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Celebrate the way the night hides scars. — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by Maeby who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mahle psyxḗ
Clear skies, 72F, late evening. @Anneliese :)

Mahle's task was simple, locate the magic mushroom. It wasn't a matter of if Celandine was willing to try it or not at this point, the medic herself was curious! Her last pack had talked highly of the strange vegetation, and even included it in certain rituals! They spoke of it as a doorway leading directly to the almighty spirits. The tawny female had always been blessed with hearing said deities, though actually having them in her sights would be a whole new miracle! After all, she had words for the sneaky little beasts. Ones that could only best be portrayed face to face. But of course her princess ingesting the shroom as well would be a huge bonus. 'Oh, Celandine..' she rolled her leafy-green eyes.

Cloudy memories had resurfaced the Psyxḗ's brain in the morning hours, though she was only able to regain bits and pieces. The fungus was commonly found amongst moist area's, making Dragonfly Fen a perfect location to scope out. Though their actual name, or even appearance remained a mystery. What was she supposed to do? Eat every different species of mushroom she encountered? 'Some shrooms are poisonous, I could get sick! Or.. Die!' she shivered. Surely the plant wasn't that important. Was it? Unfortunately it might as well of been, for Mahle felt as if she'd only prosper in her spiritual journey with the strange food in her possession.

"Gah! This is impossible!" the 'priestess' screamed, knowing the likeliness of having company was slim to none. Too bad, because what she really needed was someone familiar enough with the area to guide her on the search. "Fffffffff."

Word count: 272

I play among the stars and then fall so low.

Mahle Psyxḗ
(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2015, 02:07 AM by Mahle.)
I'm a mountain that has been moved,
I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run.
I'm a preacher with no pulpit,
Spewing a sermon that goes on and on.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 79 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anneliese Schroder
hey, would you mind shooting for practicing/teaching lp?? anna is always up for learning!
i also can't promise that anna won't totally be crushing on mahle by the time this thread is done, she is such a doll! so brace yourself xD;

Anneliese was becoming extremely familiar not just with her own home, but with the farther laying territories that surrounded it as well. Her paws covered and incredible amount of ground each and every day, and the adventurous lass missed not a single detail about the land she traversed. Scouting was definitely a forte of hers, and she found herself taking up the role more often than not. Yet it wasn't the position she coveted. The girl had decided to work not just toward being a guardian, but specializing as a vigilante. It was the closest thing Oak Tree Bend offered to what had been her life back with her natal pack, before the sickness had scattered her beloved kingdom and thrust her into the open world.

Thus, she began to split her time more evenly between wandering and stay home. She still could not be kept from soothing her itchy paws with travel, but yearned to earn this title swiftly and thus put in the hours in the forest patrolling the borders and using her muscle to her royalty's advantage. Today was not a day for collecting renown as the pack's bouncer, however. Having spent too many days in one place in a row, she was driven south to the fen.

It was a long time before she discovered another soul,  the sky beginning to darken with the end of the day. The fireflies were making themselves known, lifting up out of the cattails and floating lazily along the ground, blinking on and off. Anneliese's beryl eyes peered through the growing gloom to spy the scent that had been lingering in the air for quite a while now. She was a gorgeous little thing, with soft eyes and a sort of light about her. Thoroughly intrigued, the blonde woman pressed onward, drawing closer. Her rounded ears snapped forward as the other girl spoke aloud to herself, clearly frustrated by something.

"Hello miss," she spoke up, finally breaking her silence as she came within conversation-distance of the green-eyed girl. "Could I possibly assist you with something?"
Played by Maeby who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mahle psyxḗ
Sounds good to me! :D
Mahle is in need of romantic experience of any kind, so I completely support this! :D Thank you by the way :)! I've always been a fan of Anna!

Mahle's life hadn't fallen anything short of stressful since she'd departed the comforts of her birthplace, so it could almost come to no shock that her sudden company had managed to startle her. Swiftly turning around to meet the other wolf's gaze, the yearling felt a bit of a tremble come on from inside herself. Who was this woman? Perhaps someone Celandine had sent out to scold her? No, couldn't be. The stranger smelt nothing of home, and her princess's mind hadn't been right enough as of late to even consider any sort of punishment toward her recruit. So, who then? "O-Oh, H-hello.." her tail curled neatly between her hind legs as she dreadfully awaited further interaction.

'Assist me with something...?' Had the female overheard something meant only for Mahle's own ears? How embarrassing! "Ah, I uhm.. Don't always talk to myself, I promise.." she sighed, letting her dim green eyes grace along the fen's marshy landscape. There was no way she'd be able to ask the woman for help, how could she? There weren't even proper words to describe what the yearling had been out here doing, not without appearing absolutely insane! 'Hello, Yes could you help me locate a rather specific breed of mushroom? I'm trying to get high..' she grunted, deciding that maybe this time a little white lie wouldn't be the worst idea ever. "Ah, no. Just came out here to familiarize myself with the vegetation! It's tougher than I'd originally expected!" though she had appeared to be searching for something, maybe with a little luck that bit could be swept under the rug.

Word count: 268

I play among the stars and then fall so low.

Mahle Psyxḗ
I'm a mountain that has been moved,
I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run.
I'm a preacher with no pulpit,
Spewing a sermon that goes on and on.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 79 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anneliese Schroder
As suddenly as the other girl swiveled around and as wide as those muted eyes got, Anneliese knew she had startled the poor dear and offered a sheepishly apologetic smile. Her posture was left open, her defenses a bit lower than usual given the subdued aura that emanated from the woman. Anneliese did not suspect secrets nor any trace of malice within her, and thus felt much safer around this lithe girl than she would have been around any usual stranger. The submission and mild fear that then drenched Mahle's being urged Anneliese to soften her own appearance, rounding ears hovering just above the back of her skull as she lowered her head, bright emeralds peering up at the other woman as each subtle, well-meaning paw step brought the two closer.

"There's nothing wrong with thinking aloud," she encouraged with another warm smile. "I'm pretty familiar with this area, and have a decent grasp on the plants that flourish here. I'd love to lend a paw," and how she hoped this fairy would take her up on the offer, "one herbal scholar helping another?"
Played by Maeby who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mahle psyxḗ

The particularly warm aura that radiated off of this new stranger was almost instant comfort to Mahle, and she reluctantly made attempts to lower her defenses a bit. Recalling all past scenario's in which another wolf had startled her whilst she was out and about, the priestess made a quick mental note to just start expecting such unfortunate coincidences. They were inevitable at this point, though never purposely accomplished. The cream-pelted woman, along with every other encounter, meant no harm. Accidents happen from time to time. Shrugging off the event, the yearling studied through her company's appearance once more.

The woman's uplifting view on Mahle's silly habit was rather pleasing, and she couldn't help but allow her tail to express how happy she was to finally hear someone be so accepting of the quirk. "Strange to catch something other than taunts, I appreciate it." Smiling back, and listening to what the stranger had to further state, the priestess thought of ways to use her help as an advantage. "Ha, I wouldn't quite describe myself as a scholar, though that's awfully kind of you!" She giggled, basking in her previous amateur encounters with medicines. "I'd love your help, in fact, perhaps I even need it at this point." A hard thing to admit, though to a stranger perhaps not the most shameful thing she'd done as of late. "My name's Mahle, medicine wolf for silent moon plateau, part time priestess." she winked, wondering how the woman would take to such an absurd statement.

Word count: 252

I play among the stars and then fall so low.

Mahle Psyxḗ
I'm a mountain that has been moved,
I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run.
I'm a preacher with no pulpit,
Spewing a sermon that goes on and on.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 79 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anneliese Schroder
Anneliese found herself cocking her head ever so slightly to the right as Mahle's beginning line nodded toward the frequency of being made fun of she was accustomed to. The confusion lie in the simple fact that the paladin couldn't imagine who could ever look upon such a darling face and spit jeers. But as the girl's tail picked up, so did Anna's, glad to find that she could be an unusual spot of light for the other wolf. Her mellifluous titter further lifted her spirits, and she found herself swiftly becoming quite twitterpated with the younger lady. She graciously accepted the Bend subordinate's assistance, and Anna knew she wouldn't mind at all if she was needed to help forage the rest of the day and into the night, so long as they could talk through it all and she could learn more about the fay.

Immediately the other woman gave her quite a few morsels of information for her mind to gnaw upon, the first being her name, a soft and subtly lovely word that was immediately committed to memory. Least important was the mention of her pack, though as an unofficial scout this should have been at the heart of her intrigue. Silent Moon Plateau was not a title she had come upon before, and it could be pondered whether or not anyone else in her pack was aware of this other settlement's existence. Yet thoughts of her woodland home were far from her mind now.

"Anneliese Schroder, subordinate of Oak Tree Bend, at your service," she returned mannerfully.

Priestess was the most fascinating bit, which Anna wanted to explore further. Her natal pack had instilled a mild religion within her, the monarchs having claimed divine right of rule. Yet it hadn't been central to the nation's life, and Anna found herself hardly thinking of God and his agents these days.

"Priestess?" she repeated in a breath, her golden face alight with pure curiosity. "Of what religion?" It didn't matter if it was one she could believe or not; just as she knew she would give her time freely to this girl to aid her in her herbal quests, Anneliese also would listen at any length to the details of Mahle's faith. "Ah, though first, I suppose you should inform me of what exactly you're looking to learn about the flora here? Then we could converse as we travel..."
(This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2015, 06:31 AM by Anneliese.)
Played by Maeby who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mahle psyxḗ

Mahle made note of the strangers name, and even took a moment to admire it. "Anneliese.." she smiled. "I'm sure you hear this enough as is, but that's truly a beautiful name."  dipping her head to show respect, Mahle also made note of the pack she resided in. 'Oak tree bend... Huh..' still being rather new to the area, the priestess had never heard of the group.. Though it'd be useful to know she had an ally residing within them if she ever found herself in trouble around their location. "P-pleased to meet you, Anneliese."

The medicine wolf couldn't help but grin as her new acquaintance showed curiosity toward her spirituality. "Fýseis áv̱ra" standing rather proud, it had been a while since Mahle got to use her family's dialect. "It's a nature based religion, very peaceful." her tail wagged as she spoke, spirituality being the one and only thing that could get her riled up so fast. She wasn't  allowed to express ther faith back home, making it all the more important for her to talk about it whenever she could with strangers.

Mahle's smile widened more as her opportunity showed it's face in the conversation. "Hmm, Well I'm sort of new at all of this you see.." she hoaxed a confused expression, knowing just how to get her way at this point. "I know basic herbs, though I'm rather new at this so I'm afraid that's as far as my knowledge extends.." she frowned. "Perhaps you could fill me in on the rarer plants growing around here? If it's not too much trouble.."  

Word count: 264

I play among the stars and then fall so low.

Mahle Psyxḗ
I'm a mountain that has been moved,
I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run.
I'm a preacher with no pulpit,
Spewing a sermon that goes on and on.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 79 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anneliese Schroder
She's looking for shrooms, right?

Rarer. Anneliese's mind set to buzzing, going through the decently thick catalog of information that she had gathered during her time here. Medicinal means were not her favorite, but a vital skill to have all the same, and thus a set held securely under her belt. She was, in fact, quite the jack of all trades, a thing which might lead others to think she had been indecisive as a youth when seeking her profession. This was far from the truth, however; ever since she could recall, the blonde Schroder had known that her purpose lay in protecting others. She was a guardian, a knight above all else, yet she had not been able to fill that niche here in the Bend. At least, not yet. So for now, it was these other abilities that were honed. Scouting, to sate her wanderlust, and herbology, out of necessity.

"Well, you may know of Black Hawthorne and Ergot, then," she mused allowed as they walked, beryl eyes searching the wilderness around them for ideas. "Ginger is more so specific to this area as well as the Red Sea," she continued, her own nickname for her favorite forest slipping out without a thought. "Your interest is strictly medicinal? Or are you inclined to learn of poisons, as well?"

Anneliese was far more familiar with toxins, given her profession of old, though she had yet to meet a wolf within these lands that shared such interest. Everyone looked to heal, which was a nobler pursuit. She would not relinquish her practice, however; not all villains deserved the gutting that herself and Drestig had given to Garmr.

"I'm willing to guess the former, given what you've said of your religion. I'd like to hear more about fýseis áv̱ra, if you don't mind."

(This post was last modified: Oct 24, 2015, 07:47 PM by Anneliese.)