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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
@Piety @Skoll

Sven's world was unbelievably small, but he couldn't know that. For all that he was aware of, his natal den was a universe all unto itself. While he knew of the light that filtered through the entrance, and that there must be some expanse outside of it for the dark-pelted visitor to constantly appear from and vanish into, his mind rarely gave this unknown realm a single thought. Instead, the small Archer prince was more than content to remain squarely at his mother's side. She was always there, always warm and soft to snuggle up next to. Her voice was soft and musical, often telling him stories that he didn't quite comprehend yet but made him feel safe and comforted all the same. She tended to all of his needs, never allowing him to feel true hunger or cold, or unloved. He couldn't even know that there were other living beings, for his father had been the only one to visit, and this still was never a consideration within his newly-created mind.

And really, he didn't need to leave the confines of his earthly home to experience new things. Each day, there was something new, or better said something more, to notice as his senses swiftly developed, sometimes within a span of a few moments. The only time he had felt fear was when his eyes had suddenly opened, sending a shock of light and sight into his brain. Piety had been quick to comfort him, and more recently as his ears slowly started to unseal themselves from his dove white skull, so that she she spoke calming words he could actually make out pitch and tone rather than a steady vibration of muffled sound.

His baby blues were already fading into a deep gray, a clear indication that one day he would see the world through the same murky windows as his father did. The pristine, colorless coat passed down from his mother carried only one minor blemish, which was now a few barely-noticeable dark gray hairs right where his leathery nose ended, which would develop into a more prominent mark as he grew and his muzzle elongated. As he was now, his pudgy little body lay on its side, stubby legs stretched out and toes spread as his eyes beheld the den's roof. They passed slowly over the entire expanse, for each time he repeated the process, a new detail struck him as his sight developed rapidly with the continued use.

Suddenly, from his peripheral vision, something had moved within his home. Sven sat up, immediately enraptured. There was a long silence as he waited, eyes straining through the dark and eagerly awaiting the motion to repeat itself. His patience was rewarded as Piety's tail flicked once more, a very brief and quick movement but one that brought a small yip from Sven's tiny maw. He was unable to place this thing as being an extension of his mother, for the way her appendage was curled, he could only view the tip and the rest was lost to a space of darkness which separated what he was seeing from the rest of his mother's body. Again, and ever so briefly, it moved, and Sven scrambled to his paws.

Another yip hiccupped out of him, as the pup simultaneously confused and defensive. What was this thing that had intruded upon his home, moving toward his mother? Nothing but he and his mother's dark guardian had dared to come so close, to encroach upon their sanctuary. Whatever it was, he didn't like this situation one bit, and so Sven chose to take matters into his own paws.

Each move forward was nearly a hop, imitating the flickering movement of the trespasser. He kept himself quiet, despite the jumpscare each twitch gave him, until the last moment when he was close enough to pounce. A series of small yips flooded the air as he lunged for Piety's tail, trying his best to hold it down with thick little legs and gnawing on the dense, wiry fur. This would teach it to never barge in on him and his mother!
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2015, 07:05 PM by Sven.)
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

There are darknesses in life and there are lights,
saint & sinner
and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.

Piety didn't want to leave the den. With Skoll taking care of the two lives sharing the den and Sven being content with napping or story time she saw no real reason to leave. Of course some day they would have to leave the cozy darkness. In fact the Santoro woman was not one to ever be cooped up for too long but the arrival of a child had changed her mood some. All she wanted to do was shelter the child and keep him to the small family Piety had created.

It seemed her little boy had found something to be astonished by. This didn't surprise the new mother. While he was still young Sven Archer was showing traits from his father and mother. He appeared to be a smart boy with devilish moments (mostly when upset by something) but also was softer, lighthearted boy for his birth-giver. Watching Sven eagerly her tail thumped behind her. It came to her that her tail was what stirred the boy. He wasn't sure what it was. Lifting it up and down over and over Piety found herself chuckling. "Get it, darling, you can do it." She was joyed to see him moving. Being cooped up in the den wasn't truly where a growing pup should be. Maybe she ought to take him outside for a little stretch. First though, she would allow him to try and catch her tail.

"Oh no, Sven!" Her song-bird like laughter easily to be heard by anyone who was close by (@Skoll or Angier, maybe even @Morganna) and for even the spring birds to chirp back to. "Save mother from the beast!" Wagging her tail a bit faster to perhaps get a spur from Sven she suddenly slowed it down, even wiggling her butt a little to scoot the tail away from her ghostly son.

shutterstock / Grey / 2015
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
Piety's voice filled the den, the most beautiful sound he had so far heard in his short life. Releasing his foe, Sven hobbled backward, glaring at the serpentine intrude as he moved. Daring it to strike back at him. However, it never did; only flailing and flicking occasionally. Perhaps the thing was harmless. Still -- it hadn't asked to come in.

Further encouragement spilled from his mother's lips, and finally the boy tore his gloomy sights away to focus them on her shining face, a grin full of tiny needle teeth beaming up at her. His stumpy tail curled up and wagged behind him. There was nothing he loved more than making her happy, and he seemed to be doing it. A sense of pride, which the whelp had been swiftly developing a deep reservoir for, expanded in his chest as a thought within his small head likened himself to the dark guardian who always kept their den safe. His father was already becoming a prominent role model for the boy, and so the thought of being a defender too in this moment made Sven feel a little bit older than he actually was; like he was capable.

"MMMmuh," he tried, knowing the word by heart but still not quite able to twist its tongue around him. The failure just now vexed him immensely, but he wouldn't let it ruin his sunny disposition.

Sven turned to face his opponent once more, front paws pounding the ground like war drums. He mustered up his bravery, looking the monster right in the eyes (or so he imagined), and valiantry tried one last time; "mmmMUHMUH!"

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
He was adorable. Piety's mud brown eyes grazed his joyous face. It was wonderful how far he was already coming in such a little amount of time. The way her boy grew and grew with each passing day made her eager for his yearling days. Not even more than a few months ago was Piety hereself just a yearling. Falling hopelessly in love with Sven's sire Skoll. That was they had been so hopeless romantics before the bundle of joy arrived. Now everything didn't seem so romantic. Instead things seemed almost more serious. A soft sigh escaped her lips but she let her thoughts remain light for the sake of Sven.

Smiling at his attempt of saying "Muh" made her eyes gleam with joy and pride all at once. "Yes Sven, muh." It wasn't exactly what she wanted him to say, perhaps she was looking for mum or mom, but if this was all he could do for now then the Santoro would take it. "I love you, darling." Her voice was a whisper he might or might not even notice. She just felt the need to say it. To say out loud that she loved him dearly.

Watching his tiny paws hit against the ground made her tail dance even faster. Even daring to knock up the dust underneath her. The pale saint couldn't imagine a life without Sven. He was her number one. In fact she even dared to think that she loved Sven over Skoll. Not that she would ever proclaim that out in the open. "Sven doll, that thing is safe." Stopping her tail from wagging she growled softly summing Sven to come closer to her. "That is my tail. You have one too." She stretched her neck out, her nose nudging his hock softly. "This little snake like thing on the end of your rump. A tail."
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
He craned his stout little neck to look over his downy shoulder at his mother as she continued to encourage him. She called him by what he had recently realized was his own name, a word that he also wanted to try, and then repeated what he had been struggling to say. His tail wagged with increased fury, and his pink tongue fell out of his mouth as he panted with excitement. Yes, he had said it right! He had communicated with a word!

"MUH! Muh muh muh! Muhm, muhmuh!" It wasn't quite 'momma,' but it was close enough to count, especially for young Sven who was all too eager to be able to speak and of course to make Piety's face light up as it consistently did around him.

Content that he had his first word down pat, he turned back once more to face the intruder, but before he could launch a second barrage his mother's songbird voice rose up once more. He understood 'safe' and focused especially on the new word 'tail' as he could correlate that this was what the stranger was called, just as the dark guardian was 'father.' His greying eyes followed the white snake's contours, toddling paws carrying him along, to discover that it was, indeed, attached securely to his mother. Remembering that she had nosed his hip, he tried his best to twirl around and see the end of his own tiny butt. When he finally caught sight of the stubby thing, Sven let out a surprised yip and jumped.

His eyes as big as marbles, he stared up at his mother, just barely remembering that she had promised these things were safe. Then it clicked that if what he'd been fighting off was attached to Piety, he had been actually attacking his mother. While she hadn't been upset with him or sounded hurt, rather she had been quite happy, Sven still felt the need to return to her tail and give it a few tender licks, smoothing the roughed up fur back down. The little boy now felt bad that he had turned his tiny teeth against her.
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Her son was a gentle knight. While he discovered his own tail he also discovered he had been attacking his mother’s tail. Piety could only smile as she felt the tender licks of her son’s small tongue. Leaning down to look at his face the mother cooed softly. ”Darling, come sit by my paws.” Often times when she had him sit by her front paws it meant a teaching lesson or story time. Today though, today was different. She wasn’t sure what to do with her first and only son. Maybe it would be another teaching, perhaps a song to lull him into a small nap. Anything was bound to happen when the two pale wolves got together.

”Sven, mother wants to teach you something.” Nosing his shoulder softly her tongue moved to smooth his crown. Never before had Piety been so proud of one little being. Just maybe was it because this “one little being” was her one little being. Smiling softly she waited till he was nestled by her chest and comfortable. While she loved seeing Sven being an active boy she didn’t enjoy him squirming during story time. Sometime she might let him dance around and recreate the story but today was different. Today’s story was of a great man, the man in the heavens above.

Grooming his head softly with her tongue she hummed a small tune. Something to make sure Sven was ready. This was their routine by now. Little kisses, some soft humming, then a story.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
@Piety we should def finish this up, sorry for procrastinating on it so long.
also we should have one more thread set before piety gets lost? so they can have another bonding thread where he can talk?
or more even if you want, I don't mind. ^^

There were quite a few words he understood, but many, many more that he did not. Yet this routine of theirs was something that did not need to be spoken of for him to understand. Come was the only word he needed to hear, the invitation gladly taken up. He toddled atop of her paws and fell into the cradle they created for him, snuggling against the lush fur of his mother's breast. The boy stretched his stubby limbs out and a yawn pushed his jaws apart and unfurled his tongue as the simple action of cuddling with his pale dam doing its job in lulling him into lethargy.

As she spoke again he turned onto his back so that he could look up at her with adoration shining brightly in his pale baby blues. A smile formed once more on his tiny face, and he wriggled so as to settle himself further. When completely comfortable, and prepared for the long haul, he became completely still, expectant face still turned upward even as his mother continued to groom him. Whenever Piety spoke, she had Sven's attention wrapped completely around her claw. It didn't matter what the subject was, he always found it fascinating and her voice never failed to soothe him.

With a quiet yip, and a confident, "muhma," he let her know that he was indeed ready.
(This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2015, 09:20 PM by Sven.)