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Pouring the Fuel, Fanning the Flames — Broken Timber Pines 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
for mama @Nova <3

- evening, Mist - 34 ° F/1 ° C

Although the days had gotten warmer, it didn't take long for the evening to cool once the sun had set beyond the mountain. The young wolf's shedding fur stood on end, a small shiver running down her spine as she trotted across the border on tired legs, shoulders heavy after a long day of exploring. She hadn't been particularly eager to return home either, though she was tired, there were very few things that drew her back to Broken Timber Pines every night. One of them was the promise of a warm den to protect her from the night cold, even if she had to share it with too many noisy bodies. The other thing that kept her coming back was her mother. Though their interactions were few and brief during the days, Nalda still made sure to curl up close to her dam in the night, cherishing the warmth and sense of safety that reminded her of a time when things were better. In daylight, she did not cry, she did not long for the days when everything was simpler and her family was whole, she didn't mourn her loss. But in those wee hours, when only her mom would know, she sometimes whimpered in her sleep, or buried her face in scruffy dark fur, to seek the only comfort she had.

Perhaps her isolation was a result of the abandonment she had suffered, it could be that she enjoyed no one's company because she had no trust left to offer, no faith that they would stick around. At least the mothers were still there, to care for their children, but Nalda could never quite loose the fear that one day, they too would be gone. And what about @Eirian? The girl had been drawn by the adult male's charms, but who was to say when he would go the way of all men? @Arion was her solace, like herself, the boy had known abandonment from early on, and they had an understanding she didn't share with anyone else; Without ever speaking it aloud, they knew the feelings of betrayal the other harbored deep inside. But unlike her, the dark lad had not taken to isolation, seeming instead to try and build a new family with those around them. Nalda couldn’t do that, dared not. So she remained a shadow, stalking through the forests, studying silently, only returning home at night.

As she reached the clearing of the pack den, the pup paused, jaws parting in a wide yawn, a shudder running through her body. Likely most of them were already in there, the other kids at least. Dark nose wrinkled, the last thing she was in the mood for right now was late-night playtime. So she sat down were she was, back against one of the larger timber logs that framed the area, heavy lidded eyes turning to the sky, where the moon could just be seen between the drifting clouds.

Word count: 499

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