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Hunger is a Madness of the Mind — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by WildOne who has 15 posts.
Inactive II. Yearling
Nightshade Asurn
And I'll burn all of these suckers right down to hell

The red monster moved silently with ease, fluid moments gliding her across the empty horizon. Ears lifted upon her cranium, and mahogany orbs ever watchful of her surroundings. Nightshade stood stark to some of the plants, but her rusty fur mixed well within the red hues of the Larkcall Lowlands. She observed the place with a feeling of serenity washing over her. Even in the cold months the location held beauty and life, amusing the creature greatly. If only Sabik was here to see this...surely, after a short intelligent converse, he would be able to confirm her thoughts on it being suitable. However, there were still many lands to explore and her hastiness would once more receive a gruff reply. Could she truly help being young and impatient though? Must be something to add to her to do list, for no future Queen should lay out her own fatal fall.

Night frowned, dark lips pulling into a thin line, a single tower swooping to the side before she turned her head. She stood tall, proudly almost, on a small hill. Her tail lifted in the breeze, limply flowing from her legs. Though she appeared grave, the yearling was simply focused and in tune with all around. Her senses on high alert as she slowly lowered herself into a somewhat crouching and somewhat laying like position. There was need for rest, but one could never be too trusting. Perhaps though, it was good to be ready for other reasons, good things did happen during unexpected times, after-all, right?