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Peace Pipe — Drooping Willows 
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Played by becuffin who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ryvet Borden Lyall
For @Elettra/@Angier/Any other Willow Ridge wolves that might want in.

Late Afternoon

This wasn’t the first peace offering he had carried to the Willow Ridge borders and it wouldn’t be the last, he was sure. Black hawthorn, lavender hyssop, salmonberry, white fir and some fragrant cedar twigs so there would be no mistaking where they had come from dangled from his pale jaw as he wove carefullly between the whispy umbrellas of the drooping trees. Any one of them a potential hide away for a wolf that could very well have been ordered to attack him on sight, but he made no attempt to conceal himself - a white flag of peace weaving across copper coloured soil only broken by small patches of green.

He was growing more familiar with the scents about the borders of Willow Ridge, his Uncle’s scent remained, but his brothers was fading. Perhaps he had inherited their fathers itchy feet after all? It would be good to know he wasn’t the only one.

He came to the same scratch marked tree he always did, assuming that this was one of his uncles regular markers he place his bouquet down at the base of the tree and moved a few meters away to take a seat. He often waited to see if any Willow wolf would passed by, but he always seemed to catch them between rounds. It was still a reasonable journey from the Cedarwood to here however and even with the shortcut afforded to him by their former neighbours relocation, he still wouldn’t make it home until the sun was splitting the night sky if he travelled all night. He was going to have to rest somewhere. It may as well be here.

Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

Nicolò hardly ever saw anyone or spoke to anyone inside of the pack, save his sister, Adele. It was even rarer that he would encounter someone outside of the pack. On the one occasion he had done so, it seemed that the woman had been in need of assistance and had been quite dysfunctional. So lately, Nico had made sure to stick close to the territory and do his fair pull of work. Whenever he was asked to do something he would do it, but otherwise he remained content to hunt and do rounds on the borders when he had a spare moment, which lately had been quite a bit. Willow Ridge, while still strong, seemed to be drifting away from one another. It was with a heavy heart that he had to admit this but he was loyal to his family and would never imagine leaving them. His sister knew how he felt about leaving again. While he certainly liked to learn new things about the area around them, he liked knowing that he had a home to return to once he finished his journey.

So today, he had been quick to inform Adele that he was going for a round of the boundaries, as he usually took this time to himself to have his own time to think. Generally, it was a time of self-reflection that helped him better himself. He worked efficiently and quickly through the borders making sure to remain aware of what was going on outside of the borders. As he continued, the heavy scent of herbs clouded his nose. Never having been quite fond the smell of herbs, Nico’s nose wrinkled back in distaste, his pale yellow eyes looking ahead. There at the borders was another wolf, one he was not familiar with and had not seen at the meeting. Considering that the wolf was sitting outside the borders, Nico could only assume that he was a loner, or a wolf from another pack. Perhaps if the herbs had not been there, he would have a better idea of who this man was. Not knowing that Grizzly Hollow was quite the enemy to his pack, Nico’s tail raised slightly, but not overbearingly, "Hello there…is there anything I can do for you?" He blinked at the other man, completely oblivious as to what this meeting could mean for his pack.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
It was becoming more clear each and every day that Ravenna, along with her sister and brother, was growing up far more swiftly then their mother would have liked. Of course, this was not the only time Elettra had felt such a way, fearing that her children that relying on her so much would soon feel as though they no longer required not only her consistent company, but her advice and direction. The Matriarch had little problems when it came to her children, however, as Asriel, Castiel and Deacon had gone off to explore and further spread the name of 'Archer'. Greer and Morganna had remained home, prideful of their territory and their family name, who may one day take charge in her place. There was only one bad egg it seemed in the family, a bad egg which Elettra had otherwise dismissed since the last pack meeting. The mother wonders how who her newest litter would form and where that formation would take them - to stay here at home, another loving family member under the ranks like Nicolo and Adele? Would they explore the world beyond their pack, like Deacon, or to other worlds like Asriel?

Elettra smiles down at her daughter, who waves her tail wildly, her head held high and her tongue lolly from parted, panted mouth. "How far will we go ma?" Ravenna wonders as she hurries along her mother, each of her mother's step mimicked by two or three of her own. Still, she had grown well enough to come along whilst other members of the pack made small hunts, standing far on the side-lines to watch. The hunt excited Ravenna, though traveling and exploring with her mother suited her interest more somehow. "To the borders, but then we must turn around." It was often what her mother said, though never did Elettra allow Ravenna to cross the borders, even with mother at her side. It was 'too dangerous' and Ravenna believed her. How could she not?

It was only when the words of another startled Ravenna that she ducked to her mother's flank who equally stopped and stiffened. Ravenna did her best to show her strength as the most dominant, fearless pup in her litter when she was amongst her siblings and Sven, though with her other she held no ounce of shyness and question. Elettra's nose lifted, sniffing the air and she nudged her muzzle forth, giving Ravenna the 'o.k.' for them to continue forth, where here Nicolo was and an unknown, very pale white wolf - like Sven, only much larger. Ravenna's mouth moved like an 'o'. She had never seen a wolf with two different colored eyes before! "...Your eyes!" She peeps, half under her breath. Though quickly does her mother motion her by a shove at her rump to join Nicolo's side. Ravenna listens and silently moves to tug herself behind her uncle.

"....Surely a Cedar wolf has no business here." Elettra adds this on with her younger brother's question, her head lifting high  and her tail low yet stiff behind her. Elettra did not know that the enemy of her ally, Cut Rock River, had otherwise moved locations. Obviously smelling of the Cedar forest, he had to ether be of this pack or of Rook's little 'gang' which had yet to be told that their pack had finally formed to reinstate Grizzly Hollow, though Rook had formerly suggested that this was likely to pass. Elettra's pale silver gaze shifted, taking note of the cluster of herbs which were settled by the base of one of the various willow trees in her home. The last cluster had been delivered to her and now she could place a face to the wolf who was bringing them. It reminded her of the time when @Angier delivered her simpler gifts and now this Lyall was, but why? After all, he was playing for the opposite team... Still, a sigh passes her lips. She had only known one wolf to hold mismatched eyes and now directly from her blood her children had them. As she looked back at Ryvet, there was no mistaking his relation.
Played by becuffin who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ryvet Borden Lyall

Ryvet had taken a seat and was just about to recline with the dark wolf approached. He paused his descent and turned his head, the steady thump of his tail against the dirt indicating that he was no threat. A smile began to tug the corner of his lips and he was about to answer when another wolf approached. He could already tell this was not someone he should be so casually seated in the presence of and he moved to stand, lowering his head respectfully, his ears turned back and his pink tongue made a quick pass over his nose, resting between casually parted jaws just poking past his lower teeth. An entirely more goofy expression passed his features as the young child peeped and he would have gone so far to bow down to her level had her mother not sequestered her somewhere behind the other wolfs legs.

Her words made it clear he was less than welcome here, and for a moment he had to wonder if he had been nearly as clever as he thought coming here, knowing what he knew. His jaws had closed and his lips were drawn taught in a worried line. But he couldn’t be deterred from trying now. Mustering every ounce of courage he could (and trying to suppress memories of the time he ran from the meadows urinating and screaming ‘WITCH!’) he pulled his lips into more of a nervous grin than an outright grimace. “I-uh… I’ve come to apologise… On behalf of my pack mates. I’m afraid they are quite young and often don’t think before they act. I fear they are far too much for my mother to handle with father being as bad as he is…” and I can’t be everywhere at once. he thought with a displeased grumble to himself. He paused for a moment, his chest heaving as his heart beat in his ears, ready to be run off at any moment before he realised his rudeness.

“But how rude of me!” he suddenly declared. “Mothers stories were so vivid I forgot we haven’t actually met M’am. I am Ryvet. Ryvet Borden Lyall.” He could only hope she wouldn’t run him off straight away. He still had to enquire as to how her daughter fared after her run in with Titan. Another peek at the small child in the background made his tail twitch in the beginnings of an amused wag. It would not surprise him at all if she was the one that had beat up his little brothers pet medic.

Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer
Sorry this took so long.

Nico waited for an answer patiently but before the man at the borders could reply, his sister happened upon them, along with her daughter, Ravenna. It did not seem like Elettra intended to be kind towards this stranger. Not knowing that he was talking to the enemy, Nico could guess as much by his alpha’s greeting. Shielding the child from the scene, the subordinate stepped away so that Elettra could take the lead.

The recorder remained silent as he listened to what both sides had to say. It seemed that this pack had harmed his sister in some way, if they were coming to apologize. Pursing his lips, he remained silent as he waited for his sister to continue. After all, the boy had brought a gift with him in hopes of receiving forgiveness. His pale yellow eyes landed on his sister as she waited for her to respond.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
There seemed to be an ignorant friendliness to the male before her, whos eyes softened for her daughter only to nervously grin upon her own reaction towards him. Had he not known the standings their were between Lyall and Archer-Lyall, as it were? It was hard knowing that their was somewhat of a struggle between 'Borden's Lyalls' and 'Angier's Lyalls' though none the less the stupidity of Rook's demands had reflected the stupidity of his old man a long time prior. It was without a doubt who Elettra's alliances favored when it came to the two brothers, though it was left to be determined exactly where this Lyall's allegiance remained...

Quickly however, the young pale man made himself known, speaking an apology for his pack mates - his younger siblings. With his words, Elettra knew now for certain what group he was with, that he was the son of Jaysyek and Borden. Though an eternal burning rage was set in her bones for what she considered Borden's betrayal to his family and pack mates, a swirling in her pit and a softening in her heart was mustered for Jaysyek, a friend which she had not seen in so very long. She was here, after all, somewhere and hiding in the deep depths of the Cedarwood Forest where she could no longer reach... According to this man, Rook Lyall had acted out on his own, not by the hand of Borden and not by the will of Jaysyek. Rook himself was a newer, younger version of problems... Elettra is silent for a time, even after Ryvet offers his name to her. Elettra's eyes dance to her brother and daughter. Ravenna's tail waves ever delicately in response to Ryvet's own movements as she looks over how pretty she was, though was weary of the man she did not know.

"Elettra Archer," The Matriarch speaks as she finally turns her attention back towards the Lyall son. "And this is my daughter, Ravenna and brother Nicolò." Other then this, the woman was lost for words. It was a kind sentimate for him to come here to apology, which allowed her to know their pack was broken. Not all had agreed on what Rook had done, causing a rift... Though what more could she do with this? Rook seemed to be at the head of this table and if he had not intention of mending the damage between them, hearing it from his subordinates, older brother or not, would never right the wrong.