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If you go into the woods today... — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Ash who has 42 posts.
Urien Castell
ooc: @Hecate - There you go my dear! Cower at the... erm, creepiness of Urien!

The anticipation was burning, and his hunger was sweet. After meeting @Karmina in the fields, it had been enough for him to feel like he could scare the world away. Perhaps he was a demon in disguise, perhaps he was a king amongst kings who had been simply suppressed. As he had told @Kjors, he was most certainly a piece of gold who had never been one to step out of the pressures of the heat. The male would throw himself into the heat, happily, and start to feel the burn if it meant that the benefit was his to suffocate him alive.

The male laughed, his obnoxious way was enough to be halted with the sticky, sickly looking woods that seemed to chase him. Wanting to grapple with him, long branches reached, and his back arched like a cat. Drunk on the power of intimidating a stupid little girl, Urien could hardly begin to guess where his mind was at, the darkness closing in. Still a junkie on addiction, still furious with the hungers that could not be denied. Oh, he had been too much; his contentment ran rampant most of the time now, feeling like he was invincible. Why, he had not even done what Kjors had asked yet - and there within was the problem.

Sticks broke, and he found himself halting. If anything, the male had realized this place was ripe - those who were brave would come sneaking in, looking for food and nibbles. Things died in here, poisons grew - healing herbs were bright and plentiful. Anyone who wanted to find those who wanted to find a heavy source to protect theirs and themselves, they would come through here eventually. Urien recognized that there was a haven, but he found himself unable to sway his tail with the sharpness of the trees attempting to snap on him.

As he found himself unable to stop though as the sounds came into his ears; and the arousal spiked as his heartbeat started hammering in his chest. See! See! Oh ho, ho! He was right - there was someone out and about. Someone was walking, someone was looking. Someone was brave. So brave. But would they be brave enough to take him on? Would they not be lost in the thrill of the dark, of the sick, of the horrid?

The wolf moved, his walk careful as he reached over sticks and crumpled things on the ground that would have triggered sounds. His eyes were wide and dilated, and not only because of the low light. Ears back against his head, and tail half tucked - well, he looked like a spooked loner. Someone who was trying to get away from the devils that were around. When he came upon the female though, something else stirred; a burning of excitement as his eyes landed on. He was behind her, still six or seven feet behind, but he stalked - urging forward, following her.

Tasty, tasty... look at that.
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar

-proudly cowers- P.s, I mentioned the weather a lil' bit, I hope you don't mind because I can totally change it if you want!

With a notice to her patriarch, she made her way up north. Hecate had always wanted to travel, she was not a homebody and would never be. Taking advantage of the situation, she thought it would be wise to visit a lake. Having neither experience around water or being able to swim, it seemed like the perfect day to try it out. The sun was reaching its high place in the sky and the air was sweltering- it was 90° in the shade. Luckily, her unblemished white pelt reflected the light, leaving her quite pleased with the heat.

It hadn't been long before she could feel someone's eyes on her. Her lower lip twitched anxiously and attempted to pretend she hadn't noticed her follower. Hecate was extremely paranoid, making the mistake before of thinking someone was following her. Luckily- it was Greer, a pack wolf and not a complete stranger. The woman was far from home and far from safety.

To make matters worse, who ever was following her, was getting closer. She could almost feel their breath on her tail. She had to act now, "turn around and bite" She thought to herself, ensuring that her stride were seemingly normal. Hecate walked another yard and then, pausing only for a fraction of a second, she turned on her heels and pushed off from her back legs. The ghost's mouth was open wide, her teeth glistening in the sunlight. She hit 'em where it hurt. Jaws wrapped around their lower neck, keeping her paws planted on it's chest as she straddled over the body.

As if all hell broke loose, she cracked. "THE FUCK Y'THINK YER' DOIN'?" She shouted, releasing the unknown scum. "I'll tear yer' fuckin' eyes out y'ear me?" Hecate's own orbs were wide with fury and her nose was an inch from their's. All the muscles in her body contracted and coiled like a spring, ready at anytime to end their miserable life. She took a second to evaluate the creep. He was strikingly handsome and about her size- no wonder why it was to easy to pelt him down. Either way, he was still worthless.

(This post was last modified: Jul 12, 2015, 08:27 PM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Ash who has 42 posts.
Urien Castell
The paws grated against the earth as he closed in on the one who would be someone of absolute delight. It was why he could feel his body growing hot, the exception to the rule was enough to make him feel sick to his stomach. Yes, he was going to enjoy stalking along and making sure that there were those who knew who he was, what he meant to do - such was why he could feel the boiling feeling in his stomach. She was ravishing, she was husky in her appearance in ways that could not be promised, and he could only take another step.

Following her was a burden, but it was not something that could be denied. Tail swished from one side to the other, the terms in which those would come to meet was draped in the curtains of mystery. His jaws parted, and he salivated as he eyed the rear he followed - fairly distracted on anything else. It was why he was able to close in without realizing that he should have been prepared, he should have been better met - but the she wolf swung around and blasted into him enough to remind him that he was not the biggest in the world.

Crashing into the ground,he almost gasped as his back cracked against the ground. The chest of the male lurched upwards, and the irritation was boiling through his modes of thought; it was why eyes sparkled and there was not about to be denied. He found his ears laying back, his tail tucked between his legs as he squawked over the news that was thrown into his face - quite bluntly for the matter. It was why he could hardly speak, but oh boy, he hungered as he eyed her.

Sweet nothing always crackle in the silence when no one listens, madam! He whimpered at her, his eyes large as he fought the dilation, but it was hopeless with the low light conditions. It was enough to hide his excitement though, and he found his tongue hanging out as he panted with the anxiety that side wound into him, nailing him in the side of the head as the threatened him. Stakin' no claim, but speaking on the terms of just not wanting a soul but a companion marching with the intent to coo and make claim to the holiness! He complained, unable to speak in reasonable tones as it rattled off his lips.

Mercy love, mercy... But his eyes dropped, looking between them and he swallowed for effect, lapping his tongue back into his mouth. Well now... what a sumptuous figure... oh look at the divide in those hips... Had it been an angel that caught him then, or a she devil waiting for the real mercy?
(This post was last modified: Jul 16, 2015, 08:52 PM by Urien.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
Scandalous Hecate is scandalous.

Frantic to take back what he had done, the man swallowed his pride momentarily. Luckily, he called her "madam", which calmed her down greatly. He was having difficulties keeping his eyes up, the pupils lowering and then bouncing back up to meet her gaze. Part of her didn't like the attention she was getting, it felt wrong. It didn't feel true or real. But, somehow, she had a desire to eat it up. It made her feel empowering that a fully grown man would fall to his knees for her. Hecate had never experimented with her sexuality, but, she had had taken part in toying with many boys in her childhood. Would it be the same? She asked herself, wondering if it was that easy to make a man sway with but only a glare. Only curious to see if she could do it, the Ghost prompted him on- But, she was playing fire and was bound to get burnt.

"Mercy", he cried. Mercy. What a peculiar thing to yell. Her back slumped along with the rest of her body, signaling that she had enough. Her head landed on his chest, flushing out any extra air that was once between them. She stood there only for a moment until she rolled over to the ground and laid on her back. "Apologies. What's yer name?" She asked airily, trying to mimic the lustful women last spring way back in Yellowknife. She wondered, would he follow through?

the armed queen
Played by Ash who has 42 posts.
Urien Castell
ooc: Daaayum, scandalous is right! :P

Urien was not about to make sense of things that were ringing around in his ears, singing songs that he should have been curled up on the ground and submissive about the whole ordeal. Thrown from his gait, he was in a factor in which he had been indisposed. His head turned, and he looked around the dark and threatening area, pondering if this had been the proper place. It was why there was no missing the look in his eyes. Such was a reasoning that could not be silenced, and the rainbow of flavors took him to a point where he thought he would almost choke.

Somehow though the wicked witch let him go, and he felt a quiet thrill go through him. Somehow he had eased her off of what had been done, and his head tipped with his ears pinned back while his heart roared; threatening the chaos that would otherwise steal him away. This, oh this! It was exactly what he needed, exactly what he hungered for; eyes glittered with the throes of excitement as she moved off him, but he was quick to try and blink it away. Her body was a godsend, and part of him was disappointed she would even move - why, he was sure somehow they could work it with him on his back...

Apologies are for the wronged, not the mislead; your needs were met by throwing an end to my track, no harm met; no harm intended. His own apology, while still laying on his back, was a choked one. As he found himself trying to move, it was why there was not missing a second, he found himself looking over at her. When he realized the position she had taken up... why, his mouth dropped open. I-I... I... my; the lady is a fierce Goddess walking... Reveling in the openness, he pondered if it was merely the adrenaline that had set her off.

Scrambling to his feet, his head lowered as his ears raised, and he skimmed over her body hungrily, almost forgetting that she had demanded something of them. But he was engrossed, looking at her as he stepped closer, leaning over her stomach with his head as his tail lifted, rumbling softly in his chest. Urien, Truth was better met, his voice husky, Does the goddess have a name?
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
*screams at Hecate* BITCH STAHP

The man offered an apology as her eyes diverted from his and began to focus on his features. He was average sized, extremely handsome and was proficient in his poetic demeanor. Other than his sheer build, he would make a sufficient candidate. It did not take a cerebral giant to figure out that your own line of heritage would advance you in the social pyramid. The Liar woman had decided that she wanted to dam a cub of her own next year and she already had someone in mind- and it wasn't the man standing before her. He, was a backup. As all men were, he was oriented around sex and would not deny her or any other woman with similar looks. Hecate was wise enough to distance herself from most emotion and driven enough to progress towards power. In her mind, anything that could sway her focus from the crown was to be banished. But, she was starting to see things from a different light.

"Tha's right, y'better be on yer toes.." Hecate playfully curled her lip, eyes practically throwing daggers at him. This, Urien, was setting himself in more dominant posture- this would not do. The fiery lady picked herself up and stood tall before him in one swift move. Asserting herself promptly, she raised her tail and leaned over him, aiming to force him down in his original state. She wanted him on the ground, begging at his knees for her. "Down." She claimed, teeth peeking out slightly from her black laced lips. "And goddess will do just fine." She was ablaze with self fury. It felt wrong, she didn't want to do this yet- but it felt so good. Hecate knew this wasn't right, she had her eyes on someone else*. She was driven by the lust of power, not love- how could this feel wrong? It was just another advancement right? She was cool to the surface but below the woman was scalding hot with regret. Back out now. She told herself. It isn't too late..

* @Greer *cough* *cough*
(This post was last modified: Jul 19, 2015, 07:43 PM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Ash who has 42 posts.
Urien Castell
Urien's eyes were twinkling, and every intention seemed to be whispering in his ears. This woman had spread her legs like some common loon in the birth of a nice sunset, and tail swished from one side to the other with the intentions that had been playing on his mind for a long set of moments. Ears perked as there was a consideration that was not about to be silenced, and he watched her as she seemed to change her mind. Getting all fired up again, that was why there was no missing the shine that was begging his attention.

His eyes were still staring at her body before she even began to move, and this time the submissive wolf backed up - but he rewarded her with a curl of his lip. Winds burn those who move too quickly in their wrath. The words were sweet tempered as they hit the air, but his head lowered almost instantly. Who was this woman? What in the world was she doing without a keeper out in the woods.

Shaking his head, he attempted to move to her left, keeping low. Sing a song, a Goddess is not wrong, pretty cries always mock the raven's and the fawns. As he crouched further, he seemed to understand what she was requesting. Dragging his belly along the ground,he was clearly headed to look back at her behind, his nose flaring as he wiggled himself with excitement. Toasty, she was warm... oh, if only he could just rub his face on her.

A few moments of pleasure were worth years of misery, and his tongue hung out of his mouth as he panted. Anticipation was making him over stimulated, and his tail was flicking as he whimpered like a starving pup, heart pounding with excitement as his head reached up toward her left hind leg, Where's the Goddess sleep, what home and lusts does she keep? He begged to know in soft voices, wiggling,
For this man is lonesome, so lonesome...