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Rise in the Morning Sun — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alphinaud Lothaire

The night had been filled with thick clouds that slowly passed by. Without the sun that could turn his pelt in a glowing white firefly Alphinaud had used the remainder of his night to hunt down some small prey. Of course he made sure to stay away from the borders he had found near the evening that day. The last thing he wished for was to get the wrath of the pack on his skin. He even had made some effort to hunt far away from the pack so he wouldn’t cut into their cache. The white male had returned to the place of high trees, simply resting on a big rock he had found.
With some time on his paws he took the time to take a quick nap after he had licked the blood from his maw and paws. Only to be awakened by the first golden strikes of the day that hit his eyelids. Alphinaud cracked his eyes open with a low yawn. Stretching his white paws out over the rock he let his big head rest on them. So, it was already morning. He missed his sleeping state but today was a new day of adventures and who knew what would fall on his path. Slowly the white wolf felt his body awaken with his brain. The sunrise was stunning here, he thought as he looked at the golden and rosy sight. The light only blocked by the high trees and their thick leave roofs. Now light pooled in little round spots all over the earth’s floor. Birds started to sing their morning song and squirrels appeared out of their holes. His amber eyes followed the little animals but didn’t make any move to catch them. His stomach was still satisfied with his latest catch and so Alphinaud enjoyed a slow morning. Lately he had been all over the place, he had fished and hunted, sparred and now he actually had nothing in mind. A rest day wouldn’t be bad for once, he thought with a smile.

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(This post was last modified: Aug 05, 2015, 05:39 PM by Alphinaud.)
Played by Ace who has 123 posts.
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Marianna Leigh
Time to explore. Time to explore, Marianna decided, well and beyond anywhere she had gone before. For this very reason, she opted not to locate @Kino – while he was an excellent adventurer, this was something she wanted to do herself. She didn't even consider asking @Draven to come along. The youngest of their litter was a bit of a stick in the mud, and she really wasn't much interested in his company outside of cuddling in the den or wrestling for her share at mealtime.

Bobbing her head as she jogged along, the child quickly made her way towards the boundaries of Round Stone Crest. Prior to this very day, she hadn't the mind to venture out into the great wide world. The territory was big enough, and new enough, that her desire to live and learn was generally sated. Now, everything seemed so much larger, and she was beginning to realize how much there was beyond her mother's domain. New wolves arrived, from somewhere out there, and Ari wanted all the more to find them, find the places they'd come from, and have a grand adventure all her own.

It was with great joy that she bounded over the borders, cackling with childish glee as she left the safety of her pack's markings. She continued to romp through high grass and around rocks, blissfully unaware of her surroundings until she all but ran into Alphinaud, not realizing the loner was lounging in the morning sun. The child squawked gracelessly as she hopped to the side and stumbled over her own feet, eyes wide as she tried to pick herself back up. "Hello! Who're you?"
Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alphinaud Lothaire
Artic and white he popped out among the many green and brown hues. With closed eyes he enjoyed the moment of timeless nothingness. Soon he would have to consider his strengths and weaknesses, make himself presentable to face a King and a Queen of the north. For now he simply took his delight of sheer nothing. Just him and the sun, the trees and fresh new air. Soon, however his peace and quiet would be disturbed by one unexpected little thing. He had heard her come from far, though the sound was not as loud as a woodpecker, Alphinaud was sure any bunny and mice would have left the plains with the announcement of a little princess. Of course, the older male had no idea the princess was heading his way or who she was.

What would make such noise? It sounded slightly unfamiliar as the male was never raised with pups besides his sister who was his littermate. Out of the tall grass a brown hued pup came out of nowhere, bumping into him as she made a noise as she stumbled over her own feet to the ground. Alphinaud turned his head to look at the little thing that had fallen into his presence. Slightly amused his eyes twinkled as he watched the girl find her ground again and greet him. ‘Hello there, I’m..’ Like usual the man wanted to speak his custom Alphinaud Lothaire but the white wolf saw the foolish act in that. The pup might be able to speak but his name was ridiculously posh and long for now particular reason but his theatrical mother. ‘I’m Alph.’ He shortened his name with a smile as he tilted his head with curiosity. ‘And who might you be, another adventurer for today?’ He cracked a smile as he looked at the little girl. He wondered where she might come from. One of Gent’s? It might be, he wasn’t sure if there were any other packs around the North but as long as he didn’t threaten the girl –really why would he-  he thought it was save for a little conversation. Who was he to lecture the child on controlling her curiosity, he had left his home for the same reason.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Ace who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marianna Leigh
Ooooh, this wolf was so white!  She'd never seen anything like him before.  Of course, her mother was incredibly pretty, a light, blond red with red highlights and eyes like molten gold.  Her brothers looked nothing like their dam (or their sister), two of liquid silver and one as inky as the night, but they looked a bit like Gent, or each other.  The other packmates she'd met were varying shades of browns, reds, and grays – but a white wolf!  How weird!

"You're pretty," she cooed after a moment, toddling closer in her curiosity.  Ari was told she was pretty all the time, she knew well what that word meant (though not it was rarely applied to men).  With a curious snort, she reached out to nose the fluffy white fur.  Personal boundaries be damned, the princess of Round Stone Crest was curious!  Her tail wagged furiously behind her, oblivious to any discomfort the stranger might have been displaying, before she lifted her head, and tipped it to one side.

Oh, he'd asked for her name! "'m Ari!  Ari La-geeeena," she announced proudly, having recently learned her familial name.  It was butchered a bit, but the child puffed her chest out proudly and pricked her ears, every inch the princess as she studied the wolf before her.  "My momma's the Queen and my da's the alpha," she explained, unaware how dangerous this might be were Alphinaud a wolf more prone to taking advantage of opportunities presented to him.  Stomping her paws on the ground, she demanded his attention.  "How you get so white?"  Did he lose his colors?
(This post was last modified: Oct 14, 2015, 03:28 PM by Marianna.)
Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alphinaud Lothaire
There was a slight nervous itch on his skin. Of course it would, a mommy or daddy would seen come to collect their mischievous run-a-away girl and decide that the white stranger should be attacked for the purpose of protecting their pretty baby. Alphinaud couldn’t disagree with them, the cub was a pretty one and the moment she cooed at him he felt his heart warm for the little version of a wolf. ‘Well, you’re quite stunning yourself young lady.’ He said with obvious amusement. Her little wagged fast as she seemed all too excited with her newest find. ‘Ari Lageeeena, hmm.’ He mimicked the long e as he repeated after her. A smile formed on his lips as the girl was all too aware she was a princess, royal by blood and status yet the girl was too young to act cocky on it. ‘You can call me Alph,’ the white male said as he figured Alphinaud would probably a hard tongue twister for the younger. ‘You have to be born in a land far in the north. Where the ground is white and sparkling flocks fall out of the sky.’  His tail swished as he spoke in a low voice as if he spoke of a secret. He was sure to bail of protect himself when her daddy came along but right now he couldn’t help himself but play with the girl. It had been a long time since he had play time with any cub. He had almost forgotten how cute and adorable the miniature versions wolf were. Damn his weak heart for the adorable.

270 words

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(This post was last modified: Sep 26, 2015, 02:44 PM by Alphinaud.)