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Let them come if they dare — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Caroline who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Peirus Asurn
ooc: @Craw backdated 10/19/15. Evening, partly cloudy, 45°F. Peirus is approaching the border from the west-southwest.

Peirus was nothing if not a man of his word; he had not abandoned his resting place until well after miss @Morganna had made her exit from the Lagoon. There he had found a peaceful place to rest after his travels, had hunted plenty of food, and had enjoyed access to plenty of water (though he had first been forced to wait for the water to clear; Morganna's tangle with the surgeon had seemingly set every scaled creature below the surface into a momentary panic, leaving the water so muddied that it was for a time more of a bog than the lovely mirror it was at all other times.) But Peirus had roused himself with the dawning of the ides, and now the pretty Lagoon was well behind him.

Now he was more concerned with tracking down Morganna's pack. He had a keen memory for verbal directions - only a fool did not cultivate one if he was born without it, and Peirus was neither bereft nor a fool - and soon found himself nearing lands that had been marked recently by more than one wolf. It would seem the dark-furred young woman had not been deceitful, after all; if he ran into her again, perhaps he would remember to apologize for thinking otherwise. It was the gentlemanly thing to do.

For now his mind focused on the task at hand. First and foremost, he wanted all the information he could gather concerning this pack before he made the decision to waste any energy hunting down a suitable gift for the Alphas of this land. He would not cross their borders; it was an unnecessary risk to take, and he did not need to intrude upon their lands outright before he even had some idea of how much territory he may be forced to run through should things turn out... unfavorably. One or two mutts would be no trouble for the Asurn. An entire pack, on the other hand, could prove problematic - and Peirus rather needed all five of his extremities attached to him if he did not want to rework his grand schemes to allow for an unexpected dismemberment.

He kept close to the border, never straying closer or farther than a foot or two from it as he paced along the perimeter of the Willow pack's lands. His eyes remained fixated on the trees beyond the invisible barricade of scent and pack law. Come and find me, little mice, he invited the inhabitants silently. You will not find a mewling coward here, nor any pretty dithyramb to weasel my way in. If he was met with welcome, he might give more thought to joining this band of mutts - but should he be met with violence, his teeth and claws were at the ready.

For where the fighting is hardest, there will I be. He allowed a grin to tug briefly at his maw before schooling his expression back into one of careful neutrality. Come along then, little ones. Peirus has come knocking on your door - or did your wretched mother never bother to teach you proper manners?

Word Count: 518

(This post was last modified: Oct 20, 2015, 07:54 AM by Peirus.)