were alone. He trusted that Kino wouldn't tell Gent on him.

  “We're just about here.” He finally spoke up while padding down a well known trail that led them to Black Thorn Downs old pack den. It was the very place where he'd been born. This was the place that Kova wanted to be. His heart almost felt as if it would burst as he looked around at all of the old familiar surroundings. It even showed on his face how much he had missed this place.

(This post was last modified: Nov 05, 2015, 01:07 AM by Kova.)